already been made, in former pages, to the fact that the
Waldenses practiced dipping; that this was at first the custom:
of the Reformers; and some reliable testimony has been
introduced to show the practice of the Baptists. The point of
controversy between the Baptists and the Reformers on baptism
was not dipping, but the necessity of infant baptism. There is
much more available material on the form of baptism among the
Baptists. That subject is now pursued further.
L'Abbe Fleury,
the great Roman Catholic historian, under date of 1523, gives an
account of the Baptist practice. He says:
This was
called the heresy of the Anabaptists, because the name was
attributed to this erroneous sect. for they baptized in a
sacred fountain all those baptized in infancy, and they
condemned baptism given to little children . . Neither did
they detest baptism the less, and all, as many as gave name
to their own fact1on,diped again in the sacred fountain;
Whence they were called Anabaptists (Fleury, Historiae
Ecclesiastiscs XXXIV. 282)
These clear and
circumstantial statements are confirmed by a book published in
Dutch, as early as 1523, called the Sum of the Holy Scripture,
which was translated by Simon Fish, in 1529, into English, and
was for more than a generation the handbook of the English
Baptists. The author of the old book says:
The water
of baptism taketh not away our sin for then it were a
precious water. And then it behooved us daily to wash
therein. Neither hath the water of the fountain more virtue
in itself than the water that runneth in the River Rhine.
For we may as well be baptized in the Rhine as in the font.
. . . We be plunged under the water. . . . And this we
promised to do when we be baptized and we signify even the
same, when we be plunged under the water (Sum of Scripture,
British Museum. 4401 b. 2),
The subject was
a believer, the act was immersion and the river Rhine was the
place. The Rhine for the Baptists became a famous baptizing
It is a
significant fact that the most distinguished advocate of Baptist
views in Switzerland, Conrad Grebel, dipped his converts upon a
profession of faith. Associated with him was George Blaurock, a
monk of Coire; on account of his eloquence called the "mighty
The account
which follows is given prominent place in some histories of the
Baptists in Switzerland, and from it are deducted some
remarkable conclusions as to the practice of sprinkling among
Baptists. The representation is that the account is taken from
an anonymous Moravian chronicle. The account is as follows:
At one of
the meetings of the "brethren" at Zurich, according to a
Moravian chronicle, all bowed in prayer before God that he
would grant them power to fulfill the divine will. Blaurock,
thereupon, arose and asked Grebel to baptize him upon a
confession of his faith. Again he fell to his knees, and
Grebel baptized him. All the rest present were baptized by
Blaurock. The celebration of the Lord's Supper followed. At
the house of Rudolf Thoman, at Zolikon, a like scene was
enacted not long after. There was a meeting of the brethren
there. After they had long read and conversed together, John
Brubach, of Zurich, arose and wept loud, saying that he was
a great sinner, and desired others to pray for him. Here
upon Blaurock asked him if he desired the grace of God. He
replied: "Yes" Then Manz arose and said: "Who will forbid me
to baptize this person?" "No one," replied Blaurock. He then
took a dipper of water and baptized him in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Then Hottinger arose
and desired baptism (Cornelius, Geschichte des Munsterischen
Aufruhrs, II. 26, 27).
If the events
described above took place, of which there is much doubt, it was
at the time Grebel had first broken with Zwingli, and was still
a Presbyterian, and Blaurock had just come from the Roman
Catholic Church, and before either of them had embraced Baptist
views. But did those things occur? The authority given is an
anonymous Moravian chronicle. Why a "Moravian chronicle"? Would
not a Swiss chronicle do better? This "Moravian chronicle" has
been made to do good service. Who wrote the "Moravian
chronicle?" What is its date, and where did it come from? Who
has it now, and who ever saw it? There are too many of these
anonymous "chronicles," and "manuscripts," and all of them
unauthenticated. All of them are quoted by Pedobaptists in
support of sprinkling among Baptists. Not much importance can be
attached to such statements. All who mention this circumstance
concerning Blaurook quote the "Moravian chronicle" as their
authority. This was true of Fusslin (1740); Cornelius (1860),
and Egli (1879)-all of them Pedobaptists. Not one of these
writers claims to have seen the "Moravian chronicle," not one
gives the date of it, not one mentions the year or even century
in which it was written, not one gives the page.
The face of the
narrative is against the authenticity of the "Moravian
chronicle." It was manifestly not written by the "Brethren," but
by an enemy. The details are circumstantial enough for the
writer to have been an eyewitness. It was from the nature of the
case impossible for an enemy to have been present in these
assemblies. These were dangerous times and no very accurate
account could have been expected of the private meetings of the
"Brethren." It is opposed to the spirit of the Baptists of the
sixteenth century. It is said that Blaurock asked Brubach "if he
desired the grace of God," referring to baptism. The Baptists
did not call baptism "the grace of God." They were accused of
despising baptism, and it is certain that they did not regard it
as a means of grace. The language does not sound natural in the
mouth of a Baptist of the sixteenth century, and it does have
the flavor of Pedobaptist writers of a later time. It is
contrary to the known fact that Grebel, a few days later, was in
the practice of dipping, and that Manz practiced dipping, and
that dipping was the act of baptism used at Zolikon.
