The General Convention Of The Baptist
Denomination In The United States
Luther Rice-His Character-Kingsford's
Account-Note in His Journal-Before the American Board-Appeal to
the Baptists-The Savannah Baptist Society-Organization of the
Triennial Convention-The Numbers of the Baptists Small-The
Messengers-The Constitution-Dr. Furman Preaches the
Sermon-Judson Accepted as Missionary-Hough and Wife Sent to
India-Domestic Missions-The Program-Indian Missions-Isaac
McCoy-Rice Visits the Churches-A Great Crisis-A Resume of the
As yet the Baptists of the United
States had not organized any general meeting. There were many
hindrances in the way of such a gathering. The distances were
great; much of the country was sparsely settled; the roads were
often impassable; the modes of travel were slow and often
dangerous; and as yet there was no commanding motive for such a
body. The conversion of Judson furnished the motive, and the
opening of a mission in Burma the inspiration. Under these
conditions the General Convention of the Baptist denomination in
the United States, generally known as the Triennial Convention,
was organized.
Luther Rice,
who returned to America to arouse the Baptists to the support of
Judson and foreign missions, was a most remarkable man. He was
not without faults, he made mistakes, but his virtues and zeal
outshone them all. He has been described as follows:
By nature
he was endowed with many of the essential attributes of an
effective speaker. His appearance was highly prepossessing,
Above the ordinary height, with a robust and perfectly erect
form, there was at once produced on the mind of the beholder
a most favorable impression. None could fail to entertain
respect, for it was demanded by s peculiar dignity of
appearance and manner. Especially was thin true, when he
arose in the pulpit. With a full face, and comparatively
small eyes, there was sometimes rather a dull and heavy teat
of countenance, which immediately changed when he became
animated by speaking; his voice was clear and melodious. He
had but little action, which, however, was appropriate and
graceful. He was, at all times, whey he addressed an
assembly, remarkable for self possession. Nothing seemed
capable of discomposing his mind. Perhaps few speakers have
bean apparently leas affected by external circumstances;
whatever might be the character of the congregation, whether
large or small, intelligent or ignorant, whether in the city
or country, he was always distinguished for the same dignity
and readiness of utterance . . . The style of Mr. Rice-s
sermons was, in many respects, superior. A refined, critical
taste, could, perhaps, have discovered, at times, a
redundancy of words and phrases; but thin was no more than
might have been expected from discourses which were always
extemporaneous, especially when it is known that the
multiplicity of other duties allowed but little time for
preparation . . . The moment he began to speak, attention
was roused, and uniformly the interest thus awakened was
kept up throughout the services. The clearness of his
conceptions, the accuracy and force of his language, and the
solemn dignity of his manner, all contributed to render him
one of the moat interesting public speakers of our land.
Occasionally, his eloquence was overpowering, particularly
when he advocated the more sublime doctrines of our holy
religion. Indeed, in the discussion of such topics, he may
be regarded as having been moat felicitous. There seems to
have been a coincidence between the operations of his own
mind, and those truths which, in their very nature, are vast
and grand. The terribleness of Jehovah-s wrath, the severity
of his justice, and the rectitude of all of his decisions,
were themes which gave ample scope to his vigorous
intellect, and is the discussion of which, he was not only
instructive, but exceedingly impressive (Taylor, Memoir
of Luther Rice, one of the First American Missionaries
of the East, 271-273. Baltimore, 1841).
A most
interesting account of Rice is given by Edward Kingsford,
Augusta, Georgia, December 31, 1840, describing his courage and
perseverance. He says: "Nothing but absolute necessity ever
prevented him from accomplishing any purpose which he had formed
in his mind, or from fulfilling an engagement be had previously
made. In his numerous journeys in the South, he had frequently
to cross deep and rapid streams, yet he appeared never to have
been disconcerted by the threatened impediment, or deterred from
making the passage, however dangerous. At one time, on
approaching a stream, he perceived by the turbid state of the
water, that it could not be forded without some danger, he left
the horse and sulky on the bank, and plunged into the river.
Just as the water reached his neck, he found himself approaching
the opposite shore; he then returned and with his horse and
carriage, dashed through. the foaming flood. At another time, on
a similar occasion, discovering that he could not keep his
books, papers, and other baggage dry, if he swam his horse and
sulky through the water, he disengaged his horse from the
vehicle, and with portions of his books, crossed the stream
thirteen times, and then, wet as he was, pursued his journey.
Once, when he came to a very deep and rapid river on which stood
a mill, he called to the miller to help him over. -Help you
over-- said the man, with astonishment, -you will not be able to
cross that river today.- -Yes, I shall,- said Rice, -if you will
help me.- Immediately alighting, he commenced operations. He
first took one wheel off the sulky and carried it through the
mill; he took off the other, and transported it in the same way.
