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This exposition of the book of
Daniel is the closing and crowning work by Rev. Clarence
Larkin, a servant of God, whose life was wholly devoted to
the study, teaching, and preaching of God’s precious word.
During the more than forty years of his quiet, but blessed
ministry as a pastor and teacher, he made a very faithful
use of his time and opportunity to thoroughly study the
whole counsel of God as embodied in the Scriptures, not only
for his own heart, but in order to help others as fully as
possible to know their Lord and Saviour.
Calling to his aid the best books on the exposition of the
Bible by the ablest scholars and teachers of this and other
days, and depending upon the Holy Spirit for needed
illumination, the author obeyed the conviction that it was
the will of God to pass on to the Church of Christ the
results of the years of his enrichment in the knowledge of
God and of His word. At the sacrifice of time, pleasure,
strength, and financial profit, he gave himself to prepare,
not only this book on ‘Daniel,’ but also a book on
“Revelation,” “Second Coming of Christ,” “Rightly Dividing
the Word,” and “Dispensational Truth,” without doubt the
best book of Bible charts that is printed.
Suffering in body, yet strong in the power of the Holy
Spirit, Rev. Larkin pressed on till this book of Daniel was
completed, then His loving Saviour and Lord said “Come home
and rest with Me.”
Through this consecrated servant, the Lord has given to His
Church a wealth of wisdom concerning His redemptive
counsels, in such form that every believer may be greatly
aided in the study to show themselves approved unto God,
workmen who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word
of truth.
The writer of this note thanks God for the great blessing to
his own life and ministry through his intimate acquaintance
with Rev. Larkin, and with his teaching, and heartily
commends this volume now dedicated to the Lord and to all of
His blood bought ones.
Our prayer is that every reader may be greatly blessed, like
Daniel, in being given “understanding” of the counsels of
God concerning the present and future evil times, and the
glories of Christ which are yet to be manifest.
Yours in His Service,
Founder of the Bible Institute
of Pennsylvania
The Bible is unlike all other
religious books in that it bases its “Authenticity,”
“Authority,” and “Inspiration” on PROPHECY. All other
religious books contain no predictions as to the future. If
its authors had attempted to foretell future events, their
unfulfillment would long ago have discredited their
writings. Prophecy is –
and proves the foreknowledge of God. This the Prophet Daniel
opened to the heathen king, Nebuchadnezzar, in his
interpretation of the king’s “Dream”–
“The Great God hath made known to the king what shall come
to pass HEREAFTER: and the ‘Dream’ is certain, and
the interpretation thereof SURE.” Dan. 2:45. |
Prophecy is twofold, “descriptive” and “predictive.” The
prophets were both “forth-tellers” and “fore-tellers.” They
had both “insight” and “foresight.” Their prophetic
utterances were not the deductions of reason, but were
imparted to them by the Holy Spirit –
“For the ‘Prophecy’ came not in old time by the ‘will of
man’: but Holy Men of God spake as they were MOVED
BY THE HOLY GHOST.” 2 Pet. 1:21. |
The importance of the study of the “Prophetic Scriptures” is
seen when we recall that two-thirds of the Scriptures are
prophetic, either in type, symbol, or direct statement, and
that more than one-half of them are as yet unfulfilled; and
as those that have been fulfilled were literally fulfilled,
as the promises in reference to the “First Coming” of
Christ, so those as yet unfulfilled, will be as literally
fulfilled. If then we would know the “MIND OF GOD” as to the
future we must study the “Prophetic Scriptures,” or remain
in that class that the Apostle Peter speaks of as
being-“WILLINGLY IGNORANT,” so as to claim “ignorance” as an
excuse for conduct. 2 Pet. 3:3-8. We are living in a “Dark
World,” and we need the “SURE WORD OF PROPHECY” to LIGHT us
over the stormy “Sea of Time.” 2 Pet. 1:19. When men see
that God has a “Plan and Purpose in the Ages” they will take
heart and not be discouraged by the things that are taking
place on the earth in these days.
But we must not forget that – “No prophecy of the Scriptures
is of any private interpretation.” 2 Pet. 1:20. That is, no
prophecy is to be interpreted by itself, but in harmony with
the whole body of prediction on any given subject. It is not
to be interpreted to suit the theory of any “cult.” The
“Grasshopper Method” of interpretation or exegesis must be
avoided. There is no form of evil doctrine or practice that
may not claim apparent Scriptural sanction and support from
isolated passages taken out of their context, but no
erroneous doctrine can ever find support in the Word of God
when the whole united testimony of the Scriptures is weighed
against it.