There is
another version of this same affair (Hosek, Balthasar Hubmaier,
ch. V.), which takes no account of affusion. The story is told
in a different manner, the people are crossing themselves as
Roman Catholics, and evidently they were not Baptists. All such
anauthenticated documents should be received with caution.
It must be
remembered that in the early days of the Reformation men of
every character, and of almost every opinion, were called
Anabaptists. It was only needful that a man should assail Roman
Catholicism in the interest of human freedom to be thus classed.
The Roman Catholics did not closely discriminate when speaking
of their opponents. They hastened to brand them with such
epithets as appeared to be useful. There were those who
practiced infant baptism who were called Anabaptists. It was an
hour of revolution. Men today did not hold views they warmly
advocated yesterday. Transition was every where.
It is possible
that some converts turning from Romanism practiced sprinkling;
but it is equally true, a little later, that some of these
persons were in the practice of dipping (Nitsche, Geschichte der
Zuricher Reformation, 282. Zurich, 1879). The account given
above as coming from a "Moravian chronicle" is described
elsewhere as a trial before a court (Egli, Actensammlung zur
Geschichte ver Zurischer Reformation, 282. Zurich, 1879). It is
not certain that these persons were identified at this moment
with the Baptist movement. It is certain that some of them were
just turning from Romanism, and it is further certain at this
time that dipping was the normal act of baptism among the
Baptists (Kessler, Sabbatta, III. 266). At first they were
probably followers of Luther or Zwingli from the Romanists. and
they passed through several stages of thought before they became
Baptists. In the, meantime, by their enemies, they were all
classed as Anabaptists.
There is no
obscurity in the fact that Grebel practiced dipping. In March,
1525, Grebel baptized Ulimann by dipping him into the Rhine
(Stark, Geschichte der Taufe, 184). The account is taken from
Kessler, who says:
Ulimann, on the journey to Schaffhausen, met Conrad Grebel
who instructed him so highly in the knowledge of Anabaptism
that he would not sprinkle out of a dish, but was drawn
under and covered over with the waters of the Rhine
(Kessler, Sabbatta, II. 266).
Dipping is here
declared, by this contemporary writer to be the distinctive
Baptist practice. Kessler expressly says Grebel "instructed him
(Ulimann) so highly in the knowledge of Anabaptism that he would
not be sprinkled out of a dish," but was dipped in the waters of
the Rhine. Dipping in the waters of the Rhine was, therefore,
well instructed Anabaptist knowledge. Hence dipping was the
normal act of baptism among the Baptists of Switzerland. The
teaching of Grebel, and his associates, procured for them the
name of Dippers or Baptists (Van Braght, Martyrology, I. 7).
Therefore, according to this contemporary Lutheran Pastor
Kessler, neither sprinkling nor pouring were well instructed
Baptist doctrines.
Grebel returned
to St Gall, and when be learned that Kessler was allowed to
preach in one of the churches, lie asked permission to do the
same. Being refused, March 18, he announced a great meeting in
the Weavers' Hall, and further declared that he would preach in
the Square, the Market Place, the Marsh and elsewhere. The
people came to hear him from all parts of St. Gall, Appenzell
and many other parts of the country. The success of his plea was
instantaneous (Arx, Geschichte des Kantons St Gallen, II. 501.
St. Gall, 1811). Great numbers of converts were made and dipped
in a baptistery especially prepared for the purpose (Kessler,
Sabbatta, 270). Daily the people from the surrounding country
flocked to St. Gall inquiring for the baptistery. Augustus Naef,
Secretary to the Council of St. Gall, in a work published in
1850, records the success of the Baptist movement. He says:
"They baptized those who believed with them in rivers and lakes,
and in a great Wooden cask in Butcher's Square before a great
crowd" (Naef, Chronik Stadt und Landschaft St Gallen, 1021). The
number of converts grew with such rapidity that the baptistery
was not sufficient for the immersions. Then it was that the
Baptists sought the Sitter River. The Sitter River is two or
three miles from St. Gall, and is gained by a difficult road.
The only solution for the choice of the river is that it was a
suitable place for Grebel to baptize his converts.
For the success
of the Baptist movement at St. Gall there is the testimony of
Fredolin Sichers, a Roman Catholic eye-wittness. He says:
The number
of converts increased so that the baptistery could not
contain the crowd, and they were compelled to use the
streams of the Sitter River (Arx, Geschichte des Kantons St.
