The Period Of Imprisonment
And Strife In Virginia
The Persecutions in Virginia—
Imprisonments—Spotsylvania—Lewis Craig—Letter of John
Blair—Waller forty—three Days in Jail—The Members of the
Establishment Enraged—Others Imprisoned—William Fristoe on
Persecutions—The Baptists Greatly Increase in Number—James
Madison Writes Letters—The Action of the House of
Burgesses—The Baptists Present Petitions—The Baptists Attack
the Establishment.
Heretofore, as
has been seen, the Baptists were much persecuted. At their
baptisms they were annoyed, and on one occasion a clergyman of
the Establishment rode into the water and badgered them. They
had been whipped, branded and banished. Now there was a
systematic effort made to entirely overthrow them.
"The first
instance of actual imprisonment," says Semple, "we believe, that
ever took place in Virginia, was in the county of Spotsylvania.
On the 4th of June, 1768, John Waller, Lewis Craig,
James Childs, &c., were seized by. the sheriff and hauled before
three magistrates, who stood in the meeting-house yard, and who
bound them in the penalty of one thousand pounds, to appear in
court two days after. At court they were arraigned as disturbers
of the peace; on their trial, they were vehemently accused, by a
certain lawyer, who said to the court, ‘May it please your
worships, these men are great disturbers of the peace; they
cannot meet a man upon the road, but they must ram a text of
Scripture down his throat.’ Mr. Waller made his own and his
brethren’s defense so ingeniously that they were somewhat
puzzled to know how to dispose of them. They offered to release
them if they would promise to preach no more in the county for a
year and a day. This they refused; and, therefore, were sent
into close jail. As they moved on, from the court house to the
prison, through the streets of Fredericksburg, they sung the
hymn, ‘Broad is the road that leads to death, &c.’
This had an
awful appearance. After four weeks’ confinement, Lewis Craig was
released from prison and immediately went to Williamsburg to get
a release for his companions. He waited on the deputy governor,
the Hon. John Blair, stated the case before him, and received
the following letter, directed to the King’s attorney in
Sir, —I
lately received a letter, signed by a good number of worthy
gentlemen, who are not here, complaining of the Baptists;
the particular of their misbehavior are not told, any
further than the running into private houses and making
dissentions. Mr. Craig and Mr. Benjamin Waller are now with
me and deny the charge; and tell me that they are willing to
take the oaths as others have; I told them I had consulted
the attorney general, who is of opinion that the general
court only have a right to grant licenses, and therefore I
referred them to the court; but, on their application to the
attorney general, they brought me his letter, advising me to
write to you. That their petition was a matter of right, and
that you may not molest these conscientious people so long
as they behave themselves in a manner becoming pious
Christians and in obedience to the laws till the court, when
they intend to apply for license, and when the gentlemen who
complain may make their objections and be heard. The act of
toleration (it being found by experience that persecuting
dissenters increases their numbers) has given them a right
to apply, in a proper manner, for licensed houses for the
worship of God, according to their consciences; and I
persuade myself that the gentlemen will quietly overlook
their meetings till the court. I am told they administer the
sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, near the manner we do, and
differ from our church in nothing but in the fact of
baptism, and in their renewing the ancient discipline; by
which they have reformed some sinners and brought them to be
truly penitent. Nay, if a man of theirs is idle and neglects
to labor and provide for his family as he ought, he incurs
their censures, which have had good effects. If this be
their behaviour, it were to be wished we had more of it
among us. But at least, I hope all may remain quiet till the
I am,
with great respect,
To the gentlemen, &c.
Your humble serv’t
John Blair.
Williamsburg, July 16, 1768 (Campbell, History of the
Colony of the Ancient Dominion of Virginia, p. 554.
Philadelphia, 1860).
"When the
letter came to the attorney he would have nothing to say in this
affair. Waller and the others continued in jail forty-three
days, and were discharged without conditions. While in prison
they constantly preached through the gates. The mobs without
using every exertion to prevent the people from hearing, but to
little purpose. Many heard, indeed, upon whom the Word was in
power and demonstration.