Afterwards, by the aid of the miller, he carried the body of the
sulky through. By a number of successive trips, he conveyed over
the harness and the baggage, then mounting his horse he swam him
through the river, and then went on his way to secure the object
to which he had devoted his life. Upon another occasion, a
friend sent him in a carriage to a place where he was to be met
by another; but the latter failed to meet him, he pursued his
journey carrying a small trunk. A part of his journey was
pursued through a long and dreary swamp. Being asked by friends,
sometime after, if he did not feel afraid while passing through
the swamp on foot and alone; he replied, -I thought of nothing
except the object that was before me"- (The Baptist Banner and
Pioneer, February 16, 1841) .
Such was the
man American Baptists sent forth to represent their cause. While
on his voyage home, March 25, he entered the following note in
his journal: "This day I am thirty years old. I renewedly give
myself to the Lord, renewedly devote myself to the cause of
missions, and beg of God to accept me as his, and particularly
as devoted to the missionary service." After spending two months
in the city of St. Salvador, where he remarks, "the Catholic
superstition was entirely predominant, forming a state of
heathenism as bad as any other," he obtained passage to New
On September
15, in Boston, he appeared before the American Board of
Commissioners. He laid before that body a verbal and written
account of his change of sentiments and the reasons for them. He
was courteous and kind but received scant recognition in return.
From henceforth
Rice entered into a new relation; engaged in new, important and
very laborious and responsible endeavors to awaken the Baptist
churches in the United States to the desirableness and
practicability of combining their energies in. the cause of
Everywhere the
movement took form and societies for the promotion of foreign
missions were constituted. The appeal of the Savannah
Association, Georgia, written by Dr. W. T. Brandy, Sr., is
characteristic of many others, and is sufficient, in this place,
to show the spirit of the Baptists:
To the
Inhabitants of Georgia, and the adjacent parts of South
Friends and
Brethren-As the great family of man are connected together
by the same fraternal bond, it is the high duty and interest
of all of its members to use the best means in their power
for the benefit of the whole. Of all those means which have
been employed for that great end, none have been found so
effectual as the preaching of the everlasting gospel. The
obligations to contribute to its extension, therefore, must
be proportionately binding.
The gospel
of Christ exhibiting the moat important truths and
furnishing the moat exalted motives for action, accurately
delineating the path to pure, unalloyed happiness, and
deriving its authority from Jehovah himself, produces, in
its diffusion, results in relation to the benefit of man,
which human sages, lawgivers and kings have for ages labored
in vain to effect. Alienated from his God by sin, deprived
of the favor of his Creator by apostasy, man wanders in the
earth a wretched object, a forsaken rebel, a child of hell.
No ray of light, no gleam of hope issues from his dark abode
to point out the way to restoration, happiness sad glory. No
human efforts can relieve his hopeless condition. But in the
gospel of Christ the sun of righteousness is seen rising
with healing under his wings. His divine rays, wherever they
penetrate, scatter the mists which overwhelm man in despair.
These discover to him the way of deliverance and joy, and
lead to the portals of bliss. On a great part of the earth,
these rays have fallen with happiest effect, illuminating
the extensive regions, turning their inhabitants from
darkness to light, and preparing them for immortal felicity.
But a far greater part of the earth remains unvisited by
these beams, and consequently continues in darkness, and
sees no light. But this part waits their appearance, and
shall not wait in vain. The time approaches when those who
have long eat in the region and shadow of death, shall have
light to spring up unto them. The sun of righteousness shall
diffuse among them the beams of light, and the whole earth
shall be full of his glory.
