John’s Baptism
Jesus’ Baptism
Gospel Kingdom
Christian Church Gathered
Unity of the First Church
Character of the First Members
Circumcision and Baptism
Testimonies of the Fathers
Subjects of Baptism
Manner of Baptizing
Subjects of Baptism
"From the
days of John the Baptist till now, the kingdom of heaven
suffereth violence, and the violent taketh it by force."—Matt.
xi. 12.
ECCLESIASTICAL history must ever prove an interesting subject to
every true lover of Zion. Not only does every saint feel
personally interested in her blessings, but he solicitously
wishes and prays for their diffusion, as widely as the miseries
of man prevail. Psal. lxxiii. 19. Feelings of holy jealousy are
awakened within the bosom of each of Zion's offspring, for the
success and purity of that cause, in which all his soul is
enlisted: emotions, therefore, of pain or pleasure, will
accompany all his discoveries in historic details, in proportion
as he views his adorable Lord honored or dishonored, by the
obedience or disobedience of his professed followers.
Among those duties clearly revealed, and which the…
Testament enjoins on the disciples of our Redeemer, BELIEVERS'
BAPTISM holds a very conspicuous place. This ordinance was
particularly regarded in the days of the Redeemer and his
apostles with their successors, and no satisfactory reason can
be assigned for its perversion or neglect. Its importance has
occasioned some kind of attention from the general body of
professed Christians in every after age, though its scriptural
character has been observed and perpetuated by one class or
branch of the professing church, while other sections
degenerated into the most unscriptural customs and heathenish
rites. In ancient and modern times, it has been the apple of
strife, as to its place and importance in the divine economy. By
the great body of disputants, it has been diverted from the
subject to which the Scriptures assigned it (Acts 8:37, and
18:8,) from various motives, all which have made it to convey
the essentials of purity and spiritual life. Yet it has a
scriptural aspect and import, for which we contend; and our
desire is, to be found succeeding in spirit, views, and
practice, those Christians who, under different names, and in
various parts of the world, contended earnestly from apostolic
days. Our design is, to trace and record the existence and
practice of those Christian societies, which scripturally
administered the ordinance, and this we hope to do, from the
Jewish Jordan to the British Thames.
The first mention of this divine ordinance is found in Matthew
the third. John, the son of Zechariah, is allowed to have been
the first administrator of it. The way of John's administering
the ordinance occasioned his being called THE BAPTIST.* The
novelty of John's ordinance,…
word Baptist, as distinguishing now a class of Christians, was
given to express the act of John in administering the ordinance,
and this term left by the Holy Spirit, without translating, is
the only scriptural cognomen for that sacrament, and which has
been through all ages, used to distinguish those who followed
the first example. M'Knight, Gill on Matt. iii, 1. The Koran has
rendered the word to dip; and total immersion is frequently
enjoined in the Mahometan code. See Sale's Koran, vol. 1, sec.
4, p. 138, &c. Pococke's Description of the East, vol. 2., b. 2,
chap. 8, p. 120. Pitt's Relig. and Manners of the Mahometans,
pp. 80-82. The word baptize is rendered in all ancient versions
of the Scriptures to dip. See Greenfield's Def. of the Seramp.
Marrh. version, pp. 39-44. Dr. Ryland's Candid Statement: notes
at the end.
the prevailing expectation among the Jewish community of his
sustaining some important embassy, rather than the
doctrines he preached, attracted the attention of multitudes
inhabiting Judea.* Many were reformed by John's ministry, and
agreeably to his terms were admitted to his A.D. baptism. "And
there went out unto him all the
land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all immersed of
him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins," Mark 1:5. Some
Pharisees became candidates for this ordinance, when John
inquired into their motive, assuring them, that their parents'
holiness would now avail them nothing, neither could he confer
the ordinance on account of any promise made to their believing
father; but that each candidate must bring forth the fruits of
repentance, as an indispensable qualification for the New
Testament dispensation ordinance. John's extraordinary
proceedings occasioned some inquiry among the leaders of the
nation, seeing he had introduced a new ordinance into society...
Some have asserted that immersion could not have been practised
in Judea from scarcity of water; but, "the Lord thy God bringeth
thee into a good land, d land of brooks of water, of fountains
and depths, that spring out of the valleys and hills, Deut.
viii. 17. Ezek. xix. 10. Joseph. Wars, b. 1, c. 16, b. 5, c. 4,
which confutes the objector, since Judea was to be different to
Egypt in this very point, Deut. xi. 10.
a religious aspect, John 1:25. The deputation from the Sanhedrim
made inquiries of John, who assured them he received his
commission from heaven. John 1:21; Matt. 21:25.* That his
ordinance was appointed to make the Messiah and his adherents
manifest to Israel. John 1:31. He also required of the
deputation an acknowledgment of its heavenly origin by their
obedience, and in order to express their desire of escaping the
wrath to come. Matt. 3:7, which they refusing, excluded
themselves from the privileges of the gospel kingdom, Luke 7:
John, having exercised his ministry about six months, was
visited by Jesus of Nazareth, who came as a candidate for
baptism. John hesitated, but when he understood that the
ordinance constituted part of "the righteousness" † in the new
dispensation, they both descended into the river Jordan,‡ and
John became the administrator. John and…
Had Jewish proselyte baptism been in use at this period, this
inquiry would not have been made, nor would the rulers have felt
any difficulty in answering the Redeemer, Matt. xii. 25. Some of
the rabbins speak of John as being the innovator of this rite,
and affirm the newness of its character. When proselyte baptism
came into use, is not known: the proselyte dipped himself, but
his posterity was not subject to the rite; no repentance, faith,
or belief was required. If it existed, there is no part of
scripture for the practice; and if it belonged to the Jewish
dispensation, all ceremonies were abrogated by Christ's death.
Yet this rite is said to be the "basis of infant baptism." Many
able divines, as Owen, Jennings, Benson, &c., declare the
absence of such rite in the Jewish church. See this ably handled
in Gale's Reflect. on Wall, and Appendix, edit. 1820.
† See an admirable little tract
by Prof. Crawford, of Mercer University, Ga., on "The Baptism of
Jesus," showing what righteousness Christ fulfilled, and also an
exegesis upon the phrase baptism of repentance for the remission
of sins, published by the Tenn. Pub. Society.—ED.
‡The river Jordan is an
interesting object. It was divided by divine power for Israel,
Elijah, and Elisha. By dipping in this water, Naaman was cured.
It was the place of John's ministry, and of attesting the
Messiah's character. "Some stripped and bathed themselves in
Jordan, others cut down boughs from the trees; every one
employed himself to take a memorial of this famous stream: the
water was turbid and too rapid to be swam against. For its
breadth, it might be about twenty yards over: and in depth, it
far exceeded my height."—Maundrell's Journey, &c., p. 111.
Madden's Travels in Syria, &c., vol. ii., lett. 38, p. 307.
exercised their ministry for a short time to the same people,
and during the same period both administered the ordinance, John
iv. 1. But the multitudes which attended John's ministry awaken
in Herod's mind apprehensions of a revolt, he consequently shut
up John, to prevent any political disturbance,* or rather, as
the evangelists say, his reproving Herod of incest, occasioned
his duresse, and afterwards he removed him by decapitation.
It had been predicted that John should make ready a people for
the Lord. The Saviour declared John as the harbinger of the new
dispensation, and that his ministry had virtually terminated
"the law and the prophets," Luke 16:16, and commenced the gospel
kingdom, Mark 1:1. The instruction given by John to those
persons whom the Saviour chose to discipleship, plainly
fulfilled those predictions, Acts 1:21. These disciples went
forth by his authority to preach and baptize during the
Saviour's personal ministry; and after his resurrection, they
were invested with authority to preach the gospel to all
nations, baptizing those who acknowledge themselves willing
disciples to his doctrines. † On the day of Pentecost they
Josephus' Antiq. b. 18, c. 7.
