Apostolic Preaching
Rise of
Errors and Circumcision
Christians Persecuted
Churches Independent
Government Altered
Dissidents Arise
Manichean System
Churches All Baptists
Churches Erected
lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world," &c.-Col. ii. 8.
1. By the oriental churches are intended
those communities of Christians formed by the apostles and
their successors, in those parts of Asia situated in the
Levant, or east of Italy. It appears probable that the
gospel was preached in Idumea, Syria, and Mesopotamia, by
Jude; in Pontus, Galatia, and the neighboring parts of Asia,
by Peter; in the territories of the seven Asiatic churches,
by John; in Parthia, by Matthew; in Scythia, by Philip and
Andrew; in the northern and western parts of Asia, by
Bartholomew; in Persia, by Simon and Jude; in Media,
Carmania, and several eastern parts, by Thomas; from
Jerusalem to Illyricum, by Paul, as also in Italy. In most
of which places Christian churches were planted in less than
thirty years after Christ, and ten before the destruction of
34 2. These worthy men, scattered
as they were on Stephen's death, went everywhere preaching
the word. They disseminated the celestial seed in all the
provinces and cities through which they passed. Many
Christian societies were gathered and formed by them, all
bearing a striking resemblance to the parent institution,†…
*A. Young
on Idolatry, v. ii. pp. 216—34.
† Mosh. Hist. Cent. 1,
pt. l , c. 4,
..which original society was composed of
those only "who gladly received the word and were baptized,"
Acts ii 41.* The doctrines and discipline of these
communities very soon awakened the enmity of Jews and
Gentiles to the followers of the Lamb. Nero, who it is said
was, at the commencement
64 of his reign, favorable to Christianity,
changed his line of policy, and was the first emperor to
enact laws against the disciples of Jesus. Among the martyrs
at this period, are enumerated Peter and Paul. His cruel
example was followed by Domitian in this century, and others
at after periods, who, without examining the claims of
Christianity, indulged her prejudices against the followers
of its dictates. The number of martyrs in the first ages was
very great, which is allowed by all impartial historians. †
3. Errors more or less pernicious to the
welfare of souls, crept into the churches during the
apostles' ministry. It was in the oriental churches where
almost all the disputes on doctrine arose,
oo A disposition prevailed in
this quarter, to accommodate the two dispensations, and, by
blending baptism with circumcision, to secure a more
extensive community, while the honor of each dispensation
should remain 49
unabated. The question being important, the elders and
brethren at Jerusalem, on hearing the…
* The word
BAPTIZE is purely Greek, and the orientals are supposed to
understand its meaning. Its import can be decided by the
practice of the Greeks, which practice ever has been to dip.
Dr. King's Rites of the Gr. Ch. Office, Bap., Rob. Res. p.
91. Immersion in the East could be easily performed, since
each house has a bagnio, which consists generally of two or
three rooms, leading to the top room or bath, paved with
marble, &c., and possessing every conveniency for bathing,
Rob. Res. c. 9. Adam's Antiq. p. 378. Potter's Greece, b. 1,
c. 8. Home's Crit. Intro. to the Scrip, v. iii. pt. 4, c. 6,
3. See above, ch. 1, s. 1,
17, and references there.
† Mosh. Hist. C. 1, pt. 1, c.
Camp. Lect. 14, p. 240.
of Errors
…circumstance, decided very solemnly,
that if any were circumcised, Christ would profit them
nothing, and thus a glorious liberty was secured to the
Christian converts.* The same…
* See Acts
xv. It is very remarkable in this discussion, that no
allusion was made to baptism as succeeding the place of
circumcision; this proves the two economies to be distinct
in their subjects, the one from the other: and so must the
first adopters have viewed them, or they would not have
continued for years to practise both circumcision and
baptism, if one was understood as superseding the other.
Those who ground their practice of infant baptism, on
circumcision prefiguring baptism, should act consistently;
and as circumcision was administered universally throughout
the land of Canaan, baptism should be administered
universally (i. e., to children, servants, and slaves) in
England or any country where the gospel is preached. Only
males were circumcised—only males should be baptized. Faith,
neither personal nor relative, was a condition of
circumcision; faith, as a pie-requisite to baptism,
should not be required either in the child or in the parent.
All children who were circumcised, partook of the passover;
all children who are baptized, should receive the Lord's
Supper. All children who were circumcised were thenceforth
considered members of the Jewish church, and with-out any
subsequent conversion or profession of faith, were entitled
to all its privileges; all children who are baptized should
be received as members of the visible church of Christ, and
have a right to its privileges, independent of any work of
grace or profession of faith, in their future lives; but in
this consistency the psedobaptists fail. See Gibbs on Bap.
The covenant of grace and circumcision is
said, by early and late paedobaptists, to be the same, and
upon this identity they ground their strong reasons for
infant baptism; if this ground can be proved untenable, by
showing a distinction in these covenants, their last refuge
is destroyed. Now it is very evident these two covenants
were distinct economies, for the following reasons:—
1. The covenant of grace is
God's eternal purpose to save from wrath, Eph. iii. 11, and
many saints were saved by it, Heb. xi. 1—7; before the
covenant of circumcision was revealed, which covenant rite
was not known till A. M. 2106, and when Abraham was 99 years
old. Gen. xvii . 24.
2. The covenant of grace was
preached to Abram, Gal. iii. 8, when he was 75 years old.
Gen. xii. 1, so that he was in the enjoyment of its promises
twenty-four years before he heard of circumcision. Gen.
xvii. 10.
3. The covenant of grace
includes all believers, and these, of all nations through
time; while the other covenant excluded all pious Gentiles,
with females of every age, yet comprehended all those of
Abraham's household, though those were, like Esau, reprobate
as concerning the election of grace, Isa. i. 9.
4. The covenant of grace is
God's free mercy, revealed and promised through Christ, to
the worthless, Rom. iii. 24; but circumcision made the whole
law obligatory on the receiver, Rom. ii. 25, and was opposed
to the blessings promised in the covenant of grace. Gal. v.
2, 3, 4.
5. The covenant of grace
embraced not the children of the flesh, Rom. ix. 6—8; but
the other covenant included all Abraham's fieshly offspring,
Gen. xvii. 12, &c.
6. The ordinance of the
covenant of grace was refused by John to those persons who
were in possession of the privileges of Abraham's covenant.
Matt. iii. 9.
7. If these covenants be the
same, Christ and Abraham are heads of it; two beginnings are
shown to one compact. Different terms of admission or
introduction are pointed out. Gal. v. 3, and Heb. viii. 10.
Different periods of duration are shown, Heb. viii. 8, and
Isa. Iv. ?. Consequently, these covenants cannot be one;
and, therefore, infant baptism receives no support from this
source—See M'Lean on Abra. Cov.
Note, and may be added:
8. The covenant of
circumcision is an everlasting covenant. It is Still in
force with the natural seed of Abraham, and is a pledge to
them of ultimate restoration to the land God gave to their
fathers for an everlasting inheritance.—ED.
…class of disputants obscured the way of a
sinner's acceptance before God, which called forth the
epistles to Galatia 51
and Rome, wherein a sinner's justification without and the
deeds of the law, is admirably argued. But
57 the great evil
to the Christian cause was its
70 coalition with
the science styled by its advocates, gnomis, or the way to
the true knowledge of the Deity. "The Greeks," says
Campbell, "were always keen disputants, and it was by them
that most of the first heresies were broached. Their
condition, early habits, natural character, with their
copious and ductile language, conspired…
…to inure them to disputations. Hence,
sprang those numerous sects, into which the Christian
community was so early divided."* So that it becomes
exceedingly evident that the Grecian atmosphere was
congenial to native freedom and nonconformity, and when
spiritual claims were made by one party, dissensions
ensued—nonconformists, who had always been dispersed all
over the empire, maintained their original claim in religion
to think and act for themselves. Here we trace the rising
class, who adhered to THE TRUTH through ages of ignorance,
superstition, and vice; "as it seems clear," observes
Robinson, "that Greece was the parent, Spain and Navarre the
nurses, France the step-mother, and Savoy the jailer of this
class of Christians known afterwards by the name of
WALDENSES." But, amidst all the diversity of speculative
opinions, they all agreed in administering baptism by
immersion. †
98 4. When Trajan ascended the
throne, the third general persecution was set on foot. The
severity of his edicts was felt in Pontus and Bithynia, over
which provinces the younger Pliny was governor. The
profession of Christianity was so general in Asia, that the
governor, in enforcing Trajan's measures against Christians,
perceived that their extinction would nearly annihilate the
inhabitants of his province. He acknowledged, in writing to
the emperor, that the heathen temples were forsaken, yet he
apprehended it inexpedient to search for Christians,
oo Trajan replied, by saying,
they should not be sought for as heretofore, and those
accused, and who felt disposed to accommodate themselves to
the religion of the empire, or pagan customs, should be
spared, but those…
* Camp. ubi
† Researches, pp. 73, 93,
Epis. b. 10, let. 97 and 98.
…who remained inflexible to their profession
should be put to death.* Under this reign, females were
tortured, to make them criminate each other, but while on
the rack, they said, "We are Christians, and no evil is done
among us." It was a regular custom, at this period, for
Christians to meet together for divine worship, to sing
hymns to Christ, who was worshipped as God almost throughout
the East; to exhort one another to abstain from all evil,
and to commemorate Christ's death; to observe the first day
of the week, which was regarded by all Christians. † Yet
Pliny calls these heavenly engagements, "a depraved
superstition." Such views the most polished heathens
encouraged, respecting the doctrines of the cross and
spiritual worship.
5. We have already mentioned Justin Martyr,
for the sake of exhibiting his views on the ordinance. This
early and learned writer of the eastern churches was born at
132 Neapolis,
the ancient Shechem of Palestine. On his embracing
Christianity, he quitted neither the profession nor the
habit of a philosopher. He selected various and natural
circumstances to impress the mind with the doctrine of the
cross, which in a few ages aided in perverting the gospel
altogether. In his dialogue he says, "the roasted lamb was
made into the figure of a cross, by impaling or spitting it,
from head to tail, and then from one shoulder to the other,
with a skewer, on which last was extended the fore feet, and
thus it was roasted." He
167 wrote two apologies for his persecuted
brethren, and fell a martyr to the cause he espoused, in A.
D. 167. What influence Justin's philosophic notions had at
Jones's Ecc. Lect. v. i. pp. 194—8.
† Mosh. Hist. v. i. 91 and
…period in aiding Plato's views, about a
middle state after death, we know not, but it is certain
such views were partially embraced by some persons in the
Christian interest.* These views once embraced, led to
decide on the subject, who occupied this middle state, while
others were anxious to know, "what became of those persons
who died unbaptized?" This middle state and the answer to
the inquiry were made to quadrate, and in the following
centuries, Plato's intermediate state was by several able
Fathers assigned to the unbaptized.†
6. In most of those Christian congregations
planted by the apostles, a plurality of pastors was settled.
To con-duct their affairs with harmony and prudence, it was
necessary they should often meet and consult together. These
meetings, made up of pastors, deacons, and members, were
properly a council of the congregation. Everything regarding
worship and discipline was settled among themselves. When
points were difficult or disputed, a more general company of
ministers and disciples met, as the apostles had done at
Jerusalem, to consult and promote love, truth, and unity.
This course probably…
* Mosh. Ecc. Hist. c. 2, ch. 3,
2, 3. The sprinkling of water is spoken of by several of the
Fathers as purely heathenish. "Justin Martyr says,
that it was an invention of demons, in imitation of
the true baptism signified
by the prophets, that their votaries might also have
their pretended purifications by water." See Middleton's
Letters from Rome on this subject, p.139. TertuIIian, in his
book on baptism, says, "The heathens did adopt a religious
rite, particularly in the mysteries of Apollo and Ceres,
where per-sons were baptized for their regeneration and
pardon of their perjuries." "Here we see," he says, "the aim
of the devil, imitating the things of God." Wall's Hist. v.
i. c, 4, p. 50.
† Thus the neglect of baptism
led in two centuries to the adoption of a purgatory of which
we shall hereafter speak.
…suggested to churches the propriety of a
regular intercourse with one another. A stated meeting
ensued of all the churches in the same canton or province,
wherein they fully discussed church affairs.
From the confidence the church had in their ministers, when
the distance was great, the affairs of the churches were
intrusted to a deputation of elders and deacons with others.
From these friendly meetings arose a sort of republic
association of the churches in a particular province. The
metropolis being the most centric, was usually the place of
meeting. At first, the office of president seems generally
to have been elective, and to have continued no longer than
the sessions of the synod. The bishop of the place where the
association was held, from a sort of natural title to
preside in the convention, came, by the gradual but sure
operation of custom, to be regarded as the head of the body.
This in time, aided by other auxiliary causes, established a
metropolitan bishop,* which, when fully matured, gave a seat
and conferred authority on the papistical monster.
7. During the greater part of this century, Christian
churches were independent of each other; nor were they
Joined together by association, confederacy, or any other
bonds but those of charity. Each Christian assembly was a
little state, governed by its own laws, which were either
enacted, or at least approved, by the society; but in
process of time, as above noticed, all the churches of a
province were brought into one ecclesiastical body.† With
this accumulating corporation, a desire prevailed among
ministers to increase the numbers of adherents to…
Lect., lee. 9, and Mosh. Hist. C. 2, p. 2, ch. 2,
† Mosh. ut ante.
…their respective interests. But instead of
increasing their ministerial exertions, and giving a simple
exhibition of divine truths as in the first planting of
Christianity, the pastors increased the numbers of rites and
ceremonies in the Christian worship; thus an accommodation
was afforded to Jews and Pagans, and their conversion
facilitated to the sophisticated doctrines of the cross.* As
the boundaries of the church were enlarged by an easier
ingress, the number of vicious and irregular persons who
entered into it, proportionably increased. Most of the
churches at the 195
end of this century assumed a new form. As the old disciples
retired to their graves, their children, along with the new
converts, both Jews and Gentiles, under new ministers from
the Alexandrian school, came forward and new-modelled the
cause. † When the evil of the new system had developed
itself, a new course of discipline was adopted; but the
character of the community was changed, and purity with
primitive simplicity took leave of such a mixtion.
oThe ceremonies introduced
occasioned strife and discord. Victor, Bishop of Rome,
insisted upon Easter being observed by the Asiatic churches,
at the same time it was kept by the western. His authority
and re-quest being disregarded, he thundered out his
excommunications against the orientals. This conduct in
Victor broke the friendly communion which had before
subsisted between the churches in the east and west.
S Having
now traced the features of the churches generally, and
finding their assumption of power, with their aspect and
composition, of an antichristian character, we must dissent
* Mosh. c.
2, p. 2, c. 4,
† Mosh. Hist. C. 2, pt. l,
ch. 1,
Rob. Res. c. 6, p .51.
Mosh. Hist. C. 2, pt. 2, ch. 3 ,
16, and pt. 2, c. 1,
Id. Ch . 4,
S 11.
Dissidents Arise
…these, and leave them; directing our
investigation to other claimants, until we can trace some
honorable and scriptural distinction.
8. The innumerable Christians of the East, who were
not in communion with either the Greek or Roman churches,
may be divided into two classes. The first consists of such
as in ages past dissented from the Greek church, and formed
similar hierarchies, which yet subsist independent of one
another, as well as of the Grecian and Romish communities.
The second consists of those who never were of any
hierarchy, and who have always retained their original
freedom. The number of such orientals is very great, for
they lived dispersed all over Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Persia,
Nubia, Ethiopia, India, Tartary, and other eastern
countries. "It is remarkable," says Robinson, "that although
they differ, as Europeans do, on speculative points of
divinity, yet they all administered baptism by immersion,
and there is no instance to the contrary."*
9. The Messalians or Euchites the one a
Hebrew term, the other Greek, and signifying a praying
people) had in Greece a very early existence. These terms
had also a very extensive application among the Greeks and
orientals, who gave it to all those who endeavored to raise
the soul to God, by recalling and withdrawing it from all
terrestrial and sensible objects. † These people, like all
nonconformists, are reproached and branded with heresy by
the old orthodox writers; but, whatever errors may have been
mixed up with their creed, it would appear devotion and
piety formed the ground of the stigma, so that a…
* Rob. Hist. Bap. p. 484 .
† Mosh. Hist. C. 4, p. 2. ch.
…puritanical character is fully implied.
These Messalians were evidently the parent stock of
Nonconformists in Greece. They attributed to two opposite
causes, the sources of good and evil, much as we do in the
present day; but their enemies, recording their views, have
made them a people to be wondered at, and to be avoided.
This way of misrepresentation was the only means the
dominant party had to suppress "the men more righteous than
themselves," before the church was endowed with a sword. The
morality of this people was severe and captivating to the
simple, but their discipline and worship are both
reproached.* This parent stock of nonconformists was divided
and subdivided by the clergy into various classes of
heretics. They were often named from the country they
inhabited, as Armenians, Phrygians, Bulgarians, and
Philippopolitans, or as it was corruptly sounded in the
west, Popolicans, Poblicans, Publicans. Some were called
after the names of their teachers, as Pauleanists,
Novatianists, Donatists, Paulicians, and many more names
were found in this class, † The term Euchites among Greeks
was a general name for Dissenters, as the Waldenses was in
the Latin church, and Nonconformists in England,
oThis large body of Dissenters
were resident in the empire from the first establishment of
Christianity, till its destruction in the thirteenth
century. S
10. In Greece, says Dr. Mosheim, (who
whenever he alludes to dissenters always evinces "the spider
of the mind,") and in all eastern provinces, this sort of
men were distinguished by the general and invidious name of
Euchites or Messalians, as the Latins comprehended all the…
* Rob.
Hist. Bap. p. 208.
† Rob. Res. p. 58.
Id. p. 56.
…adversaries of the Roman pontiff under the
general terms of Albigenses and Waldenses. It is, however,
necessary to observe, that the names above mentioned were
vague and ambiguous in the way they were applied by the
Greeks and orientals, who made use of them to characterize,
without distinction, all such as complained of the multitude
of use-less ceremonies, and of the vices of the clergy,
without any regard to the difference that there was between
such persons, in point of principles and morals. There are
several circumstances which render it extremely probable
that many persons of eminent piety and zeal for genuine
Christianity, were confounded by the Greeks with these
enthusiasts. In short, the righteous and the profligate, the
wise and the foolish, were equally comprehended under the
name Messalians, whenever they opposed the raging
superstition of the times, or looked upon true and genuine
piety as the essence of the Christian character.* In regard
to baptism, these dissidents in the East were so far from
rejecting it, that if they erred, it was in baptizing too
much, if the expression may be allowed. "They rebaptize,"
said one of their opponents, "but instead of being immersed
in water, they ought to be plunged in hell."†
11. Towards the conclusion of the second
century, one Montanus, who lived in a Phrygian village
called Pepuza, undertook a mission to restore Christianity
to its native simplicity. One class of professors being at
the period carried away with Egyptian symbols, while others
made up a system of religion from philosophic notions,
oriental customs, and a portion of the gospel; apparently
prompt-ed this humble individual to attempt a
reformation, or…
*Mosh. Hist. C. 12, pt. 2, ch. 5,
† Rob. Hist. p. 208.
…rather a restoration, of the primitive order
of things. Being destitute of classical lore himself, he
required it not in others who were willing to further his
designs. He was decidedly hostile to those ministers, who
with the new sys-tem, emanated from Alexandria. He was very
successful in his labor of love, since his views and
doctrines spread abroad, and were received through Asia,
Africa, and in part of Europe. His doctrine and discipline,
though severe, gained him the esteem of many who were not of
the lowest order. Some ladies of opulence aided
215 Montanus with
their services and their fortunes.*
We noticed the inquiries made of Tertullian,
by females in this Christian community, respecting minor
baptism,† and of Tertullian seceding from the Catholic
church in Carthage, and his uniting with the Montanists, on
the grounds of purity of communion. From Tertullian's works,
his views and arguments in support of their doctrines, with
the nature of their discipline, can be ascertained. He
formed in his own city a separate congregation, which
continued for two hundred years. Agrippinus
220 its first
pastor, with Tertullian, admitted members by examination and
baptism, but all such as joined the Montanists from other
communities were rebaptized.
12. A name
often appears in church history, which it will be necessary
for us to mention and illustrate. A
227 physician,
named MANES, embraced Christianity, and taught others the
views he adopted. It is plain he had many followers in this,
and in the following…
* Mosh. Hist. C.2 ,pt .2, ch
S 23.
† See ch. 2, s. 2,
7, and note 18.
Rob. Hist. Bap. p. 183.
…centuries. An endless variety of tales are
told of this man, and his adherents, who were called after
him, Manicheans, which name became a kind of warning Merimo
to all the orthodox. Their enemies being the recorders of
their creed and discipline, deserve little credit, as in
this case, with others already mentioned, their interested
accusers confounded all Dissenters with the profligates and
the enthusiasts, and most state clergy have pursued the same
path and spirit. This class of orientals was unconnected
with all hierarchies, and consisted of innumerable churches
in different countries.* Though errors were probably mixed
up with this new system, one circumstance is favorable to
these people, that of their enumeration by early catholic
writers, with the Messalians, Novatianists, Donatists, and
Paulicians, whose memories and creeds have been rescued from
undeserved reproach. We do not expect perfection in any body
of Christians, but taking dissenters in every age, they have
been found preferable in their knowledge of doctrines, and
their practice of morals, to any community in national
forms; while it is easy to discover these only have
maintained civil and religious freedom, 1 Cor. vii. 23, in
their native dignity. These people accounted for the origin
of evil as many had done before them, supposing it to arise
out of physical or natural imperfections. They rejected the
Old Testament, (as a rule to Christians, of which more
The leading errors in the African churches
arose from their adopting the Old Testament rites, which
probably occasioned these Christians with others to reject
its precepts.
* Rob, His. Bap., p. 496.
All Baptists
Their morals were rigidly severe, their
worship simple but mixed with oriental visions. Their
doctrines were a mixture of national superstitions with the
tenets of Christianity. Their exact views are probably not
ascertained, and the reproaches heaped upon all
nonconformists, leave us room to exercise charity in their
case and creed. Their congregations, like those of the
English dissenters, were divided into hearers and members,
whom they called auditors and elect. They refused oaths,
remonstrated against penal sanctions, and denied the
authority of magistrates over conscience. Dr. Mosheim has
demonstrated that they did administer baptism to those who
desired it, but not without the candidates' consent, and
that they did not baptise infants:* which is further evident
by those books published against dissenters; wherein are
shown that all parties administered baptism, single or
trine, and all re-baptized. † The Manichean reproach has
been charged on the Paulicians and Albigenses, since these
people have been rescued from the stigma of palpable and
damnable errors, we doubt not had similar investigation been
pursued by unprejudiced men; a similar result would have
ensued to a considerable extent, respecting the Manicheans.
3. In reference to the orientals, we observed, during
the first three centuries Christian congregations all over
the East subsisted in separate independent bodies,
unsupported by government, and consequently without any
secular power over one another. "All this time they were
baptist churches, says Robinson, and though all the Fathers
of the first four ages, down to…
* Comment,
on the Affairs of the Christians before Constantine, &c., in
Rob. Bap. p. 496.
† Rob. Res., p. 212.
…Jerome (A. D. 370) were of Greece, Syria and
Africa, and though they give great numbers of histories of
the baptism of adults, yet there is not one record of the
baptism of a child till the year 370." The Grecian
conventicles, as their practice proves beyond all
contradiction, held that the decrees and constitutions of
prelates were not binding on conscience; that river water
was preferable to consecrated water for baptism.* It has
been affirmed by modern writers that Greeks are Anabaptists,
but they do not repeat baptism. The reason is plain; dipping
includes sprinkling, but sprinkling does not include
dipping. There is an officer in the Grecian church called
the baptist or dipper, who administers baptism, in the
present day, to all who have not been immersed. This will
explain many anecdotes, says Robinson, in the Russian
church. The Greek church admitted none into her communion,
of the re-formed church, but who must be baptized anew.† No
church, says Wall, ever gave the communion to any person
before they were baptized:o
though the ancients reckoned that Christians might and ought
to hold communion, notwithstanding difference of opinion in
lesser matters. S
14. On the commencement of the fourth century the
Christian church enjoyed peace, but
303 in 303 this
halcyon period was disturbed by the edicts of Diocletian,
this persecution threatened
306 the
extirpation of the Christian interest. In 306 Constantine
was saluted emperor, and a change was soon effected in the
policy of the government by…
* Rob. Res.
pp. 55, 56.
† Rob. Hist. Bap. p. 511.
Hist. of Inf. Bap. pt. 2, c. 9,
15, p. 440.
Id. pt. 1. c. 11
Constantine declaring himself a Christian, and
311 ordering by
edict in the ensuing year all persecution to cease.* The
emperor having obtained the sole guardianship of the empire,
and to strengthen his interest with a vast number of his
subjects, pays particular attention to the bishops and
clergy, who previous to this period were obscure men, and
little more 313
is known of them than their names, † In 313 he issued his
edict granting religious liberty to
316 all
Christians. In 316 he gave liberty to those slaves who would
receive baptism. In 320
he issued his edict against the Donatists, and some
suffered death. The year before he relieved
326 the catholic
clergy from taxes, and in 326 evinces moderation towards the
Novatianists because of their soundness in that faith he had
the year before established in the council of Nice.
o He now incorporated the
church with the state, and transferred the seat of
government from Rome to Byzantium, and called it
Constantinople from his own name. Here his imperial majesty
erected the spacious and splendid church of St. Sophia. As
an appendage to this elegant building, Constantine built the
baptistery of St. John, in the style of a convocation-room
in a cathedral. It was very large and was called the great
Illuminary. In the middle was the bath, in which baptism was
administered: it was supplied with water by pipes,
S and there were
outer rooms for all concerned in…
* Mosh.
Hist. C. 4, pt. 1, c. 1,
† Rob. Res. p. 120.
Dupin. Cent. 4. v. ii. p. 11—16. Constantine, Gib. Ro. Hist.
c. 20. Jones' Lect. v. i. 354.
T. D. Fosbroke's Ency. of Antiq. v. i. pp. 46 and 103, and
Pilkington's Sacred Elucidations, v. 2, pt. 4, of Baptism.
…baptism of immersion, the only baptism of
the place.* Every thing in this church goes to prove that
baptism was administered by immersion, and only to
instructed per-sons. The canon laws, the officers, the
established rituals,…
Baptisteries are of different forms and of very high
antiquity, as that of St. John's connected with the church
of Constantinople. In Italy, although the churches were
numerous, in some of the most considerable cities there was
only one general baptistery, to which all resorted. Of the
baptisteries of Rome the Lateran is the most ancient. This
baptistery was made out of an old mansion-house given by
Constantine to Bishop Sylvester, and was endowed with a
handsome income, the dimensions have been preserved. Rob.
Hist. of Bap. c. 14. One was prepared for the baptism of
Clovis, king of France, and his majesty, with three thousand
of his subjects, were plunged, says Mczeray, on Christmas
day, 496. The baptistery of Pisa, both externally and
internally, presents a fine display of the most exquisite
workmanship. See Penny Cyclop. Art. Bap., Ency. Britan. and
Antiquarian Repository, v. ii. p. 423. The baptistery of
Florence is remarkable for the beauty of its gates. The
Italian baptistery in appearance is not dissimilar to the
octagon in Ely Cathedral. Lon. Ency. Art. Bapt., Rob. Hist.
of Bap. ch. 16. p. 89.
1670 Dr. Wall says, "the
Greek church, in all its branches, does still use immersion;
and so do all Christians who have not submitted to the
pope's authority." Hist. Inf. Bap. p. 1. c. 2,
1815 "This day, (says Dr.
Pinkerton, Russia,) "was excessively cold, be-ing upwards of
ten degrees of frost, and the water in the font almost
freezing. I expressed my surprise to the priest that they
did not use tepid water, see-ing the infant had to be three
times dipped over head and ears in the icy bath," &c. Again,
he remarks, "the Duchobortzi make the sacraments to consist
only in a spiritual reception of them, and therefore reject
infant baptism. Their origin is to be sought for among the
Anabaptists. This people have excited great attention" (in
1824 The Syrians baptize
their children, says Missionary Wolf, by placing the child
in the fountain, so that part of the body is in the water,
then the priest three times takes water in his hands and
pours it on the child's head, repeating at each time the
name of one person in the Trinity. After this the body is
immersed. Jewish Expositor, for September, 1824.
The rubric of the present Greek church requires
dipping in baptism. Gale's Reflect, p. 158.
…the Lent sermons of the prelates, and the
baptism of the archbishops themselves.*
15. The change effected in the affairs of the
church by Constantine, was attended with serious
consequences to the well-being of the community. After he
had adjusted the Nicene creed, he issued a law and sent it
to all the presidents of provinces, requiring all persons to
conform to his creed. The emperor condemned his past
forbearance, as an occasion of men's being seduced by these
erroneous people. By this edict, says Eusebius, the dens of
heretics were laid open, and the wild beasts, the
ringleaders of their impiety, were scattered. "This edict,"
observes Lardner, "was principally directed against the
Novatianists, &c., and all others, who by private meetings
endeavored to support heresies." † His choice of clergy soon
led him to erect splendid churches, and to richly adorn them
with pictures and images, which bore a striking resemblance
to the pagan temples.o
The clergy of these churches became vicious, and they
contended with each other in the most scandalous manner;
they trampled on the rights of the people, as by endowments
they were raised above them. They imitated the luxury of
princes, and consequently ignorance and superstition soon
prevailed among the people. Reverence now began to be paid
to the memory of departed saints. The people, being left by
those state paid clergy soon had their minds diverted from
the simple worship of the New Testament to the scene of the
Redeemer's labors. The Holy Land had peculiar charms,
pilgrimages were made, discoveries of relics, belonging once
to a sacred…
* Rob. Bap. p. 63.
† Cred.
of the Gospel, v. iv. ch. 70, p. 169.
o Lon. Ency. Art. Rom. Cathol.
p. 647.
…name, became an enviable treasure, which
awakened ambition, and opened a door to a system of pious
frauds.* After having opened the way into the church for
every evil, and provided a chair for the man of sin,
Constantine took leave of all his earthly grandeur, May 22,
337, aged 66. †
* Mosh.
Hist. C. 2, pt. 2, c. 2,
† The dangers attending the
church of God at this period, are shown in God's sealing his
own people, Rev. vii. 3. The sealing in the forehead
suggests an open profession, and a visible piety in the
Lord's servants. This mark is not baptism, as Bishop Newton
fancies, since that is not God's work, and is given alike to
friends and foes, nor is that rite ever called in the New
Testament a seal, but is plainly the work of the Holy
Spirit, by which they were sealed to the day of redemption,
Eph. 1:13, and without which Spirit, they would not be God's
servants, nor would the Novatianists in Italy, the Euchites
in Asia, the Donatists in Africa, the Paterines in Italy,
the Paulicians in Armenia, the Albigenses and Waldenses,
have been preserved from the surrounding contagion for a
day, but they were sealed or secured.