Late events
in divine providence prove, with convincing testimony, that
this time fast approaches. Ware and rumors of wars, the
overturning of nations, the rapidly increasing destruction
of the Man of Sin, and the growing spread of divine
truth-events predicted by the prophets, and represented by
them as preclusive to the general diffusion of the gospel
clearly show that the universal triumph of Christ, the King
of Zion, is sot far distant. What deserves particular notice
in this view, is the missionary spirit which, within a few
years peat, has been kindled with enthusiastic ardor in
Europe, at the altar of divine love. Under its influence
great things have been attempted and performed in idolatrous
catching the same hallowed spirit, has been animated to
similar exertions. Besides many societies formed for
missionary efforts in this country, one, to the immortal
honor of our Congregational and Presbyterian brethren, has
been organized by them, of considerable extent and
importance. Under their patronage, missionaries have been
sent out for the purpose of effecting establishments in the
East, for the diffusion of the gospel among the heathen
tribes. That our brethren of these denominations should not
be alone, in this great work, God, in the arrangement of
infinite wisdom, hoe been pleased to bring some of their
missionaries over to the Baptist persuasion. These, still
desirous of pursuing then- generous, disinterested career,
for the benefit of the heathen, now present themselves to
the American Baptists for support. And shall they present
themselves in vain- Fiends and brethren, can the finger of
divine providence, so evidently marking out the path for us,
be mistaken- Can the Lord-s will, so clearly made known in
this dispensation, be misinterpreted- Surely not! It cannot
be! If then, it be the high duty and interest of the great
family of man to promote each other-s happiness, Bind the
benefit of the whole, and that it cannot be denied; and if
the diffusion of the gospel of Christ be the most effectual
means of securing those objects-a truth that must be
admitted; then it is undoubtedly our duty and our interest
to embrace the present suspicious moment, and engage is
joyful haste and determined energy in the great work of
evangelizing the poor heathen.
Since the
secession of our dear brethren, Rice, Judson and lady, the
individuals alluded to above, several missionary societies
have been formed by the Baptists of America. These societies
have for their object tie establishment and support of
foreign missions; and it is contemplated that delegates from
them all will convene in some central situation in the
United States for the purpose of organizing an efficient and
practicable plan, on which the energies of the whole Baptist
denomination, throughout America, may be elicited, combined
and directed, in one sacred effort for sending the word of
life to idolatrous lands. What a dime spectacle will the
convention present l A numerous body of the Lord-s people,
embracing in their connection from 100,000 to 200,000 souls,
all rising in obedience to their Lord, and meeting by
delegation, in one august assembly, solemnly to engage in
one sacred effort for effectuating the great command: "Go ye
into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"
spectacle can more solemnly interest the benevolent heart!
What can be more acceptable to our heavenly Father! We
invite you, dear friends, and brethren-we affectionately and
cordially invite you-to embrace the privilege of uniting in
so glorious a cause, so divine a work. God has put great
honor upon us in giving us so favorable an opportunity of
coming up "to the help of -the Lord against the mighty." In
doing so, he has conferred on us a distinguished privilege.
Shall we be insensible to the honor- Shall we disregard the
privilege- God forbid l Living in a country whose generous
soil yields, with moderate industry, more than a sufficiency
of the comforts of life, and professing, in great numbers,
to be redeemed from our iniquities, our obligations to exert
ourselves for the benefit of our race and the glory of God,
are great indeed. O let us feel, impressively feel, the
force of these obligations and act correspondingly with them
l And we trust, in our attempt to act is this manner, no
sectarian views, no individual prejudices, no party
considerations, will have leave to operate any unfriendly
influence upon a design conceived in disinterested
benevolence, and having for its object the good of man and
the honor of his Creator.
with this address to you, friends and brethren, is the
constitution on which our society is organized. According to
this, you may either become members with us, or donors, or
both. In either character we will cheerfully receive your
aid; and, in both, we hope to have the pleasure of ranking
great numbers of you.
Wishing you
grace, mercy and peace, we remain affectionately, your
servants in the gospel, for Christ-s sake.
William B.
Johnson, President,
William T. Brantly, Corresponding Secretary.
Savannah, 17th December, 1813.
A meeting of a
few leading brethren was held in Boston early in the autumn of
1813, to consult on the best course to pursue. At first, it was
thought advisable to make the Boston society-formed in
consequence of Judson-s change of sentiments, under the broad
name of "The Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel in India
and other Foreign Parts," and which had already assumed the
support of the Judsons-the parent institution, to which all
others should become auxiliary (Daniel Sharp, Sketch of the
Origin and Progress of the Triennial Convention, The Baptist
Memorial and Monthly Record, February, 1842. I. 33).
Rice succeeded,
however, in modifying this plan to the effect that a meeting of
delegates from all parts of the country should be called at some
central point as soon as practicable, to form an organization
for conducting missionary operations on a more enlarged scale.
With the concurrence of the brethren in the vicinity of Boston
he devoted himself, during the remainder of the autumn and the
ensuing winter and spring, to preparing the way for the
contemplated meeting. For this purpose he visited successively
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond,
Charleston and Savannah, together with most of the prominent
towns in the southern States especially, and met with
encouraging success. The brethren whom he consulted were almost
unanimously desirous of a denominational movement and
organization in favor of missions. Isis personal labors, and
very extensive correspondence, resulted in the meeting of
delegates from eleven States and the District of Columbia, in
Philadelphia, on May 18, 1814; where, after mature deliberation,
The General Missionary Convention of the Baptist Denomination in
the United States was duly organized, to be regularly convened
once in three years. On this account it was called the Triennial
Convention (Barnas Sears, Memoir of Luther Rice, The
Christian Review, VI. 337, 338. September, 1841).
In 1814, there
were known to exist, in the United States, less than 120 Baptist
associations, containing about 2,000 churches, 1,500 ministers,
and 160,000 communicants. There were in 1820 a population in
this country of 9,637,119.
Of this
important general organization, the first among the Baptists of
America, Richard Furman, of South Carolina, was chosen
President, and Thomas Baldwin, of Massachusetts, Secretary. The
following delegates were enrolled, the "geographical situation"
being kept in view:
State of Massachusetts-
Thomas Baldwin, D.D.
Revd Lucius
Bones, A.M.
State of Rhode Island-
Stephen Gano, A.M.
State of New York-
Rev-d John
Mr. Thomas
Mr. Edward
Nathaniel Smith.
State of
New Jersey-
Burgisa Allison, D.D.
Richard Proudfoot.
Josiah Stratton.
William Boswell.
Rev-d Henry
Smalley, A.M.
Mr. Matthew
Mr. John
Mr. Stephen
State of
William Rogers, D.D.
Rev-d Henry
Holcombe, D.D.
William Stoughton, D.D.
Rev-d Wm.
White, A.M.
Rev-d John
Horatio G. Jones, A.M.
Rev-d Silas
Joseph Mathias.
Stale of
Daniel Dodge.
State of
Rev-d Lewis
Thomas Brooke.
of Columbia-
Obadiah Browns (not present).
Rev-d Wm.
Pilmore (not present).
Luther Rice.
State of
Robert B. Semple.
Rev-d Jacob
Rev-d John
Bryce (not present).
State of
North Carolina-
Rev-d James
A. Ranaldaon.
State of
South Carolina-
Ricard Forman, D.D.
Matthias Tallmadge.
State of
Rev-d W. B.
Constitution was discussed at great length and was finally
adopted as follows:
We the
delegates from Missionary Societies, and other religious
Bodies of the Baptist denomination, in various parts of the
United States, met in Convention, for the purpose of
carrying into effect the benevolent Intentions of our
Constituents, for organizing a plan for eliciting, combining
and directing the Energies of the whole Denomination in one
sacred effort, for sending the glad tidings of Salvation to
the Heathen and to nations destitute of pure Gospel light,
do agree to the following Rules of fundamental Principles,
I. That
this body shall be styled "The General Missionary Convention
of the Baptist Denomination in the United States of America,
for Foreign Missions."
II. That a
triennial Convention shall, hereafter, be held, consisting
of Delegates, not exceeding two in number, from each of the
several Missionary Societies, and other religious bodies of
the Baptist Denomination, now existing, or which may be
hereafter formed in the United States, and which shall each,
regularly contribute to the general Missionary Fund, a sum,
amounting to at least one hundred Dollars, per annum.
III. That
for the necessary transaction and dispatch of business,
during the recess of the said Convention, there shall be a
Board of twenty-one Commissioners, who shall be members of
the said Societies, Churches, or other religious bodies
aforesaid, triennially appointed, by the said Convention, by
ballot, to be called the "Baptist Board of Foreign Missions
for the United States"; seven of whom shall be a quorum for
the transaction of all business; and which Board shall
continue in office until successors be duly appointed; and
shall have power to make sad adopt by-laws for the
government of the said Board, and for the furtherance of the
general objects of the Institution.
IV. That it
shall be the duty of this Board, to employ Missionaries,
and, if very, to take measures for the improvement of their
qualifications; to fin on the -Field of their Labours, and
the compensation to be allowed them for their services; to
superintend their conduct, and dismiss them, should their
services be disapproved; to publish accounts, from time to
time, of the Board-s Transactions, sad as annual Address to
the public; to call a special meeting of the Convention on
any extraordinary occasion, and, in general, to conduct the
executive part of the missionary concern.
V. That
such persons only as are is full communion with some regular
Church of our Denomination, and who furnish satisfactory
evidence of genuine Piety, good Talent, and fervent Zeal for
the Redeemer-s Cause, are to be employed as Missionaries.
VI. That
the Board shall choose by ballot, one President, two Vice
Presidents, a Treasurer, a Corresponding, and a Recording
VII. That
the president, or in case of his absence or disability, the
senior vice-president present, shad preside in all meetings
of the Board, and when application shall be made is writing,
by any two of the members, shall call a special meeting of
the Board, giving- due notice thereof.
VIII. That
the treasurer shall receive and faithfully account for all
the moneys paid into the treasury, keep a regular account of
receipts and disbursements, make a report thereof to the
said Convention, whenever it shall be is session, sad to the
Board of Missions annually, and as often as by them
required. He shall also, before he enters on the duties of
the office, give competent security, to be approved by the
Board, for the stock cad funds that may be committed to his
IX. That
the corresponding secretary shall maintain intercourse by
letter with such individuals, societies, or public bodies,
as the interest of the institution may require. Copies of
all communications made by the particular direction of the
Convention or Board, shall be by him handed to the recording
secretary, for record and safe keeping.
X. That the
recording secretary shall, ex-officio, be the Secretary of
the Convention, unless some other be by them appointed in
his stead. He shall attend all the meetings of the Board,
and keep a faithful record of their proceedings, and of the
transactions of the Convention.
XI. That in
the case of the death, resignation, or disability of any of
its officers, or members, the Board shall have power to fill
such vacancy.
XII. That
the said Convention shall have power, and is the interval of
their meeting the Board of Commissioners, on the
recommendation of any one of the constituent bodies
belonging to the Convention, shall also have power, to elect
honorary members of piety and distinguished liberality, who,
on their election, shall be entitled to a seat, and take
part is the debates of the Convention; but it shall be
understood that the right of voting shall be confined to the
XIII. That
in the case any of the constituent bodies shall be unable to
send representatives to the said Convention, they shall be
permitted to vote by proxy, which proxy shall be appointed
by writing.
XIV. That
any alterations which experience may dictate from time to
time, may be made is these Articles, at the regular meeting
of the Convention, by two-thirds of the members present.
Three of the
delegates were from New England, twenty-one from the Middle
States, seven from the Southern States, and Luther Rice from the
District of Columbia. Dr. Furman preached the sermon from
Matthew 28: 20. A Board of twenty-one members was selected, and
Dr. Baldwin became its president. Luther Rice was "appointed,
under the patronage of this board, as their Missionary, to
continue his itinerate services, in these United States, for a
reasonable time; with s view to excite the public mind more
generally, to engage in Missionary exertions; and to assist in
organizing Societies, or Institutions, for carrying the
Missionary design into execution" (Minutes of the Meeting).
Joseph Mathias,
a messenger to the initial meeting of the Triennial Convention,
has left some interesting reminiscences. He says:
As it was my
province to preach the introductory sermon at the opening of the
Philadelphia Baptist Association, in October, 1813, by previous
appointment, I went early to the city and called upon Dr.
Holcomb, the pastor of the first Baptist church (at whose
meeting house the association was to assemble), and while there,
brother Luther Rice came in, an entire stranger, presented to
Dr. H. some letters of introduction from brethren in Boston, New
York, &c., by which he was recognized and fraternally received.
He accompanied us to the meeting, was introduced to the
brethren, and at a suitable time addressed the association,
stating the change of his views, with respect to the ordinance
of baptism, as well as those of his brother Judson and wife; his
motives for returning from the East, which were particularly to
elicit the patronage of the Baptists in the United States in the
cause of Foreign Missions, and to take immediate measures for
sustaining brother Judson, and wife in the foreign field, &c.
His address was listened to with deep interest, and his pungent
appeal was not made in vain. A large committee was appointed, of
whom your correspondent was one, to adopt measures to facilitate
the formation of a Society for Foreign Missions. That committee
noon met, a society was auspiciously formed, and delegates were
appointed to meet delegates from other societies in a
convention, that was expected soon to be called. It is among my
happy reminiscences, that I was numbered among the delegates of
that Convention, which met May 18th, 1814. I saw the first
movements of that body in the appointment of the President and
Secretary; the selection appeared to augur favorably; that
brethren from the South and North, and whose spheres of labor
were near a thousand miles apart, should be unanimously called,
and with one consent should sit so near together, as the united
organ of that body. Assemblages of people are generally adjudged
to be large or small by comparison. At that period, so many
ministering and other brethren, from eleven different states,
meeting together to adopt measures and to mature plans relating
to the interests of the Redeemer-s kingdom, was reckoned large
and propitious; but convocations of a more recent date,
consisting of four or five hundred, and in some instances of a
thousand and upwards, from a score or more of these United
States, having in view the moral and religious state of the
community, gives to that meeting rather a withering appearance;
but when we consider, that though it was, in its incipient
state; its deliberations, resolutions, and subsequent action,
awoke many from their slumbers, and has elicited the prayers,
the concentrated energies and talents, as well as the liberality
of thousands in the great and noble enterprise; we may therefore
contemplate that Convention as the pivot upon which the great
wheel has revolved, grasping within its extensive circle, both
by its centripetal and centrifugal effects, an influence and
sympathy that has already astonished even the most sanguine, and
which, under the blessing of God, shall continue to revolve
through succeeding generations, until every nation, "who see the
light and feel the sun," shall be brought under the sweet and
benign influence of the irradiating beams of the Son of
Righteousness, through the instrumentality of the blessed
gospel, "which brought life and immortality to light, and which
shall be published in every land."
At the morning
session of the first day, Dr. Furman was requested to preach
that evening upon the occasion. He complied. His text was
Matthew 27:20- "And, to l I am with you alway, even unto the end
of the world" (The Baptist Memorial and Monthly Chronicle,
191, 192. June, 1842).
The following
interesting table illustrates the progress of the Triennial
States Rep.
Convention Sermon
O. B.
Dr. S.
H. Cone.
Dr. S.
W. Lynd.
It was also
determined that Adoniram Judson, "now in India, be considered as
a Missionary, under the care and direction of this Board; of
which he shall be informed without delay: That provision be made
for the support of him and his family accordingly; and that one
thousand dollars be transmitted to him by the first safe
opportunity: That the Secretary of the Particular Baptist
Society, for Missions in England, be informed of this
transaction; and that this Board has assumed the pledge given by
the Boston Mission Society, to pay any bills which may be drawn
on them, in consequence of advances made in favor of Mr. and
Mrs. Judson" (Minutes of the Meeting of the Baptist Board, 13).
Burma was chosen as the field of operation and "Mr. Rough, who
was twenty-eight years of age, a native of Winsor, Vt., and a
member of the Baptist church at Pawtucket, R. I.," was sent out
to assist Judson in the mission (The First Annual Report of the
Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the United States, 28.
Philadelphia, 1815) . At the time this report was made the Board
had not as yet heard from Judson.
A very timely
caution is given in the second annual report as follows:
An error
against which it becomes the friends of missions carefully
to guard, is the expectation that their plans and
contributions shall immediately produce great and
animating effects. A language, and in some instances a very
difficult one, is to be acquired, before a Missionary can
begin his labors; when they are commenced, it is merely the
seed time, not the harvest. A minister of Jesus introduced
among the heathen, is placed in circumstances peculiarly
delicate. When he observes their attachment to superstitions
which have obtained sanction in the minds of idolaters by
the approbation of ages, and of thousands of their populace,
their priests and their philosophers; a sense of his own
insufficiency, the temptations of the adversary, and the
occasional assaults of unbelief, to which the beat of men
are subject may often originate despairing sentiments.
Should he at any time express them, the sympathies of the
disciples of Christ ought to be called into exercise. It
were foolish and cruel to conclude a station untenable, or
an adventure abortive, because existing aspects may have
created temporary dismay; and still more so to censure a
Missionary for having not done what God alone can
accomplish. The kingdoms of this world moat become the
Lord-s. Burma shall se assuredly bow to the Messiah se shall
the United States, or Europe, or Hindoostan. God, in his
providence, opens channels for the diffusion of his gospel;
and in ways, transcending all human calculations, levels
mountainous impedimenta into plains. The Moravian
Missionaries laboured long without any visible fruit. At the
expiration of six years the Baptist Missionaries in Bengal
were not satisfied that s solitary native had been converted
to Christ (The Second Annual Report of the Baptist Board of
Foreign Missions, 69, 80. Philadelphia, 1818).
At first the
duties of this Board were confined to foreign missions; but at
the Convention of 1817 the following provision was added in
regard to Domestic Missions:
That the
Board of Foreign Missions for the United States, have full
power at their discretion to appropriate a portion of the
funds to domestic missionary purposes, in such parts of the
country where the seed of the Word may be advantageously
cast, and which mission societies on a small scale do not
effectively reach (Minutes of the Convention for 1817, 131).
As a result of
this action of the Convention the following program was
inaugurated by the Board in the appointment of a number of
That the Board contemplates, with deep concern, the
miserable condition of the various tribes of Indians on our
continent; that they regard a .favorable indication in
Providence, the anxious solicitude which many, particularly
is the neighborhood of the Indians, manifest for introducing
the Gospel among them; that the Board will avail itself of
the earliest opportunity, when any suitable person or
persons shall offer for the service, to make a vigorous
effort in relation to some of the tribes; and that, pursuant
to this determination, the Corresponding Secretary be
instructed to write to the Rev. Humphrey Poesy, from whom
some interesting information has been already received, to
learn of him still further views, particularly in relation
to the Cherokees, in whose neighborhood he has resided,
whether he would be willing to labour among them, and if so,
what plan of operation would he suggest as most eligible,
and what support would be requisite.-Also, that the
Corresponding Secretary be instructed to write to the
Corresponding Secretary of the Sarepta Mission Society on
this subject, and to any others from whom he may judge
important information may be obtained.
was made on the part of the Rev. Messrs. John M. Peck, and
James E. Welsh, for an appointment to a Western mission,
having reference ultimately to the Western Indians. This
application was accompanied with a statement by their tutor,
the Rev. Dr. Stoughton, much in favor of their religious
character and deportment while members of his family; and of
their talents and acquirements for the sacred ministry,
which was highly satisfactory to the Board.
unanimously, That the said brethren, James E. Welsh and John
M. Peck, be accepted as missionaries of this Board; that
they be instructed to proceed, as soon as convenient, to the
westward, with a view to commence their labors at St. Louis,
or rte vicinity, in the Missouri Territory; that 1,000
dollars be placed in their hands, to assist them in going
with their families to St. Louis, and to support them in the
commencement of their missionary exertions; that they be
authorized and requested to make collections of money, and
of books, as opportunities offer, with a view of aiding the
Western mission, and give an account of the same to the
Board; that they be instructed also to make inquiries, after
arriving in the missionary field, relative to the native
tribes in that quarter; and that, on the ensuing Sabbath,
they be solemnly set apart to the service of the said
Western mission.
That the Corresponding Secretary be instructed to write to
the Rev. Isaac McCoy, informing him of the designation of
the two brethren to missionary service in St. Louis, and the
surrounding country, for which station they have been for a
considerable time preparing; that his application has been
received by the Board with emotions of pleasure and
satisfaction; and that they request him to inform them
whether there is not in that quarter, and perhaps nearer to
Vincennes than is St. Louis, some other station in which a
missionary is equally needed, and in which he would be
willing to labor.
Also, that
the Corresponding Secretary be requested to write to the
Rev. John Young, of Kentucky, in reply to his letters,
informing him, that on applying to the committee for the
Western section of our country, appointed for the
examination of applicants for missionary service, should he
think proper to do so, they will make such a representation
of the case to the Board as their piety and prudence may
dictate, and to which the Board will find pleasure in paying
the earliest attention.
A letter
from the Rev. James A. Ranaldson at New Orleans, in which he
signifies a willingness to accept a missionary appointment
in that quarter, where, it appears, an extensive field for
missionary labour calls for the hand of cultivation, was
taken into consideration. The case of Mr. Ranaldson was also
recommended by a letter from the Rev. William B. Johnson.
unanimously, That the Rev. Mr. Ranaldson be employed as a
missionary of this Board in New Orleans and its vicinity;
and that he be requested to visit such of the Indian tribes
in that quarter se he has referred to in his letter, and
others if he can; and inquire into the practicability of
establishing schools among them; and that 500 dollars be
forwarded to his assistance (Minutes of the Convention for
1817, 140, 141).
In this manner
the Convention began labor among the Indians and the whites on
both sides of the Great River. The home work done by the Board
was never quite satisfactory. In the Life of Spencer H. Cone, by
his two sons, McCoy has been thus described: "Isaac McCoy was
one of the most lovable men we ever had the happiness to be
acquainted with. Living his whole life among the wild Indian
tribes, and wilder frontiersmen; living a life of exposure,
vicissitude and hardships scarcely to be described; always in
the saddle or the camp, and every day risking life and limb to
preach the gospel amongst those whom all the rest of the world
seemed to conspire to destroy or forget-his mind and manners,
instead of becoming rude or hard in these rough uses and
associations grew, all the while, softer, holier, and more
loving. Nothing could be finer than his manners. Never familiar,
and carrying in his quiet eye an indescribable something which
prevented anyone from ever being familiar with him, he never
repelled. On the contrary, he attracted; children loved him. Men
were compelled to feel, in his company, that they were near
something good, kind and noble. The warm coloring of the heart
tinged his words and manners, quiet as they were, in everything
he did or said. If you had done anything true or good you knew
he loved you for it. When he looked at you, you felt that there
was no selfish thought or scheme working in his mind; but that
he was thinking what he could do for your benefit or happiness,
or for the benefit of some poor soul that was in need of others-
help and kindness" (Walter N. Weyth, Isaac McCoy and Early
Indian Missions, 233, 234. Philadelphia, 1895). For
the poor Indians he did a monumental work.