† The first order given to
the eleven to make converts, to baptize and to teach, was not
confined to the ministers or apostles, but extended to all
capable of rendering aid to the Christian interest. That this
was the construction then put upon that charge, receives support
from the subsequent part of the history; Philip, the
Eunuch—Ananius at Damascus, could equally teach and baptize,
though these were not apostles. Campbell's Lect. On Ecc. Hist.,
p. 68, lect. 4. This view of the Commission was taken by early
dissenters, and the difficulty of baptizing by immersion, 3,000
or 10,000 in one day, finds an easy solution.
Church Gathered
fully qualified, by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for
rightly understanding and correctly executing their Lord's will.
It will be our pleasure to accompany them while in the discharge
of their sacred trust, and to observe carefully for our guidance
how they fulfilled their commission.
The extraordinary circumstances on the day of Pentecost,
occasioned many Jews congregating where the apostles and
disciples met, at which time Peter opened to the Jews the gospel
system of salvation. Three thousand felt the force of truth, and
confessed themselves convinced of the dignity and authority of
Christ as the Messiah; and as a proof of their sincerity, and
the submissive state of their minds to his commands, they arose,
were baptized, and washed away their sins; and the same day were
added unto the church. To which number, in a few days, were
added five thousand more: so that the word of the Lord
prevailed, and the number of the disciples multiplied in
Jerusalem greatly, and a great company of the priests were
obedient to the faith. "So mightily grew the word of the Lord
and prevailed," and "Jerusalem was filled with the doctrine; and
the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one
soul, and great grace was upon them all."
This church of Jerusalem was composed of those only who "gladly
received the word and were baptized. "Their unity of spirit was
their "beauty of holiness." This church so constituted is the
acknowledged pattern or…
of the First Church
by which other Christian churches were formed, 1 Thess. 2:14:
since "the law was to go forth out of Zion, and the word of the
Lord from Jerusalem." This community of Christians was also the
arbitrator in spiritual affairs during apostolic days, and must
be allowed still to be the standard of doctrine and practice to
every Christian church, aided as it was by all the wisdom of
inspired teachers; and particularly since no promise is found in
the Scriptures, allowing us to expect those extraordinary aids,
to qualify any men in forming any other church than the New
Testament presents. This Christian assembly as it was the first,
so it is the mother church in the Christian dispensation.
All the apostles and teachers emanating from this community
sustained the character of holy faithful men. Their knowledge of
divine things was regulated by an unerring guide. They all
agreed in doctrines, duties, and…
Hierarchalists, with others, say, the New Testament presents no
settled form of church government. But the Judean churches were
considered as models by Paul, who praised the Thessalonians for
following their example: nor were the customs of different
people allowed to influence churches in different provinces, but
the teachers of religion throughout the world were to follow
Paul's example. This model imitated, occasioned a harmony in
practice for one hundred years. If there is no form, then the
Scriptures cannot be a perfect rule of faith and practice; each
province, town, or society, may legislate without giving offense
to the King of Zion; and consequently every age, from new
customs, might have a new form of church government. Yet Jesus
Christ has forbidden any thing to be added to his word; and one
feature of the man of sin is, that he should "change laws in
God's temple;" but every plant not of scriptural authority shall
be taken away, and every innovator in Christ's kingdom will meet
with his displeasure. The unity enjoined, the discipline
established, the example left, and the accountability of each
servant for his conduct in the service of God, prove there is a
settled law for our guidance. See Maclean on the Commission, and
Glass's King of Martyrs.
so that from their teaching there was no schism in the body.
However various their talents, into one spirit they had been
made to drink, and by that spirit were all baptized into one
body. A divine spirit actuated the whole community of Christians
and teachers, so that all spoke and taught the same things, 1
Cor. 4:17. This oneness of views about doctrines, duties, and
discipline, admitted the different epistles written by the
apostles, to be of general use to the churches situated in
various provinces of the Roman empire; which has not been the
case, since a diversity of opinions on duties have been adopted
by different communities, and distinctions pleaded, as to
essential and non-essential things.
Stephen the deacon, taught with such force of evidence in his
public preaching, that the enemies of the gospel, incapable of
repelling conviction, resolved on his death. A severe
persecution ensued, which drove many of the disciples from
Jerusalem into other cities and provinces.— These cruel
proceedings against the church were strongly supported by one
Saul of Tarsus, who afterwards, while on a journey for this
express purpose, was arrested by divine interposition, when near
Damascus,* and thus became an eminent disciple and apostle. In
this scattered condition, the disciples went every where
preaching the word. Their efforts were attended with remarkable
success. From their labors, with those of the apostles,
many souls were…
See a description of this city and its waters, with the
coffee-houses, where visitors are entertained on sofas in a
circular court, in the midst of which court is a basin of water,
fountain, &c., &c. This city is said to stand on the Eden of
antiquity. Dr. Pococke's Descrip. of the East, &c., v. ii. b. 2.
ch. 8, p. 113, &c., and a sketch in Robinson's Hist. of Baptism,
ch. 40, p. 614. Pococke gives a description of the baptistry in
the Mosque.
of the First Members
and Christian communities extensively established. Among those
assemblies on record, it is said of
the church of Samaria, "They believed
Philip's preaching the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus, and
were baptized, both men and women." [If children had been
baptized here, the Holy Spirit is an unfaithful historian, and
then the conjunction "both" precludes the then possibility of a
third party.] At Philippi, "Lydia's heart was opened, she and
her household were baptized and comforted," Acts xvi. 40. The
jailer, Crispus, Cornelius, and their households believed, and
were baptized; with the eunuch in the wilderness,* Saul at
Damascus, the Corinthians, Acts 18:8; the Ephesians, Acts xix.
5, all which instances prove believers' baptism, †
The apostles, in writing to different churches, make their
appeal only to responsible persons, nor do they ever allude to
any having received baptism, but such as knew its spiritual
import. Those addressed are termed "saints, sanctified,
justified. God's building, habitation, temple, Christ's body,
spouse," &c. Paul says to the Romans, "know ye not, that so many
of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his
death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death:
that, like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of
See a description of the fountain in which the eunuch was
baptized in Pococke, v. ii., b. 2, c. 11. p. 45, and the
sufficiency of water in some parts of the wilderness, Deut. x.
† "The covenant of peculiarity
was national; but now every one of you distinctly must be
baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and transact for himself
in this great affair."—Henry, on Acts ii. 38. "As God has
appointed saints to be the seal and subject of the ordinance,
having granted the right of them, to them alone."—Dr. Owen's New
Test. Worship, p. 103.
and Baptism
even so we also shall walk in newness of life." He said to the
churches formed throughout the province of Galatia, "For as many
of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ."
The church at Colosse was formed of those who were "buried with
Christ in baptism, and were raised again through the faith of
the operation of God." The Corinthian community was composed of
a diversity of persons; but, "whether Jew or Gentile, bond or
free, they had all been made to drink into one Spirit, and by
that one Spirit were all baptized into one body."— The apostles
having taught the same things in every place, and composed the
churches of similar materials in every province, the same
conclusions enforce themselves on the mind of every inquirer,
that those only who had fellowship in the spirit of the
gospel,-were the only subjects interested in gospel ordinances.