Gallen, 501).
One of the
baptismal occasions was Palm Sunday, April 9, 1525. On that day
Grebel led out to the Sitter River a great company of converts
and baptized them (Kessler, Sabbatta, 267). The Baptist church
at St. Gall soon had eight hundred members. The Bible was read,
its divine lessons were earnestly and tenderly unfolded, and
sinners were urged to flee from the wrath to come. It was a new
gospel to thousands, and multitudes, with tears and repentance,
asked the privilege of confessing Christ, and retired to some
mountain stream to exclaim with the eunuch, "See here is water,
what doth hinder me to be baptized?" The solemn ordinance was
administered, and coming forth from the water both the convert
and the bearer of the glad tidings "went on their way rejoicing"
(Burrage, Anabaptists, 108).
When Grebel was
forced by persecution to flee from St. Gall, Roggenacher, a
skinner, and Eberle Polt, continued to teach and preach. The
latter, Kessler says, was a pious, good-hearted man, practiced
in the Scriptures, and of agreeable speech. He preached during
the Eastertide in the Butcher's Hall and on the Berlingsberg.
Sichers says:
Crowds came
to be baptized in large vessels in the fields, and to each
of the new baptized a new name was given (Sichers, Chronik,
XX. 19).
The Council
induced the Burgomaster to invite Eberle to his house, and urged
him to leave the city. He went on the following Friday, and
eight days afterwards, May 29, he suffered martyrdom at Schwyz.
It has already
been recorded that the people of Appenzell came to St.Gall to be
immersed by Conrad Grebel. In 1525 the Baptists had three places
in this district where meetings were held. The largest was at
Teuffen, with a second at Herisau, and a third at Brunnen. In
all of these places the services were held under the open sky,
while the converts were baptized in the neighboring brooks and
streams. Indeed, these are the exact words of the Appenzell
Chronicle (Appenzell, Chronik, Gabriel Walser, 440. St. Gallen,
John Stumpf,
who lived in the vicinity of Zurich, in the period under survey,
was familiar with the Baptist contention in Switzerland. He is,
therefore, a valuable witness. He says the early Baptists in
Switzerland were "rebaptized in rivers and brooks" (Stumpf,
Gemeiner Loblicher Eydgenossenschaft, 1722). This testimony is
direct and of an authoritative character.
The Council of
St. Gall, at the instigation of Zwingli, it is alleged,
determined to rid themselves of the "Dippers." As the Baptists
dipped for baptism they were to be drowned for punishment. The
edict is as follows:
In order
that the dangerous, wicked. turbulent and seditious sect of
the Baptists may be eradicated, we have thus decreed: If any
one is suspected of rebaptism, he is to be warned by the
magistracy to leave the territory under penalty of the
designated punishment. Every person is obliged to report
those favorable to rebaptism. Whoever shall not comply with
this ordinance is liable to punishment according to the
sentence of the magistracy. Teachers of rebaptism, baptizing
preachers, and leaders of hedge meetings are to be drowned.
Those previously released from prison who have sworn to
desist from such things, shall incur the same penalty.
Foreign Baptists are to be driven out; if they return they
shall be drowned. No one is allowed to secede from the
(Zwinglian) church and to absent himself from the Holy
Supper. Whoever flees from one jurisdiction to another shall
be banished or extradited upon demand (Simler, Sammlung, I.
ii. 449)
The date of the
decree is September 9, 1527. The decree did lot produce the
desired effect, for upon March 26, 1530, another edict was put
forth. It enjoined:
All who
adhere to or favor the false sect of the Baptists, and who
attend hedge-meetings, shall suffer the most severe
punishments. Baptist leaders, their followers, and
protectors shall be drowned without mercy. Those, however,
who assist them, or fail to report or to arrest them shall
be punished otherwise on body and goods as injurious and
faithless subjects. (Bullinger, Reformationsgeschichte, II.
Matters were
worse in Zurich. Zwingli and the Council of Zurich knew no mercy
towards the Baptists. At first Zwingli held debates with their
leaders with indifferent success, then he evoked the strong arm
of the law. The first Zurich decree, A. D., 1525, was as
therefore, ordain and require that hereafter all men, women,
boys and girls forsake rebaptism, and shall not make use of
it hereafter, and shall let infants be baptized; whoever
shall act contrary to this public edict shall be fined for
every offense, one mark; and if any be disobedient and
stubborn they shall be treated with severity; for, the
obedient we will protect; the disobedient we will punish
according to his deserts, without fail; by this all are to
conduct themselves. All this we confirm by this public
document, stamped with the seal of our city, and given on
St. Andrew's Day, A. D., 1525).