The prophecies are not to be “allegorized” or
“spiritualized.” God expounds prophecy by literally
fulfilling it in every detail. For illustration, when God
said to Abraham –
“Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a
land that is not theirs, and shall serve them: and
they shall afflict them FOUR HUNDRED YEARS: and also
that nation, whom they shall serve will I JUDGE (by
Plagues): and afterward shall they come out with
great substance,” (see Ex. 12:35-36) Gen. 15:13-14, |
did He mean that Abraham’s seed should enter into some
spiritual experience which would cause great mental
disquietude and heart searching, out of which they would
emerge richer in experience and spirituality, or did He mean
exactly what the words literally imply? Let the history of
their experience in Egypt, as recorded in the first twelve
chapters of Exodus, answer. There was nothing allegorical in
the whips of the Egyptian Taskmasters, nor spiritual in the
double tale of bricks. The Divine law of prophetical
interpretation is, that the prophecy will be literally and
in exact detail fulfilled.
The requirements of a genuine prediction are five in number.
1. It must have been made known PRIOR to its fulfilment.
2. It must be beyond all HUMAN FORESIGHT.
3. It must give DETAILS.
For illustration, there were 16 detailed prophecies in
reference to Christ’s First Coming that were literally
fulfilled during the last week of His life, as follows –
1. Sold for 30 pieces of silver. Zech. 11:12.
2. Betrayed by a friend. Psa. 41:9.
3. Forsaken by His Disciples. Zech. 13:7.
4. Accused by false witnesses, Psa. 35:11.
5. Dumb before His accusers. Isa. 53:7.
6. Spit upon and scourged. Isa. 53:5.
7. Hands and feet pierced. Psa. 22:16.
8. His garments divided by lot. Psa. 22:18.
9. Mocked by His enemies. Psa. 22:7-8.
10. Given gall and vinegar. Psa. 69:21.
11. Prayed for His murderers. Isa, 53:12.
12. Not a bone broken. Psa. 34:20.
13. Crucified with thieves. Isa. 53:12.
14. His forsaken cry. Psa. 22:1.
15. His side pierced. Zech 12:10.
16. Buried as a rich man. Isa. 53:9. |
Now according to the law of “Compound Probabilities” there
was one chance in 65,536 that all these prophecies would
head up, or be fulfilled, in the same individual. And when
we consider that these prophecies were made by different
prophets during a period of 600 years, and half of them
about 1000 years before Jesus was born, and notice how they
dovetail together with such marvellous accuracy to describe
the betrayal, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus, we cannot but
admit that the men who foretold those incidents must have
been indwelt by the “Spirit of God.”
The student of Prophecy must learn to “Rightly Divide the
Word.” While all Scripture is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction (2 Tim. 3:16-17),
and was written for our learning, it is not all addressed to
us. Part of it is addressed to the “JEWS,” part to the
“GENTILES,” and part to the “CHURCH.” These three constitute
the “Three Classes” into which humanity is divided. 1 Cor.
10:32. The “Jews” and “Gentiles” are distinct from each
other, while the “Church” is composed of both, but as a “NEW
BODY.” Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18; Gal. 3:27-28; Col. 3:10-11.
The Church is not a subject of prophecy but of Revelation.
The burden of prophecy is the Jews, Palestine, Jerusalem,
and the Messiah. Therefore it is very important in studying
the Scriptures not to give to the “Church” what belongs to
the “Jews” or “Gentiles,” and vice versa. The “Church” is
not seen in the Old Testament. It treats only of the “Jews”
and “Gentiles.” The Old Testament chapter headings are
misleading. They do not belong to the text but were put
there by the publisher. For illustration, take the chapter
headings of Isaiah 43 and 44, which read-“The Lord
comforteth the ‘Church’ with His promises.” The very first
verse of those chapters refutes the heading, distinctly
saying that the chapter is addressed to “ISRAEL,” not the
“Church.” If we want to know about the “Church” we must
confine ourselves to the New Testament, and there to the
Acts and the Epistles. The entire history of God’s chosen
people “Israel” is given in the Scriptures. They are an
earthly people. From their call in Abraham to the present
time is history. Their regathering, repentance, and
restoration to their own land, and their future earthly
glory is the subject of prophecy. The prophetic history of
the “Gentile Nations” is outlined in the Book of Daniel, the
book we are about to study. This “Present Evil Age” and the
manner of its ending is also the subject of prophecy. It
behooves us therefore if we would know about the future
events that are to come to pass on the earth that we should
be students of prophecy. Men and women resort to fortune
tellers, clairvoyants, and mediums to get information as to
the future, when they have the “more sure word of prophecy.”
Because of the neglect of the study of Prophecy the
Scriptures have fallen into disrepute, and scepticism and
infidelity have become widespread, and an unscriptural
optimism as to the world growing better is heard on every
side. The neglect of the “Prophetic Word” leaves man
ignorant of “God’s Plan and Purpose as to the Ages,” and
makes him the easy prey of all the lying inventions and
delusive “Cults” of the day. The only cure for the
rationalism of the day is the study of Prophecy. The book we
are about to study is a “Prophetic Foreview” of the “Gentile
Nations” and their last great ruler – THE ANTICHRIST.