For a whole
year after the formation of the Convention Rice visited the
churches, associations, and missionary anniversaries in the
northern and eastern States. At the same time he carried on an
active correspondence with leading brethren throughout the
country. The next year, 1815-16, he spent in a similar manner in
the southern and western States. From his annual report to the
Board in 1817, a single sentence will show his toil: "In fifteen
weeks, besides traveling more than 3,300 miles and attending the
North Carolina General Meeting of Correspondence, a yearly
meeting in Virginia, a meeting of the Kentucky Baptist Mission
Society, and assisting the formation of a mission society in
Tennessee; a kind Providence has enabled me to visit fifteen
associations, spread through Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee,
Mississippi Territory, the Carolinas and Georgia, securing at
each association a public collection to aid the missionary
funds, and the adoption of a plan of regular intercourse and
correspondence with the Board." In ten months his collections
had amounted to more than ten thousand dollars. The receipts of
the Board for that year were about double their expenditures;
and looking at their position with the advantage of all the
light it would have been deemed best for Rice to have returned
to India (The Christian Review, VI.).
By the year
1824 the missionary enterprise reached a crisis; and the Board
was critically involved in debt. Its affairs were badly
entangled with those of Colombian College. The Convention in
1826 cut loose from the college. The Board had already been
removed to Boston, and avowedly determined to pursue work only
among the heathen. Some of the difficulties are thus recorded in
the report of the Board for 1826 to the Triennial Convention:
Committee to whom was entrusted, since October, 1824, the
care of the Foreign Missions, entered upon their duties
without delay, and they trust, with a measure of prayerful
dependence upon divine aid. They found, as they expected,
from the state of your treasury, the spirit of Missions in
the churches, very low. They forbear to go into detail of
the circumstances which have contributed to this result, and
will rather dwell on the measures adopted to remedy the
evil. These have been limited in their application, not of
choice, but of necessity. But a few of the means of which
they wished to avail themselves, were in their power. They
could secure but little of the aid which is derivable from
discreet and active Agents. They could not at once address
themselves to all those whose cooperation was desired, by
means of periodical publications, for by many of them these
were neither taken nor read. They were not sure of the
concurrence of even their ministering brethren, for some of
them yet remain to be satisfied of their duty to be workers
together with Christ, in sending the gospel to the heathen,
But by these considerations your Committee was not
discouraged. If they could not accomplish all that was
desirable, they were willing to attempt what was
practicable. They were also willing to exercise patience and
charity toward their brethren, who took no part in the
benevolent operations of the day, believing that when more
information of the actual state of things was diffused among
them, they would come up to the help of the Lord. As then
they could make but limited efforts, they deemed it their
duty to direct these first, to places nearest to them, and
as effectually as possible, to secure the grounds passed
over. They digested and caused to be-printed, a plan for the
information of Societies, such as they thought would prove
convenient in all parts of the country. Upon this plan they
have acted in their own country. Upon this plan they have
acted in their own churches, and have been seconded with the
best effect by many ministers and churches in Massachusetts.
The same has been done and with similar success in the State
of Maine, and they indulge the hope that the system may
prevail through the country. By these measures, together
with sums which have come into the treasury from older
establishments, they have been able to meet the wants of the
Missions abroad, and have ascertained to their satisfaction,
that provided the moneys be discreetly and faithfully
applied, the churches will be disposed to furnish all that
will be necessary to a vigorous prosecution of the objects
in hand (Minutes of the Convention for 1826, 8, 9).
The foreign
work and liabilities of the Baptist General Convention, April 1,
1846, were as follows: Missions, 16; stations and out-stations,
143; missionaries and assistants, 99, of whom 42 are preachers;
native preachers and assistants, 155; churches, 82; members of
churches, 5,373, including 604 baptized the previous year;
schools, 54; and pupils in attendance, 2,000.
$100,219.94, including $29,203.40 toward the debt. Remainder old
debt, $10,985.09. Total liabilities, $34,835.09.
Two hundred
fifty-seven missionaries had been sent into the field, 213 from
the north and west, and 23 from the south; the others, not of
this country. The contributions to the Triennial Convention from
1814 to 1845 were $874,027.92.
The Memorial of
August, 1846, referring to the south, used this language: "In
thirty-three years of the operations of our Foreign Mission
organization, the slave holding States have paid into the common
treasury $215,856.28, or less than one-fourth of what has been
contributed for this object."
Books for further reference:
Proceedings of
the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United
States at their various meetings.
The Annual
Reports of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions of the United
The Latter
Day Luminary; by a
Committee of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the
United States. February 18, 1818, to November, 1825. 6 volumes,
Isaac McCoy,
History of Baptist Indian Missions: embracing remarks
on the former and present Condition of the Aboriginal Tribes;
their Settlement within the Indian Territory, and their future
Prospects. Washington, 1840.