The decree went
into effect at once. For the good name of Zwingli it could have
been wished that he would never be more severe. There is
preserved another official decree which indicates that the
Baptists of Switzerland practiced immersion. On March 6, 1526,
the Senate of Zurich decreed:
clarissimus Senatus aqua mergere, qui merscrit baptismo suo,
qui prius emerserat (Zwingli, Elenchus contra
Cantabaptistas. 115., 364).
It is elsewhere
written in shorter form. Qui mersus fuerit mergatur,
that he who immerses shall be immersed (Starke 183).
This is the official statement of the Senate of Zurich that the
Baptists of Switzerland practiced immersion.
The civil
authorities of Zurich set an example of severity scarcely
surpassed by Protestants, and of the deplorable execution of the
sentence many examples are on record. The persecutors delighted
to fit the penalty, as they cruelly judged it, to the fault, and
so they put the Baptists to death by drowning.
Upon the very
day of the decree of the Senate, of Zurich against the Baptists,
Zwingli, who evidently was greatly pleased with the action of
the Senate,, wrote to Vadian:
It has been
decreed this day by the Council of the Two Hundred (of
Zurich) that the leaders of the Catabaptists shall be cast
into the Tower, in which they formerly lay, and
allured by bread and water diet until either they give up
the ghost or surrender. It is also added that he who
after this is dipped shall be submerged permanently (qtti
posthac tingatur, prossus mcrgatur) ; this is not
published (Zwingli, Opera, vii. 477).
Zwingli is even
more explicit as to the form of baptism among the Baptists, for
he further says of this decree:
But the
illustrious Senate decreed, after having come together,
which without doubt has been the tenth time after others
either publicly or private, to sink in water whoever should
immerse in baptism him who before had emersed. This may be a
somewhat disgusting thrust to your observant reader
(Zwingli, Opera, 111.364).
Persons, even
Anabaptists, if there were such in Switzerland, who practiced
sprinkling, were not included in this verdict;. Only those who
immersed in baptism were to be drowned. The punishment was as
ironical as it was terrible. Since the Baptists immersed in
baptism they were drowned.
Gastins, who
was a contemporary, was quite sarcastic towards the Baptists. He
refers to the decree of the Senate of Zurich, just quoted, in
these words: "To immerse in water whoever should immerse in
baptism him before was emersed," and adds: "They like immersion,
so let us immerse them (aquis mergere, qui merserit baptismo
eo, qui primus emerserit)" (Gastins, De Anabaptiami, 8.
Basite, 1544). Gastins in another place enumerates the errors,
as he calls them, of the Baptists, and one of them was that they
"immersed in water (immergunter aquis)" (Ibid, 129, 130).
The edict of
March 7 was ratified November 19, 1526. The Baptists were to be
delivered to the executioner, who should bind their hands, place
them in a boat and throw them into the water to die. Great
numbers of Baptists thus perished. So much was this true that it
became a matter of international correspondence (Calendar of
State Papers in Venice, IV. 35. A. D. 1532. Sannto Diaries, V.
lvi. 380).
Among the
number thus imprisoned was Felix Manz, who was convicted,
January 5, 1527. He was sentenced to death and drowned.
Bullinger says of him:
As he came
down from the Wellingberg to the Fish Market and was led
through the shambles to the boat. he praised God that he was
about to die for the truth; for Anabaptism was right and
founded upon the Word of God, and Christ had foretold that
his followers should suffer for the truth's sake. And the
like discourse he urged much discussing with the preacher
who attended him. On the way his mother and brother came to
him and exorted him to be steadfast, and he persevered in
his folly to the end. When he was bound upon the hurdle and
was about to be thrown into the stream by the executioner,
he sang in a loud voice, In menus tuas, Domine,
eommendo spiritum meum, "In thy hands, Lord, I
commend my spirit," and herewith was drawn into the water by
the executioner and drowned (Bullinger, Reformations
Geschichte, II. 382).
In consequence
of these terrible persecutions the Baptists fled to other lands.
In many instances they were followed, captured, and put to death
by drowning. "At Vienna many Anabaptists were so tied together
in chains, that one drew the other after him into the river,
wherein they were all suffocated" (Featley, The Dippers Dipped,
73). "Here you see the hand of God," continues Dr. Featley, "in
punishing these sectaries some way answerable to their sin
according to the observation of the wise man, quo quis
peccat eo puniatur, they who drew others into the whirlpool
of error, by constraint draw one an-other into the river to be
drowned; and they who profaned baptism by a second dipping, rue
it by a third immersion. But the punishment of these
Catabaptists we leave to them that have the legislative power in
their hands, who though by present connivance they may seem to
give them line; yet, no doubt, it is that they may entangle
themselves and more easily be caught".
The neighboring
Italian Baptists were likewise in the practice of dipping
(Benrath, Wiedertaufer in Venetianischen. