THE comparatively little interest
taken by the world, and even by professed Christians, in
Church History, is truly astonishing. In how small a
proportion of the, not to say libraries, but houses of such
can a book, purporting to be a Church History, be found!
And in what profound ignorance of the history of
Christianity is the world to-day!
That non-professing men should take so little
interest in Church History is indeed strange, that
Christians should be indifferent to it is unaccountably so.
An ancient historian justly remarks:
"Nothing can be more becoming a Christian
than a general knowledge of Church History. It is a
shame, that most of those who profess Christianity should be
acquainted not only with the History of their own country,
but even with that of the remotest nations, which only
serves to satisfy their curiosity; and should at the same
time know nothing of Church History, whence they may draw
such light as may be conducive to their salvation.
What advantage may not be reaped from it? It teaches
us religion, it shows us what we are to believe and
practice, what errors are to be rejected, what things we are
to imitate; it furnishes us with abundance of examples of
heroic virtue, and instructs in duty. It is a great abuse
that the study of it is so much neglected. Men are very
careful to instruct their children in profane history, which
very often only serves to spoil their minds and corrupt
their manners, and they leave them altogether ignorant of
the history of Jesus Christ and his Church. Worldly
people read the ancient and modem histories of nations and
countries, without casting their eyes upon the Gospel, the
Acts of the Apostles, and those historians who have writ
what have happened concerning religion."*
the study of the Bible, the life and teaching of Christ, the
teachings and Acts of his Apostles, what study can or should
be more delightful or more intensely interesting to the
Christian than the study of the history of the churches
which succeeded those planted in the days of the Apostles,
Du Pin, vol. pp. 238-9.
have existed, preserving a pure faith and a pure practice
through centuries of the fiercest persecutions and
martyrdoms, unto this time? Are not Christians
concerned to know whether that prophecy, concerning the
Kingdom of Christ, spoken by Daniel 2:44, has thus far been
fulfilled? If we understand the prophet he foretells the
setting-up of a kingdom in the days of the kings of the
fourth universal Empire the Roman—which was never to be
broken in pieces—utterly disorganized—or given to another
people, but to stand forever and ultimately fill the whole
earth. Was there a kingdom set up in the days of the Caesars
by the God of Heaven? Has that kingdom, or
organizations in all respects similar to it, existed from
the days of Christ until now? And has it been composed of
the same class and character of people during all subsequent
ages until this time?
not Christians to interest themselves to learn the
fulfillment of those promises of Christ himself concerning
his Church and people? "The gates of hell shall not prevail
against it," "lo, I am with you alway even unto the end."
These promises certainly secure the integrity and perpetuity
of churches of Christ in and through all subsequent ages,
even unto the end of this dispensation. Says Dr. S. Miller,
"This promise seems to secure to his people that there shall
be, in all ages, in the worst of times, a substantially pure
Church; that is, there shall always be a body of people more
or less numerous, who shall hold just the doctrines and
order of Christ's house, in some good degree, in conformity
with the model of the primitive Church. Accordingly, it is
not difficult to show that, ever since the rise of the 'Man
of Sin' there has been a succession of those whom the
Scriptures style 'Witnesses for God’-‘Witnesses for the
truth,' who have kept alive 'the faith once declared to the
Saints,' and have in some good degree of faithfulness,
maintained the ordinance and discipline which the inspired
apostles, in the Master's name committed to the keeping of
the Church."*
Christian who reads and so understands this promise, must
feel a painful solicitude touching the history of his
brethren—that company of faithful and true witnesses who
have preceded him—and especially knowing as he does, that
the powers of darkness and the gates of hell have ceased not
in their attempts to prevail against them; that Apostate
Rome, for nearly 1260 years, has employed armies and
crusades, inquisitions and tortures, prisons, famine and the
stake, to break in pieces this…
Recommendatory Letter to Dr. Baird, p. 1.
and utterly exterminate these witness throughout the
world:-to consummate that work which Pagan Rome attempted
ages before him. Will not the Christian ask, who have
been these suffering witnesses during the past eighteen
centuries? In what lands of earth have they been fed for
these twelve hundred and sixty prophetic days,—and by what
countries has the bride or Christ been "nourished from the
face of the serpent—in the mountains and caves, and forests
of what wilderness," has she been securely hid by the
Saviour from their hand?
not the Christian desire to know the gracious manner in
which the Saviour has thus far fulfilled his promise to his
followers in the fearful ages of persecutions past? Will not
the questions rise within him, "How grievous were the
trials, how merciless the persecutions, how intense the
sufferings, how many and great the sacrifices which those
who have kept the testimony of Jesus, have been called upon
to undergo, since the days of the last Apostles,—and what
have been the faith id patience of the Saints during them
having ascertained the sources from whence the history of
such a people can be gathered, will he not be moved, owing
to the present distracted state of Christendom and the
conflicting claims of modern sects, to belong to the family
of Christian churches, to inquire with great carefulness,
"what were the peculiar doctrines which in every age
distinguished this unbroken body of witnesses,—under what
form of Church government did they exist, how did they
observe the ordinances God's house,—did they admit of human
traditions,—did they recognize human legislation in the
churches,—and in what light did they regard, and with what
measure of charity treat lose persons and powers that
opposed them with human and worldly organizations, into
which they sought to coerce men? The right answers to these
inquiries would at once determine which one, of all the
different opposing denominations in this our day, can claim
kindredship with those two witnesses, and are therefore the
legitimate and only surviving heirs to the promises of the
"Lord Messiah," to his Church. Are not these en questions of
paramount concern to all denominations—since, if not from
the New Testament, certainly, from the history of these, the
form, subjects, ordinances and doctrines of the true
Churches of Christ can be learned?
the solutions of the above questions could be ascertained
from the pages of Church history—and they undoubtedly can
from one faithfully written—would they not immensely
strengthen the faith of the Christian? Would they not tend
to add immeasurably to their boldness "and the faithfulness
of their testimony for Christ, to their zeal and sacrificing
in the kingdom and patience of the Saints? Would not the
unshrinking faith, the heroic virtue, and patient sufferings
of his brethren, the martyrs, through such ages of
inconceivable afflictions and wrongs, loudly reprove his own
sinful luck-warmness, repinings and murmurings, when called
upon to "endure but a little hardness as a good soldier of
Christ?" When he has learned by the light of God's Word and
the History of his people, that he is indeed a member of the
same household, resting upon the same immutable rock upon
which apostles and martyrs, so securely based, were grounded
through ages of such fearful whirlwinds of Pagan enmity and
Papal wrath, will he not feel indeed a thousand fold more
confidence in the immutability of his foundation, and more
confidently challenge the malice of devils, and the "gates
of hell" to "shake his sure repose?" And will he not, from
the mouths and lives of those whom Christ himself pronounces
"faithful and true witnesses," learn how to testify against
all informal and corrupt churches" in this our day—against
human traditions, and mutilated and profaned church
ordinances, and those who impiously presume to enact laws in
place of Christ, and to change the order of his Church?
study of the history and lives and testimony of those
preceding us, who have been accounted "faithful and true,"
is certainly praiseworthy and of great advantage. Did
not Paul recount the faith, and sufferings, and patience of
the holy men and prophets who had lived before his day to
animate the zeal of his brethren? Did he not intimate that
they were, through their whole Christian race, being
inspected by that "so great a cloud of witnesses" who, from
their blissful seats, were gazing intently down upon them,
and ready to receive the victors with triumphant shouts and
acclaims of joy? Surely with advantage may we then
study the history of the holy men and martyrs through whom
the church of Christ, and its doctrines and ordinances, have
been transmitted to us in their primitive integrity and
purity; and with profit may contemplate their lives and
their sufferings, their patience in trials and their
triumphs in death—all having been made more than conquerors
through him who was with them to the last.
history introduces us to the countries—not that they
inhabited, not in which were their homes, but in which they
were pilgrims and strangers, as it were—in which were their
refuges and hiding places from the face of their pursuers.
Who can imagine the feelings of the Christian traveler
visiting those Alpine vallies in which the witnesses of
Jesus were hid and nourished in those fearful times,
descrying here and there the foundations upon which,
traditions tell him, once stood their houses of worship, and
from which they were driven by their enemies—and then gazing
upward to the "munitions of rocks," the cloud-capped
citadels of the everlasting hills to which they fled for
refuge, as into the very bosom of their God! Or wandering
through those mountains and deep forests, he enters,
perhaps, the very caverns in which they hid, and which they
made to echo—not with murmurs and complainings, but with the
voice of worship, songs of praise, and "their hymns of lofty
cheer." Cold and insensible must be that heart whose piety
would not be rebuked, and whose zeal would not be energized
by the contemplation of scenes hallowed by such memories! If
a visit to the homes of the ancient patriots and
philosophers of Athens, the rostrums from which they spoke,
the groves in which they taught, and the tombs in which they
slept, could so inflame the ardor of Cicero in the imitation
of their virtues,* how must a visit to the vales of
Piedmont, and the mountains of Wales affect the heart and
influence the life of a Christian! And yet in all the
pilgrimages of modern times, to scenes of sacred history,
never do we hear of one to the valleys of Pragela, or St.
Martins, of Perouse, Angrogne, or Luserne.
little interest felt in, and the almost universal ignorance
of Church history, are attributable to the unfaithfulness of
those who have professed to write it. There ever has
been more or less anxiety on the part of Christians to
inquire into the history of the churches that have preceded
them, but while they have asked for bread, they have
received a stone, and a scorpion for an egg.
centuries of the Christian era have passed, and the history
of the Christian church is still unwritten; while a thousand
works have been palmed upon the world for Church Histories.
The only true history of Christian churches that has been
extant during these centuries, are the Acts of the Apostles
by Luke, and the prophetic history of the Church by John,
the beloved disciple, and was this last but thoroughly
understood, no other history would be necessary; unless to…
"Movemur nescio quo pacto, locis ipsis, in quibus eorum quos
diligimus, aut admiramur, adsunt vestigia. Me quidem apsae
illae nostrae Athenae non tam operibus magnificis,
exquisitisque antiquorum artibus delectas, quam recordatione
summorum viorum, ubi quisque habitare, ubi sedare, ubi
disputare solitus sit; studiosque eorum etiam sepulchra
contemplor, &c. Cic. de Legibus.
the world with what particularity and faithfulness Christ
has fulfilled its predictions. As we have said, tomes and
epitomes of books, purporting to be Church Histories, have
been written, and each year adds to their number, but still,
not until within a few years past has a solitary effort been
made upon the proper basis, or in the right direction. The
Church Histories with which our book stores are crowded,
were written by Paedobaptists, and they wear a falsehood
upon their very title pages, as samples of their contents.
Paedobaptists regard the Romish Church as the Church of
Christ, or the trunk or even branch of the true church? They
certainly do not, if their standards are the exponents of
their views.
Since this has lately become a question of
vital importance with all Paedobaptist sects, we quote the
language of Dr. Beman, in the Genl. Assembly of the N. S.
Pres., Church, 1854, to establish our position.
standards declare the Pope to be Anti-Christ, and that his
ministers must be excluded from the Christian ministry. Let
us not shrink from the conclusion which flows from this
principle; the Scriptures have declared this thing: Rome is
the scarlet harlot, riding on the beast with seven heads and
ten horns. This Church is drunk with the blood of saints."
This is most unquestionably so; all Protestant sects so
affirm. Now, if that Church has been manifestly Anti-Christ,
since it has been under the jurisdiction of the Pope, then
has it been Anti-Christ since the year 606, when the first
bishop of Rome assumed the name of universal bishop, and for
the first time begirt himself with both swords. But
for full three hundred years before 606—from the time of the
Pure Secession—this Church was a corrupt secularized
hierarchy, without the least claims to be considered a
Church of Christ. How then do these facts bear upon
the subject before us? Evidently the history of this "Man of
Sin"—this "Son of Perdition"—"THIS ANTI-CHRIST"—has been
written and palmed off upon the world for the History of the
Churches of Christ! Was ever any thing one-half so
acknowledge the New Testament to be an authentic history of
the Church until its Canon closes, A.D. 100. Commencing with
this date, they trace its history down for two centuries,
when the first secession took place, when the Puritans—who
maintained the primitive simplicity and integrity of church
government and of the ordinances—repudiated the claims of
the corrupt party to be considered a church, although
assuming to be, par excellence, the Church Catholic.
corrupt party, which called itself, so early as the fourth
century, the Catholic Church, in 606 became the Roman
Catholic Church, anathematizing all who dissented from it as
heretics, and consigning them to destruction. All
Pedobaptist historians have recognized the impious claims of
the Catholics to be the Church, and have written their
history for the history of the Church of Christ, down to the
sixteenth century, and then reformed the churches of Christ
out of the bosom of the Mother of Harlots!
Examine the standard Church histories of our day, and mark,
they all include the history of sixteen centuries; thirteen
of which belong to the Catholic and Romish Church, and only
two of the sixteen to the Church of Christ. It is no longer
strange that the world is so profoundly ignorant of Church
History. It is not strange that the people are disgusted
with the books that purport to be Church Histories, and have
"wondered after the Beast," with whose history they have
been surfeited. Do not such histories wear a falsehood on
their title pages? Dr. Beman, pursuing this same track,
writes a history, and calls it a "History of the Church of
Christ." His history includes sixteen centuries; you ask him
as a historian, if his book is a correct history of the
Church of Christ during these sixteen centuries, and he
avers that it is. You ask him as a theologian, if this
party, the history of which he has written from A.D. 300, to
A.D. 1600, is the Church of Christ, and he answers you with
great warmth and indignation;—"No, sir, it is Anti-Christ;
it is the scarlet harlot riding on the beast with seven
heads and ten horns; she is drunk with the blood of saints."
Why then, sir, have you written the history of Anti-Christ,
instead of the history of the Churches of Christ, for Church
History? And what can Dr. Beman, or all the doctors of
Presbyterianism in the world, answer? The question is
involved in inextricable difficulties. It is a fearful
question for them; it devolves awful consequences upon them.
little history connected with the last N. S. Presbyterian
General Assembly, which held its session in Buffalo, May,
1854, will illustrate this, and it ought not to be allowed
to pass without improvement.
query was introduced into that body to this effect:—Are
Romish baptisms and ordinations valid? A
Committee of junior and senior patriarchs, was sent out to
report an answer. They failed to agree. The majority
reported negatively. But there were sundry gray-haired
doctors, who saw the logical consequences that lay behind
such a decision, and indeed, any decision they as
Pedobaptists could make; and those consequences would
certainly be precipitated upon them by their Baptist friends
and Catholic foes.
reports were read in the Assembly, and a warm discussion
ensued. Unfortunately, very little of that discussion
has been given to the public; but the positions taken by the
two parties were substantially these:
majority reported that all ordinances at the hands of Romish
priests were invalid, because the Romish Catholic Church was
no Church of Christ, and no part or branch of Christ's
Church; but manifest Anti-Christ—the scarlet harlot riding
on the beast with seven heads and ten horns, drunk with the
blood of saints; the baptism and ordinations of such an
apostate body are null and void; and to pronounce them
valid, is to pronounce the Romish Church the Church of
Christ; and more, to involve Presbyterians and all
Protestant sects in the guilt of schism, since they rent the
body of Christ when they came out of Rome!
the party who sustained the minority report, or were
unfavorable to a decision, urged on the other hand:—If you
deny the Church of Rome to be a true Church, and decide that
her baptisms and ordinations are invalid, then do we to all
intents and purposes unchurch ourselves, unless we can
baptize the- ashes of Luther and Calvin, from whom we have
received our baptisms and ordinations! If the
baptisms and ordinations of Antichrist, of the Man of Sin,
and Son of Perdition are invalid, then Luther and Calvin
were unbaptized, as were all the members that composed the
first churches of the Reformation! then were they
unordained, and consequently had no authority to baptize
their followers, or ordain other ministers to follow them;
in a word, all Protestant societies are unbaptized bodies,
and consequently no Churches of Christ, since a body of
unbaptized persons, however pious, cannot be considered a
Church; all Protestant ministers are both unbaptized and
unordained , and consequently unauthorized to preach
officially and administer the ordinances.
we see the trilemma into which the query precipitated them.
decide that "Antichrist," "the Man of Sin," "the Mother of
Harlots" is a true Church of Christ, would be a monstrous
solecism. But this would convict all Protestant sects
of sin, and destroy at once every claim they could set up to
be churches of Christ; for they confess themselves
To decide that the Romish apostacy is not the true Church of
Christ, is to decide that all her ordinances are invalid,
and consequently that all Protestant societies are bodies of
unbaptized persons, and therefore not churches of
Christ, and all Protestant ministers are both unbaptized and
unordained, and consequently unauthorized either to preach
or administer the ordinances.
3. To say that we cannot decide a question so
manifest, will arouse the attention of the people, and
awaken their suspicion, at once, that there is a great wrong
and a great failure about Protestant churches somewhere.
Finding that they could not extricate
themselves from this labyrinth of fatal consequences, they
moved an indefinite postponement of the question! Their
membership which they have led into their societies, and the
world which they are now using every possible effort to
entice into their societies, should loudly and constantly
demand of them to decide whether the Romish apostacy is a
true Church of Christ or not, for let Protestant societies
decide it affirmatively or negatively, according to their
own admissions, they equally cut off all their own claims to
be considered Christian Churches!*
It is "high time" for the history of the
Church of Christ to be written. The world has quite long
enough wondered after the Beast, and the Church of Christ
left in the obscurity of the wilderness.
One thing settled by the late discussion in the
Presbyterian Assembly, is that no Protestant can write
history of the Christian Church! Unless he writes the
history of the Romish church, he has no church to write
about for sixteen centuries,—until the Reformation of
Luther. He may well be asked,
Had Christ no church, no witnesses in the world during the
roll of one thousand five hundred years? and if he had, why
did not Luther and Calvin unite themselves and their
followers to the then existing Christian churches, instead
of setting up rival churches,—originating new and never
before heard of, schemes of church governments, and thus
distracting Christendom.
If the world is ever favored with a faithful
history of Christian Churches, it will receive it from
Baptists, and that history will rest upon a new basis, and
will look after communities of Christians from the third to
the sixteenth, and down to the nineteenth centuries, far
different from Catholics of the former period or the
Protestants of the latter.
During the last thirty years, several efforts
have been made in the right direction.
Robert Robinson, in his History of Baptism and
Ecclesiastical Researches, aided in indicating the…
* Let all
Baptists and Baptist ministers everywhere constantly call
the attention of the people to this trilemma.
such a work should take. Wm. Jones, with the light thrown
upon his path by Paul Perrin, and Robinson, did still more,
and left us, not a complete but a valuable church history.
the most valuable chronological history of the Churches of
Christ, now extant, and excepting Jones's, the only one
passing over eighteen centuries, that deserves the name of
Church History, now before the Christian world, is the one
we now present to the American public for the first time, in
a reprint. A full, philosophic history, it claims not to be,
but it does claim to prove, by the most unquestionable
authorities, the existence of large communities of Baptists,
in the various countries of Europe, and a succession of them
from the earliest ages down to the present time; and we
think the author has been successful. It has been before the
public in England for several years, and if its authority
has been questioned we have the fact to learn.
is a history especially needed by Baptists, to assist them
in replying to the taunting interrogations of Paedobaptists,
"Where were you before the days of Roger Williams, or before
the days of Muncer?"
the standard denominational publications issuing from their
"Book Concerns" and Publication Societies, they teach the
world that Baptists originated about the time of the Munster
rebellion, and were the ringleaders and chief actors in it!
It is time for the public to be so well informed, as to be
able to give the retailers of such scandal the rebuke they
reasons that induced the author to prepare this work—the
sources from which he drew his facts—the directions in which
he looked for the communities of Christians whose history he
has compiled—the principles by which he has determined their
religious character, and the unshaken confidence he has in
his authorities, and the conclusions to which he has
arrived, he has briefly set forth in an "advertisement,"
from which we make the following extracts:
on a visit to a friend in Somersetshire, in 1823, a minister
of the Independent persuasion panegyrized Dr. Carey to me
and others, as the individual who raised the Baptists out of
obscurity; and further remarked, that 'they had no existence
before the days of the Commonwealth.' The respectability and
age of the minister did not allow me, a young man, and
unacquainted as I was with our history, to negative his
assertion, only by a relieving hint, 'that from the days of
John the Baptist, until now,' I believed our denomination
had had an existence. I was resolved to be satisfied on this
subject, particularly since this assertion has appeared in
print; but there was no volume to which I could be directed,
that would meet the inquiries and solicitude of my mind.
Mr. Ivimey's work was of the English Baptists; Mr. Crosby's
was of the same character; Mr. Danvers enters into
the question, but gives no historic
connexion. I wrote to Mr. Jones, author of the History of
the Christian Church, and his work (on his recommendation) I
procured; and this valuable history gave me the clue to the
church of God. I had now to ascertain the views the
different parties advocated, which cost me very considerable
application, and the result fully satisfied my inquiries.
After some years' reading, and making extracts from authors,
on the subject of my investigation, I resolved on throwing
my materials into chronological order, to exhibit the
feature of a connected history. This done, I became fully
satisfied; and established the proof of what Robinson
conjectured, that 'the English Baptists, contending for the
sufficiency of Scripture, and for Christian liberty to judge
of its meaning, can be traced back, in authentic documents,
to the first Nonconformists and to the Apostles.'
the course of my reading, materials so accumulated on my
hands as to enable me to furnish facts sufficient to make a
compendious history of the Baptists in various provinces;
from their rise to their being scattered or extinguished;
and which facts are submitted in the following pages. Nor do
I fear contradiction, since I have taken the most accredited
historians, and have preferred, in most instances, the
testimonies of men hostile to our communion*
ensuing facts, with many more, were selected to satisfy my
own inquiries; but when I had placed them in a connective
form, I thought they might be useful to others similarly
circumstanced, conducing, perhaps, to the removal of a
portion of that visible ignorance, as to the early features
of our denomination; particularly, since it has been said,
that 'the Baptists may be considered as the only Christian
community which has stood since the times of the Apostles;
and as a Christian society which has preserved pure the
doctrines of the gospel through all ages.' This
statement we consider to be proved in the following pages,
where authors are quoted, supporting these facts.
Free admission to the extensive libraries of Earl Spenser
and the Duke of Bedford is gratefully acknowledged;—from
which sources the writer has drawn some portion of the
denominational materials now submitted.
is stated in the most satisfactory manner, that all
Christian communities during the first three centuries were
of the Baptist denomination, in constitution and practice.
In the middle of the third century, the Novatian Baptists
established separate and independent societies, which
continued till the end of the sixth age; when these
communities were succeeded by the Paterines, which continued
till the Reformation. The oriental Baptist Churches,
with their successors, the Paulicians, continued in their
purity until the tenth century, when these people visited
France, resuscitating and extending the Christian profession
in Languedoc, where they flourished till the crusading army
scattered, or drowned in blood, one million of unoffending
Baptists in Piedmont and Germany are exhibited as existing
under different names, down to the Reformation; these
churches, with their genuine successors, the Mennonites in
Holland, are connectedly and chronologically detailed to the
present period, for proof of which, see the body of the
ground of unity and denominational claim to the people whose
Christian characters are detailed, is not the harmony of
their creeds or views; this was not visible or essential in
the first age: but THE BOND OF UNION, among our denomination
in all ages, has been FAITH IN CHRIST; and that faith
PUBLICLY EXPRESSED, by a voluntary submission to his
authority and doctrine in baptism. Wherever this
conduct is evident, we claim the disciple as belonging to
our communion and of primitive character, at the same time
leaving his mind in the full enjoyment of his native and
purchased freedom; and in establishing this association, we
feel no difficulty or dishonor, since almost every
denomination has, from their honorable and holy characters,
claimed affinity to them in faith and practice, though such
claims are not supported by family likeness.
modern historians have been of the Paedobaptist persuasion.
These writers have, in a general way, suppressed in their
details those evidences of believers' baptism, which abound
in early writers. This omission in their histories was
intended, that the modern practice may not be disturbed, and
themselves condemned as innovators, by the records and
practice of early churches. These writers, from the pope to
the peasant, have united in suppressing and extinguishing
part of the truth; consequently, it was necessary to collate
writings, histories, and documents, before the dawn of the
German Reformation, in order to get at the whole truth; and
strange to say, while ministers of religion, for party
purposes, have suppressed certain denominational features,
Voltaire, Hume, Gibbon, and other infidel with deistical
writers, have in these respects faithfully and openly
recorded events, and have been more impartial in their
details than many modem divines.
author has found it necessary to use the specific names of
the denomination more frequently in this history than might
be agreeable to some readers. The reluctancy of some moderns
to allow of the early and reputable existence of this class
of Christians, made it necessary that the terms Baptist,
Anabaptist, &c., should be often mentioned, to prevent
misconstruction, and the more fully to establish the object
the writer had in view.
has also kept unadorned facts prominently forward. These are
the stubborn materials of history. In many
instances, he has copied the language of able historians,
and here he acknowledges his obligations to Mr. Jones's
invaluable writings on the Church of Christ. On controverted
points he feared to alter statements or clothe ideas in his
own language, lest cavilling readers should doubt his
veracity. If more verbosity had been given, the work
would have been more agreeable to some, but the writer
feared weakening the evidence of his work, and of making a
large book; he has, therefore, preferred crowding the
materials together, to make his compilation, a reference
book in triumph, rather than its contents should be
questioned from any accommodating aspects. In its character,
it may be considered a rough rampart, planted round the
visible camp of the saints, within which fortification they
may feel safe, while at the same time, they are furnished
with those means of repelling attacks, made with antiquated
refutation we do not rear; this would be a difficult task,
since controverted facts are generally given in the words of
the historian, and so far as the writer could, a
Paedobaptist's testimony has had the preference. References
could have been increased to a considerable extent, but the
support of the statement by one respectable name was deemed
inadvertence or errors there might be, the writer's best
efforts are here offered to the society of which he stands
an unworthy member, and if he realizes their approbation, he
shall consider it next to the smiles of his Master, and feel
remunerated for fifteen years' labor; at the same time, his
desire, prayer, and efforts, are for the promotion of the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and his
hope is, that this heavenly principle will soon universally
prevail: then the precepts of men, traditionary services,
and compulsory religion shall be swept away; truth then, in
all its legitimate and unrestrained influence, shall have
free course, unadorned by human fancy, unchecked by human
laws, unaided by human device; then, reinstated in its
native dignity, truth shall be found like the beams of the
sun alighting and regulating the inhabitants of the world,
dispelling darkness and ignorance, conferring on the
benighted the blessings of a gospel day, exhibiting their
moral condition, awakening new sensations, requiring the
north to give up, the south to keep not back; bring my sons
from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; then
shall we see eye to eye, Jerusalem shall be the joy of the
whole earth, and our God shall bless us."
more than one century our enemies, conjointly, have made one
continuous effort to depreciate the claims of Baptists to an
ancient origin. Like the animal in the manger, that,
not being able to eat the hay himself, was determined the
oxen should not; so they, satisfied that they cannot claim
an origin prior to the days of .Luther, they seem determined
that no one shall believe that Baptists have a valid claim
to a more ancient origin. They allege that the
madmen of Munster were Baptists; and that Baptists as such,
were the authors of the rebellion and all the excesses of
that period; and they point us to Munster, when we speak of
our origin and history, and sneeringly say:—"That was your
origin and that your early history."
vindication, we point them to the pages of Mule. D'Aubigne:—
point it seems necessary to guard against misapprehension.
Some persons imagine that the Anabaptists of the times of
the Reformation, and the Baptists of our day are the same.
But they are as different as possible." Fessenden's
Encyclopedia (quoted with approbation by D'Aubigne) says:—
The English and Dutch Baptists do not consider the word as
at all applicable to their sect." "It is but justice
to observe that the Baptists of Holland, England and United
States, are to be essentially distinct from those seditious
and fanatical individuals above mentioned; as they profess
an equal aversion to all principles of rebellion, or the one
for the enthusiasm of the other."—Pref. to His. Ref. p. 10.
point them to Mosheim, himself a Lutheran, who lived upon
the soil, though a bitter enemy to Baptists: he was
conversant with all the facts. Does he say that the Baptists
had their origin at Munster? Hear him:—
true origin of that sect which acquired the name of
Anabaptists, by their administering anew the rite of baptism
to those who came over to their communion, and derived that
of Mennotists from that famous man, to whom they owe the
greatest part of their present felicity, is HID IN THE
REMOTE DEPTHS OF ANTIQUITY, and is consequently extremely
difficult to be ascertained."—Vol. iv. p. 427.*
ask Zuingulius, the celebrated Swiss Reformer, who was
cotemporary with Luther, Muncer, and Stork, "Is anabaptism a
novelty; did it spring up in your day?"
institution of anabaptism is no novelty, but for 300 years
has caused great disturbance in the Church, and has acquired
such a strength that the attempt in this age to contend with
it appeared futile for a time." This carries our history
back to A.D. 2251
have we not been persecuted and worn down for lo! these
twelve hundred years,—has not the Apocalyptic "WOMAN" during
all this time, been drunk with our blood and heaven filling
with our martyred brethren? We appeal to Cardinal Hosius,
President of the Council of Trent, (A.D. 1560) the most
learned and powerful Catholic of his day. Hear him testify;
the truth of religion were to be judged of by the readiness
and cheerfulness of which a man of any sect shows in
suffering, then the opinion and persuasion of no sect can be
truer and surer than that of Anabaptists [Baptists] since
there have none for these twelve hundred years past, that
have been more generally punished, or that have more
cheerfully and steadfastly undergone and even offered
themselves to the most cruel sorts of punishment than these
people." This carries our history back to the fourth
appeal to the most eminent scholars and historians of
Europe, to the matured verdict rendered by Dr. J. J.
Durmont. Chaplain to the King of Holland, and to Dr. Ypeig,
professor of Theology in the university of Groningen—who
were especially appointed by the king to ascertain if the
claims of the Dutch Baptists had any foundation in the facts
of history. These distinguished men did go into the
investigation; and what did they report to the king?—That
Baptists originated at Munster—as we are charged by authors,
whose works are now published and sent broad cast over this
land by the "Methodist Book Concern?" This is what they
reported; which has never been disproved, or attempted to be
Mennonites are descended from the tolerably pure evangelical
Waldenses, who were driven by persecution into…
This is from the Edition of 1811.
…various countries;
and who during the latter part of the twelfth century, fled
into Flanders and into the provinces of Holland and Zealand,
where they lived simple and exemplary lives—in the villages
as farmers, in the towns by trades, free from the charge of
any gross immoralities, and professing the
most pure and simple principles, which they
exemplified in a holy conversation. They were,
therefore, in existence long before the Reformed Church of
the Netherlands."
"We have now seen that the Baptists, who were formerly
called Anabaptists, and in later times Mennonites, were the
original Waldenses; and who have long in the history of the
Church, received the honor of that origin. ON THIS ACCOUNT
THROUGH ALL AGES. The perfectly correct external economy of
the Baptist denomination tends to confirm the truth disputed
by the Romish Church, that the Reformation brought about in
the sixteenth century was in the highest degree necessary;
and at the same time goes to refute the erroneous notion of
the Catholics, that their communion is the most
ancient."—Encyclopedia Rel. Knowl.
is an interesting fact that as a consequence of this, the
government of Holland offered to the Mennonite churches the
support of the State. It was politely but firmly declined,
as inconsistent with their fundamental principles.
and with still greater triumph, we now appeal to the pages
of this history, upon which, not our enemies only, but the
credulous and fearful of our own brethren may see the
clearest and most satisfactory proof, that not in one
country alone, but in many kingdoms, successions of Baptist
communities have come down to us from the apostles, all
striped and scarred and blood covered—a line of martyrs
slain by prisons, by fire, and by sword—we hail these as the
faithful and true witnesses of Jesus during those fearful
ages, when the Man of Sin-
Sat upon the Seven Hills,
And from his throne of darkness ruled the
we may well be proud to be able to claim these as our
brethren; would that we were worthier to bear their name.
history is now redeemed from reproach; but are Baptist
principles obnoxious to the censure of Americans or of
republican Christians anywhere? Through the influence of our
religious principles, and the example of our form of Church
government. Republicanism and republican institutions have
already been bequeathed to half the world, and are now
rocking the other half to its centre, crumbling the thrones
of its tyrants, and arousing and energizing oppressed
humanity, to assert its rights, and overthrow its
appeal to the opinion of Jefferson, the most eminent of
American statesmen, touching Baptist church government. The
following facts were communicated to the Christian Watchman,
several years ago, by the Rev. Dr. Fishback, of Lexington,
Editor—The following circumstance, which occurred in the
State of Virginia, relative to Mr. Jefferson, was detailed
to me by Eld. Andrew Tribble, about six years ago, who since
died when ninety-two or three years old. The facts may
interest some of your readers.
Tribble was the pastor of a small Baptist Church which held
monthly meetings at a short distance from Mr. Jefferson's
house, eight or ten years before the American Revolution.
Mr. Jefferson attended the meetings of the church several
months in succession, and after one of them he asked Elder
Tribble to go home and dine with him, with which he
Tribble asked Mr. Jefferson how he was pleased with their
church government? Mr. Jefferson replied that it had Struck
him with great force, and had interested him much, that he
considered it the only form of pure democracy that then
existed in the world, and had concluded that it would be the
best plan of government for the American colonies. This was
several years before the Declaration of Independence."
appeal to Judge Story, the most eminent of American jurists:
Roger Williams belongs the renown of establishing in this
country, in 1636, a code of laws, in which, 'we read for the
first time, since Christianity ascended the throne of the
Caesars, the declaration that 'conscience should be free,
and man should not be punished for worshipping God in any
way they were persuaded He required.' "
appeal to Bancroft, the most eminent of American historians:
Williams was then but little more than thirty years of age;
but his mind had already matured a doctrine, which secures
him immortality of fame, as its application has given
religious peace to the American world."
turn to the old world—to Germany, the land of scholars and
historians—and ask if the character of Baptist principles
and their influence upon the world, have not been seen and
the most astute and philosophic historian of this age, in
his work entitled, An Introduction to the History of the
Nineteenth Century, says:
accordance with these principles, Roger Williams insisted in
Massachusetts upon allowing entire freedom of conscience,
and upon entire separation of the Church and the State. But
he was obliged to flee, and in 1636 he formed in Rhode
Island a small and new society, in which perfect freedom in
matters of faith was allowed, and in which the majority
ruled in all civil affairs. Here in a little State, the
fundamental principles of political and ecclesiastical
liberty practically prevailed, before they were even taught
in any of the schools of philosophy in Europe. At that time
people predicted only a short existence for these
democratical experiments— universal suffrage, universal
eligibilty to office, the annual change of rulers, perfect
religious freedom—the Miltonian doctrines of schisms.
But not only have these ideas and these forms of government
maintained themselves here, but precisely from this little
State have they extended themselves throughout the United
States. They have conquered the aristocratic tendencies in
Carolina and New York, the High Church in Virginia, the
Theocracy in Massachusetts, and the monarchy in all America.
They have given laws to a continent and formidable through
their moral influence, they lie at the bottom of all the
democratic movements which are now shaking the nations of
we might be satisfied to rest, was it not to do justice to
the memory of the pastor of the first Baptist Church in
America,—Dr. John Clarke. The fame that justly belongs to,
or at least should be divided with him, has been bestowed
upon Roger Williams, whose name has been sounded round the
whole world as the first great champion of civil and
religious freedom. He was indeed a brilliant light in
thick darkness; but his was only borrowed light, and he
himself but a reflector. The Baptists of England and of the
Continent advocated the glorious principles of soul liberty,
centuries before R. Williams was born; as they did during
the reigns of James I. And Charles I. when he was in his
Roger Williams cannot be said—in the language of Bancroft—to
have been 'first in modern Christendom to assert in its
plenitude the doctrine of freedom of conscience,' would seem
to be evident from the very fact that the arguments against
persecution, prefixed to Roger Williams' 'Bloody Tenet'
which called forth an answer to them from Mr. Cotton, are
entitled by Mr. Williams, 'Scriptures and Reasons written
long since by a witness of Jesus Christ, close prisoner in
Newgate, against persecution in cause of conscience.'
It was added that this prisoner in Newgate was a
Baptist; and that the 'humble supplication' which he drew up
in 1620, and addressed to King James, from which the
arguments prefixed to Roger Williams' book are taken, was
subscribed 'your Majesty's loyal subject, not for fear only;
but for conscience's sake, -falsely called Anabaptist.' "*
History of the Life and times of Dr. J. Clarke, and of the
organization and rise of the first Baptist Church in
America, is now in course of preparation, when the proper
distinction will be made between the labors and merits of R.
Williams and Dr. J. Clarke. †
we are not limited in looking for our brethren to those
countries, alone, which Mr. Orchard has explored with such
rich results. Could not a Baptist be heard of in Africa, in
Spain, in Italy, in Piedmont, Bohemia, or Holland; yet it
can be shown upon the most unquestionable authorities, that
there has been a succession of Baptist churches in England
and Wales, from the days of Paul until now, and it is an
established fact that a majority of the churches planted in
America, from the year 1645— 1730, were organized by Welsh
Baptists, and constituted upon articles of faith, brought
over with them from the mother churches. Mr. Orchard informs
us in an advertisement at the end of his book, that he is
preparing for the press a history of the Baptists of
England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and America, which will
be immediately reprinted so soon as it can be obtained. In
the meantime we submit the following facts:— A.D. About
fifty years before the birth of our Saviour, 63
the Romans invaded the British Isle, in the reign of 180 the
Welsh king, Cassibellan; but having failed, in consequence
of other and more important wars, to conquer the Welsh
nation, made peace with them and dwelt among them many
years. During that period many of the Welsh soldiers
joined the Roman army, and many families from Wales visited
Rome; among whom there was a certain woman of the name of
Claudia, who was married to a man named Pudens. At the same
time Paul was sent a prisoner to Rome, and preached there in
his own hired house, for the space of two years, about the
year of our Lord 63.‡ Pudens and Claudia…
J. Dowling, Author of His. Romanism.
† This History is now being
prepared by Eld. S. Adlam, Pastor to the Newport Baptist
Church, R. I., which is the first Baptist Church in America.
‡ See Acts of the Apostles,
28: 30.
wife, who belonged to Caesar's household, under the blessing
of God on Paul's preaching, were brought to the knowledge of
the truth as it is in Jesus, and made a profession of the
Christian religion.* These, together with other Welshmen,
among the Roman soldiers, who had tasted that the Lord was
gracious, exerted themselves on the behalf of their
countrymen in Wales, who were at that time vile idolaters.
the gospel was extensively spread in Britain during this
period, we learn from Tertullian and Origin. In the year 130
there were two ministers by the names of Faganus and
Damianus, who were born in Wales, but were born again in
Rome, and there becoming eminent ministers of the gospel,
were sent from Rome to assist their brethren in Wales, †
During this year, Lucius the Welsh king was
baptized, and the first king in the world who embraced the
Christian religion. During the next century Christianity
made rapid progress in the island, as is evident from the
testimony of Tertullian, and from the multitudes of martyrs
who suffered in the tenth pagan persecution under
Dioclesian, which took place about the year
three hundred. The Saxons in 469 invaded England,
overthrew Christianity, and burnt the meeting houses, and
drove all who would not submit to them into Cambria, which
is now called Wales. During this century the British
Christians suffered greatly at the hands of their Saxon
foes. Yet we find there were several eminent and faithful
ministers among the Welsh Baptists at this period; among
whom were, Gildas, who was a man of learning, Dyfrig,
Dynawt, Teilo, Padaru, Pawlin, and Daniel.
Baptism was not known to the Welsh Christians
until A. D. 596 or 600, when Austin was sent by Gregory,
Bishop of Rome, to convert the Saxons. In this he was
successful, and according to Fox, he baptized ten thousand
in the River Swale. He sought and obtained a conference with
the Welsh Baptists, near the border of Wales. The main
point was that these primitive Christians should acknowledge
the usurped authority of the Church of Rome. Fabian,
an ancient historian, relates the final demand of Austin in
these words, "Sins ye wol not assent to my hests generally,
assent to me specially in III. things: the first is, that ye
keep Ester day in due forme and tyme as it is ordayned. The
Second, that ye give christendome to children; and the
thirde is that ye…
2 Tim. 4: 21 Fox's Acts and Monuments, p. 137. See also Dr.
Gill and Matthew Henry, on 2 Tim. 4:21. Godwin's Catalogue.
Crosby's History of the English Baptists, preface to vol. 2.
Drych y prif oesoedd, p. 179.
† Dr. Haylin's Cosmography,
lib. pp. 257, Crosby vol. ii, p. 13, Welch Bap. by Davis.
unto the anglis the word of God as aforetimes I have
exhorted you, and all the other deale, I shall suffer you to
amende and reforme within yourselves." But these Baptists
utterly refused to practice the traditions of Rome for the
commands of Christ, when this emissary of Rome threatened
them in this wise, "sins ye wol not recave peace of your
brethren, ye shall of other receave warre and wretche."
The Saxons shortly after invaded Wales, it is thought
through the influence of Austin, and slaughtered incredible
numbers. While infant baptism and the traditions of
the son of perdition were enforced by the sword upon the low
country, and the rich and more fertile portion of the
island, Welsh Baptists contend that the principles of the
gospel were maintained pure and unalloyed in the recesses of
their mountainous principality, all through the dark reign
of popery.
had a regular chain of true and faithful witnesses in this
country, in every age, from the first introduction of
Christianity to the present time, who never received nor
acknowledged the pope's supremacy: like the thousands and
millions of the inhabitants of the vale of Piedmont,
residing on green and fruitful meadows, surrounded by high
and lofty mountains, separated from other nations, as if the
all-wise Creator had made them on purpose, as places of
safety for his jewels that would not bow the knee to Baal."*
Richard Davis, Bishop of Monmouth, said 'there was a vast
difference between the Christianity of the Ancient Britons,
and that mock Christianity introduced by Austin into
England, in 596; for the Ancient Britons kept their
Christianity pure, without any mixture of human traditions,
as they received it from the disciples of Christ, and from
the church of Rome when she was pure, adhering strictly to
the rules of the word of God.' "
Edwards of America, said: 'In every age of this dark time,
(of popery,) there appeared particular persons in all parts
of Christendom, who bore a testimony against the corruptions
and tyranny of the church of Rome. There is no one age of
Antichrist, even in the darkest times, but ecclesiastical
historians mention by name, those who manifested an
abhorrence of the pope and his idolatrous worship, and
pleaded for the ancient purity of doctrine and worship. God
was pleased to maintain an uninterrupted succession of many
witnesses through the whole time, in Britain, as well as in
Germany and France; private persons and ministers; some
magistrates and...
See doctrine of Baptism, by Benjamin Jones; P. A. Mon. p.
149; and Sir Samuel Moreland.
of great distinction. And there were numbers, in every age,
who were persecuted and put to death for this testimony.' "*
faith and discipline of the Scottish churches in Ireland,
were the same with the British churches, and their
friendship and communion reciprocal. The ordinances of
the gospel in both islands, at this time, were administered
in their primitive mode. The venerable Bede says, that the
supremacy of Rome was unknown to the ancient Irish. The
worship of saints and images was held in abhorrence, and no
ceremonies used which were not strictly warranted by
Scripture. All descriptions of people were not only
allowed but desired to consult the sacred writings as their
only rule of conduct."
short, from what we have stated, and the evidence produced
by the learned archbishop Usher, quoted by the Rev. William
Hamilton, 'we have the strongest reason to conclude that
these islands enjoyed the blessings of a pure enlightened
piety, such as our Saviour himself taught, unembarrassed by
any of the idle tenets of the Romish Church.'"
we cast our eyes on King Henry the second, advancing towards
this devoted nation, bearing the bloody sword of war in one
hand, and the iniquitous bull of Pope Adrian in the other,
we have one of the strongest arguments to prove that this
was not originally an island of popish saints, and that the
jurisdiction of Rome unquestionably was not established
the above authorities I submit with confidence the subject
of Primitive Church Constitution to all candid men.
Edwards's History of Redemption, p. 205.
† Bede, Vita S. Columbi.
Bede, Hist. Gent. Angl. lib. 3, c. 27. Brit. de Hibemi, p.
703. Vide a curious treatise of Archbishop Usher on the
religion of the Ancient Irish. Vide Harding's Chron. c. 241.
Also Hamilton's Letter, p. 38 and 43. Also Bishop Lloyd's
Historical Account.
R. G.
Tenn. 1855.