"After their
discharge, which was a kind of triumph, Waller, Craig, and their
compeers in the ministry, resumed their labors with redoubled
vigor, gathering fortitude from their late sufferings, thanking
God that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ and his
Gospel. Day and night, and indeed almost every day and night,
they held meetings in their own and adjacent neighborhoods. The
spread of the Gospel and Baptist principles was equal to all of
their exertions; insomuch that in a few sections of Virginia did
the Baptist cause appear more formidable to its enemies and more
consoling to its friends than in Spotsylvania; and we may add,
so it is to this day" (Semple).
The outcome of
this affair seems to have further enraged the members of the
Establishment. They everywhere attempted to strengthen their
cause. A petition was presented by them to the House of
Burgesses, May 5, 1769, to the following effect:
A petition
was presented from the "minister and sundry inhabitants of
the parish of Hamilton," praying for a division of the
parish into two, the reasons being that the parish was "so
large that many of the inhabitants reside so far from their
parish churches that they can but seldom attend public
worship; from which causes, dissenters have opportunity and
encouragement to propagate their pernicious doctrines."
The persecutors
were exceedingly active. At Middlesex, William Webber, John
Waller, James Greenwood, and Robert Ware were thrown into a
filthy jail "which swarmed with fleas." Untold indignities were
placed upon the men. "On September the 10th they were allowed
the prison bounds, by which they were much relieved; yet they
were frequently under the necessity of resorting to the jail to
avoid the rage of the persecutors. The Lord daily opened the
hearts of the people; the rich sent many presents-things
calculated to nourish them in their sufferings and to alleviate
their sorrows. William Webber fell sick. This excited the
sympathy of their friends in a higher degree; they paid him
great attention. The persecutors found that the imprisonment of
the preachers tended rather to the furtherance of the Gospel.
They preached regularly in prison; crowds attended; the
preaching seemed to have double weight when coming from the
jail; many viewed it with superstitious reverence, so that their
enemies became desirous to be rid of them. Accordingly, on the
26th day of September, after having been thirty days in close
confinement and sixteen days in the bounds, they were liberated
upon giving a bond for good behavior.
"The rage of
persecutors had in nowise abated; they seemed, sometimes, to
strive to treat the Baptists and their worship with as much
rudeness and indecency as was possible. They often insulted the
preachers in time of service, and would ride into the water and
make sport when they administered baptism; they frequently
fabricated and spread the most groundless reports, which were
injurious to the character of the Baptists. When any Baptist
fell into any improper conduct, it was always exaggerated to the
utmost extent. On one occasion when Robert Ware was preaching,
there came one Davis and one Kemp, two sons of Belial, and stood
before him with a bottle, and drank, offering the bottle to him,
cursing him. As soon as he closed his service they drew out a
pack of cards and began to play on the stage where he had been
standing, wishing him to reprove them that they might beat him"
In regard to
these persecutions William Fristoe says:
The enemy,
not content with ridicule and defamation, manifested their
abhorrence to the Baptists in another way. By a law then in
force in Virginia, all were under obligation to go to Church
several times in the year; the failure subjected them to a
fine. Little notice was taken of the omission, if members of
the Established Church; but so soon as the "Newlights" were
absent, they were presented by the grand jury, and fined
according to law...Soon they began to take other steps to
deter the Baptist preachers and obstruct the progress of the
gospel, by objecting to their preaching until they obtained
license from the General Court, whose place of sitting at
that time was old Williamsburg. Until such times that
license was obtained, they were exposed to be apprehended
and imprisoned...When persecutors found that religion could
not be stopped in its progress by ridicule, defamation, and
abusive language, the resolution was to take a different
step and see, what would do; and the preachers in different
places were apprehended by magisterial authority, some of
whom were imprisoned and some escaped. Before this step was
taken, the parson of the parish was consulted (in some
instances, at least), and his judgment confided in. His
counsel was that the "Newlights" ought to be taken and
imprisoned, as necessary for the peace and harmony of the
old church. As formerly the high priest took the ‘lead in
persecuting the followers of Christ, in like manner the high
priests have conducted in latter days, and seldom there has
been a persecution but that a high priest has been at the
head of it. (Fristoe, History of the Ketocton Association).
The results of
the persecution were inevitable. "Religious tyranny produced its
accustomed effects; the Baptists increased on every side. If one
preacher was imprisoned, two arose to take his place; if one
congregation was dispersed, a larger assembled on the next
opportunity. Twenty years before the Revolution, few of this
sect could have been found in the Colony, and yet, in 1774, the
Separates alone, had thirty churches south of the James river,
and twenty-five on its north, and the Regulars, though not so
numerous, had grown with rapidity. The influence of the
denomination was strong among the common people, and was
beginning to be felt in higher places. In two points they were
distinguished. First in their love of freedom. No class of the
people of America were more devoted advocates of the principles
of the Revolution; none more willing to give their money and
goods to the country; none more prompt to march to the field of
battle, and none more heroic in an actual combat, than the
Baptists of Virginia. Secondly, in their hatred of the Church
establishment. They hated not :w ministers, but its principles.
They had seen its operation and had felt its practical
influence. Common sense pointed out its deformities, and
clamored against its injustice. To a man they were united in the
resolve never to relax their efforts until it was utterly
destroyed" (Howison, II).
These harsh
measures brought many petitions to the House of Burgesses for
relief. Such petitions did not bring liberty to the Baptists.
The state of affairs is well pictured by James Madison in a
letter to his friend Bradford, of Philadelphia, January 24,
1774, when he says:
I very
believe that the frequent assaults that have been made on
America (Boston especially) will in the end prove of real
advantage. If the Church of England had been the established
and general religion in all the Northern colonies, as it has
been among us here, an uninterrupted harmony had prevailed
throughout the continent, it is clear to me that slavery and
subjection might and would have been gradually insinuated
among us. Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising
confidence, and ecclesiastical establishments tend to great
ignorance and corruption, all of which facilitates the
execution of mischievous projects...I want again to breathe
your free air. I expect that it will mend my constitution
and confirm my principles. I have, indeed, as good an
atmosphere at home as the climate will allow, but have
nothing to brag of as to the state and liberty of my
country. Poverty and luxury prevail among all sorts; pride,
ignorance and knavery among the priesthood, and vice and
wickedness among the laity. This is bad enough; but it is
not tire worst I have to tell you. That diabolical hell
conceived principle of persecution rages among some, and,
their eternal infamy, the clergy can furnish their quota of
imps for such purposes. There are at this time in an
adjacent county not less than five or six well meaning men
in close jail for publishing their religious sentiments,
which, in the main, are very orthodox. I have neither
patience to hear, talk, or think any thing relative to this
matter; for I have squabbled and scolded, abused and
ridiculed so long about it, to little purpose, that I am
without common patience. So I must beg you to pity me, and
pray for liberty of conscience for all (Rives, Life and
Times of Madison, I).
On April 1,
1774, he again writes to Bradford as follows:
Assembly is to meet the 1st of May, when it is expected that
something will be done in behalf of the dissenters.
Petitions, I hear, are already forming among the persecuted
Baptists, and I fancy that it is in the thought of the
Presbyterians also to intercede for greater liberty in
matters of religion. For my own part, I cannot help being
very doubtful of their succeeding in the attempt. The affair
was on the carpet during the last session; but such
incredible and extravagant stories were told in the House of
the monstrous effects of the enthusiasm prevalent among the
sectaries, and so greedily swallowed by their enemies, that
I believe they lost footing by it. And the bad name they
still have with those who pretend to such contempt to
examine into their principles and conduct, and are too much
devoted to ecclesiastical establishment to hear of the
toleration of the dissentients, I am apprehensive, will be
made again a pretext for rejecting their requests...The
sentiments of our people of fortune and fashion on this
subject are vastly different from what you have been used
to. That liberal, catholic, and equitable way of thinking,
as to the rights of conscience, which is one of the
characteristics of a free people, and so strongly marks the
people of your province, is little known among the zealous
adherents of our hierarchy. We have, it is true, some
persons in the Legislature of generous principles, both in
religion and politics; but number, not merit, you know, is
necessary to carry points there. Besides, the clergy are a
numerous and powerful body, have great influence at home by
reason of their connection with and dependence on the
bishops and crown, and will naturally employ all of their
arts and interests to depress their rising adversaries; for
such they must consider dissentients, who rob them of their
good will of the people, and in time endanger their livings
and security (Rives, I).
In the meantime
a tremendous struggle had been going on to secure the passage of
a law of toleration in the House of Burgesses. The movement in
favor of such a law began in 1769. The Baptists, irritated at
their ill treatment, complained and the Assembly awakened to the
fact that it would be advisable to confirm the Toleration Act of
1699. "The attempt to prevent the spread of dissent, which fell
so heavily on the Baptists from the year 1768 onwards convinced
the more thoughtful Episcopalians that some degree of restricted
toleration must be granted to the citizens of Virginia, or
society must be shaken to its foundation. To appease the
agitated community a bill was proposed granting privileges to
the dissenters" (Foote, I).
The House of
Burgesses ordered, May 11, 1769, "that it be an Instruction to
the Committee, for Religion, that they prepare and bring in a
Bill for exempting his Majesty’s Protestant Dissenters from the
Penalties of certain Laws" (Journal of the House of Burgesses
of Virginia, 1766-1769, p. 205. Richmond, 1906); but the
bill was not introduced. For a second time it was ordered,
November 10, 1769 (Ibid, p. 252), but again it was not
Petitions began
to come in from various Baptist churches. "A Petition of several
Persons of the County of Luenburg, whose names are thereunto
subscribed, was presented to the House, and read; setting forth
that the Petitioners, being the Society of Christians, called
Baptists, find themselves restricted in the Exercise of their
Religion, their Teachers imprisoned under various Pretences, and
the Benefits of the Toleration Act denied them, although they
are willing to conform to the spirit of that Act, and are loyal
and obedient Subjects; and therefore praying that they may be
treated with the same kind Indulgence, in religious matters, as
Quakers, Presbyterians, and other Protestant Dissenters, enjoy"
(Journal of the House, 1770-1772, pp. 160, 161).
February 2,
1772, the Baptists of the county of Mecklenburg presented the
same petition (Ibid, pp. 182, 183); and on March 14, the
Carolina Baptists (Ibid, p. 245) presented their petitions.
There was likewise a petition of several persons of the county
of Amelia "whose names are thereunto subscribed, setting forth,
that the Petitioners, being of the Community of Christians who
worship God under the Denomination of Baptists, are restricted
in their religious Exercises; that, if the Act of Toleration
does not extend to this Colony, they are exposed to severe
Persecution; and, if its does extend hither, and the Power of
granting Licenses to Teachers be lodged, as is supposed, in the
General Court alone, the Petitioners must suffer considerable
Inconveniences, not only because that Court sits not oftener
than twice in the year and then at a Place far remote, but
because the said Court will admit a single Meeting House and no
more in one County; and that the Petitioners are loyal and quiet
Subjects, whose Tenets in no wise affect the State; and
therefore praying a Redress of their Grievances, and the Liberty
of Conscience may be secured to them (Journal, pp. 185,
These petitions
were referred to a committee which reported back, February 25,
that "so far as they relate to allowing the petitioners the same
Toleration in matters of Religion, as is enjoyed by his
Majesty’s dissenting Protestant Subjects of Great Britain, under
different Acts of Parliament, is reasonable" (Ibid, p. 188) . It
was ordered that the committee on Religion "do inquire into the
state of the established Religion in this Colony and Report the
same, as it shall appear to them, to the House" (Ibid, p. 189).
An amended bill
on the subject of toleration was presented to the House and
engrossed March 17 (Ibid, p. 249). This bill was not
satisfactory to the Baptists, so on May 12, 1774, they protested
that "not admitting public Worship, except in day time, is
inconsistent with the laws of England, as well as the Practice
and Usage of the Primitive Churches, and even of the English
Church itself," that the night season may be sometimes better
spared by the Petitioners from the necessary duty of their
callings; and that they wish for no indulgences which may
disturb the Peace of the Government; and therefore praying the
House to take their Case into Consideration, and to grant them
suitable redress (Ibid, p. 102).
The bill did
not become a law. A Revolution was on and now the Baptists
boldly and effectively attacked the Establishment itself, and
won the victory for liberty of conscience.
Books for further reference:
George E.
Dabney, Religious Persecutions in Virginia, The Christian
Review, XXIII. pp. 49-74, 199-218. Baltimore, 1858.
William Thomson
Hanzsche, Church and State in the American Colonies before the
Revolution, Bibliotheca Sacra, LXXXII, pp. 23-48. St.
Louis, 1925.