At an early period, abuses crept into Christian churches, which
occasioned apostolic correction. The Judaizing teachers
required the converts of Christianity, from among the Gentiles,
to be circumcised. Now, if the ordinance of baptism had come
into the place of circumcision, the apostles would most
certainly have explained such things to the Christian churches;
and their instruction on this point of discipline, would have
prevented the Jewish rite being added to baptism, and practised
for some time with a New Testament ordinance. When the mixture
of rites was discovered, the apostles, Paul and Barnabas, were
not capable of deciding the point in dispute, so as to rectify
the evil, and satisfy the contending parties, without calling
their brethern together. The Redeemer had assured his disciples,
during his ministry, that their decisions should abrogate any
previous ordinance, or if they imposed new precepts they should
be obligatory.— 49
The disputed point occasioned the elders and disciples to
assemble at Jerusalem. After some consultation, they very
solemnly, and by divine direction, put an end to the covenant
which God had made with Abraham and his posterity; annulling
federal holiness, national distinctions and privileges; securing
a glorious liberty to believers of all nations. This decision
cancelled the seal, circumcision, and left the Jewish people
without a covenant or a promise.
Predictions held forth, that the Jews should be without their
privileges many days, Hos. 3:4. And that God would break the
covenant with all the people, Zech. 11:10. John the Baptist told
the Jews that the axe was laid to their national privileges, and
consequently, refused to admit them to gospel privileges, from
relative considerations. These features of God's intentions were
repeated by Christ, John xv. 2. The synod at Jerusalem had
declared the covenant with Abram void, and circumcision nothing.
But while the Jews could assemble in the temple, a rivalship on
their part was maintained, and a disposition constantly evinced
to persecute the followers of the Lamb. The violent conduct of
the Jews, engaged the emperor's attention, and required all
Nero's cruel policy to
manage. These commotions of the Jews allowed the
Christians to realize a respite from persecution, which the
emperor had commenced for his diversion.
contest had some time existed between the Jews and Syrians,
about Caesarea, which city stood on the confines of both
kingdoms, and was claimed alike by both. The dispute was
referred to Nero, who decided in favor of Syria; on the report
of this decision, the Jews flew to arms,…
of the Fathers
Romans and Syrians, which conduct drew on their countrymen
dwelling in foreign cities and provinces, a retaliating
combined armies of Rome and Syria subdued the Jews, and after a
siege of five months, during which the sufferings of the
besieged were unparalleled, the temple and city of Jerusalem
were destroyed. Eleven hundred thousand lives were lost, and
ninety thousand persons were led into captivity.* The
destruction of the city and
temple, after fifteen hundred years existence, effectually
terminated Jewish distinction.
After the destruction of the Jewish capitol, the Christian
church enjoyed for several years outward peace. Its inward
harmony was often disturbed during this century by advocates of
unscriptural doctrines, whose austerity of manners, and apparent
sanctity of conduct, gave force to their doctrines upon the
unwary.† These circumstances occasioned dissidents, yet at this
period, each party tenaciously held the name of Christian, and
had strong aversions to any other.‡ At the close of the century,
the cruel 96
edicts of Domitian changed the aspect of affairs towards the
We now turn to the writings, next in importance to the sacred
oracles, in order to ascertain the views encouraged by the early
fathers on baptism.
BARNABAS, Paul's companion, (Acts
xiii. 2.) and like him sound in the faith.|| This worthy
minister says on baptism, "Consider how he hath joined both the…
Myers's Hist. of the Jews, c. 5 3.
† Gibbon's Rom. Hist. c. 15.
‡ Bingham's Antiq. of the Chris.
Ch. b. 1, c. 1, s. 6.
|| Toplady's Hist. Proof, v. i..
and the water together; for this he saith. Blessed are they who
putting their trust in the cross, descend into the water."
* * * Again, "We go down into the
water, full of sin and pollutions, but come up again bringing
forth fruit; having in our hearts the fear and hope which is in
HERMES, whom Paul salutes in the church at Rome, (Rom. 16:14.)
writing about A.D. 95, speaking of baptism and backsliders,
says, "They are such as have heard the word, and were willing to
be baptized in the name of the Lord; but when they call to mind
what holiness it required in those who professed the truth,
withdrew themselves." Again, "Before a man receives the name of
the Son of God, he is ordained to death; but when he receives
that seal, he is freed from death, and delivered unto life: now
that seal is water, into which men descend under an obligation
to death, but ascend out of it, being appointed unto life.†
CLEMENS asserts, "that they are right subjects of baptism, who
have passed through an examination and instruction." ‡
was a disciple of John, and acquainted with Peter and Paul. He
was an elder in the church at Antioch. In a discourse on
baptism, he says, "That it [baptism] ought to be accompanied
with faith, love, and patience, after preaching."
Catholic Ep. of Barnabas,
11. p. 292, Dr. Wake's translation.
† Stennett's Ans. to Russen, p.
‡ See Jacob Morningus, in his
Hist. of Bap. p. 2, out of Clem. Epis.; also, Dutch Martyrol,
cent. 1.
Dutch Martyrol, c. 1.'
NOTE.—I am not willing to endorse
the above two fathers as orthodox, or as the contemporaries of
the apostles, still their testimony is conclusive respecting the
action of baptism, assign them to what age we may.—ED.
of Baptism
We will now subjoin a few extracts from the most accredited
historians on the same subject.
Son of God was dipped in the waters of Jordan, by the hand of
John the Baptist. Philip baptized the eunuch in a river. It
seems also, that Lydia and her household at Philippi, were
baptized in a river, at which prayers were usually made."* The
same historians tell us, "they baptized only the adult or aged,
whether Jews or Gentiles:" they also say, "the manner of
baptizing was by dipping or plunging in water, in the name of
the Trinity," so agreeably to the sense of the word, and also by
the allegory of death, burial, and resurrection to which the
apostle alludes. †
Mosheim says, "Whoever acknowledged Christ as the Saviour of
mankind, and made a solemn profession of his confidence in him,
was immediately baptized and received into the church." Again,
"The sacrament of baptism was administered in this century
without public assemblies, in places appointed and prepared for
the purpose, and was performed by the immersion of the whole
body in
the baptismal font." He also states, that "no
persons were admitted to baptism, but such as had been
previously instructed into the principal points of Christianity,
and had also given satisfactory proofs of pious dispositions and
upright intentions:" and now arose the different names of
catechumen and believers, the first being under instruction, in
order to receive baptism, the other had received baptism, and
were members in communion.‡
is plain," says Dr. F. A. Cox, "from the writers of…
Cent. c. 1. I.I. c. 4.
† Id. p. 497 in Denver’s Hist. of
Bap. p. 58.
‡ Hist. c. 1.
century, who will be allowed to have been the earliest next to
the apostles, as Barnabas, Hermes, Clement of Rome, Ignatius,
and Polycarp, and yet not one of these speaks of baptism being
administered to infants."*
One evidence that the religion of the New Testament was from
God, is derived from the progress the cause of truth made when
it was first propagated. † This progress, and consequently, the
evidence upon which it is suspended, entirely depends on the
class of persons initiated into its community. If children were
in any way admitted to the ordinance, a great part of those
numbered amongst the adherents or converts to Christianity, in
this century, must be subtracted, as being from their minority
incapable of judging of its merits. This dilemma we leave with
Paedobaptists. But the account, given by Luke in the Acts, of
various churches collected by the first preachers, are details
of communities made up of persons whose convictions of the truth
decided their choice; and such converts only, establish the full
force of the evidence, that Christianity was divine, and the
triumphs of its truths, rational. This evangelist declares,
chap. 1:3, that he had perfect understanding of all things, from
the very first; and in Acts 1:1, says, his gospel stated "all
that Jesus began both to do and to teach, until the day in which
he was taken up." Yet no allusion is made to the infant write;
we cannot, therefore, assert its existence in the church in his
day, without impeaching Luke's veracity. The historian Gibbon
has endeavored through his work to weaken the evidences brought
forth in favor of the gospel, manifesting a solicitude to lessen
the number of the first…
Bapt. p. 155.
† Benson's Hist. of the first
planting of Christianity.
of Baptizing
Had he been able to have established the point, that children
were admitted into Christian communities,* he would have
employed effectually, that circumstance to lower the triumphs of
the cross. But this. Gibbon could not do, for want of evidence.
At an after period, he discovered children and slaves in
Christian churches, consequently he records their characters, to
exhibit the sublimity of the Saviour's cause, and its rivalship
in numbers with Pagans. Thus Paedobaptism in all ages has aided
infidelity, by lessening the evidences of the gospel, † and
compounding the church of opposing materials, conferring a
spiritual rite on an irrational subject, and allowing a
comparison of its merits and success, with the enterprise of
Mahomet, who enlisted subjects by force, and embraced members
without virtue! ‡
There was no difficulty in administering baptism by immersion.
Mr. Home remarks, "that the bath was always agreeable to the
inhabitants of the East; and it is not at all surprising, that
it should have been so, since it is cooling and refreshing. The
bath is frequented by eastern ladies, and may be reckoned among
their principal recreations. It was one of the civil laws of the
Hebrews, that the bath should be used; Lev. 14:8, 9. We may,
therefore, consider it as probable, that public baths, soon
after the enactment of this law, were erected in Palestine, of
The following item would have suited Gibbon, "We have 900
baptized, and candidates for baptism, and about forty members in
our church." W. Ellis's Mem. of his Wife; Missionary to the
Sandwich Is. p. 91.
† About the middle of the last
century, a work was published, "Christianity irrational from
Paedobaptism," several paedobaptists replied to it, New
Evangelical Mag. 5, 210.
‡ Gibbon's Hist. c. 15. v.
ii. pp. 302 and 309.
similar to that of those, which are so frequently seen at the
present day in the East."* The Greek baths were usually annexed
to the gymnasia, of which pastimes they were considered as part.
The Roman baths were generally splendid buildings. It is said
that at Rome there were eight hundred and fifty-six public
baths; and according to Fabricus, the excessive luxury of the
Romans appeared in nothing more visible than in their baths.
Seneca complains, that the baths of the plebeians were filled by
silver pumps; and that the freedmen trod on gems. Agrippa built
160 places for bathing, where the citizens might be accommodated
either with hot water or cold, free of expense. The baths of
Nero had salt water brought into them. Those of Caracalla were
adorned with two hundred marble columns, and furnished with
sixteen hundred seats of the same materials. Lipsius assures us,
the baths were sufficiently large for 1800 persons to bathe at
the same time. But the baths of Dioclesian surpassed all the
rest in magnificance; 140,000 men were employed many years in
building them. † The rich had baths at home, and frequently very
magnificent ones. In Italy, and in the east, baths on a large
scale are still seen. ‡ In Modem Turkey, as well as among the
ancients, bathing makes part of diet and luxury; so that in
every town and in every village there is a public bath.
S The baths in Persia consist of three
rooms for the accommodation of bathers. The Persians are obliged
to immerse, when they would…
Intro. to the Crit. Study, &c., v. iii. p. 434.
† Howard's Roy. Ency. v. i, Art.
Baths. Potter's Antiq. of Gr. b. I.e. 8., &c. Fosbroke's Ency.
Antiq. vol. i, p. 46.
‡ Lon. Ency. Art. Baths. Adam's Rom. Antiq. pp. 375—81.
Penny Cyclo. Art. Bath. Robinson's History of Bap. c. 9—11.
Lon. Ency.
Art. Bathing.
themselves from any legal pollutions. Persons of distinction
have their own baths in their own houses.*
is thus made plain to the unlettered, that no difficulty existed
in the east in performing baptism by immersion.
Millar's New Geograph. v. i., p. 27, col. 2, fol. Sandy's
Travels in Turkey, &c. Took's Russia. Pococke's View of the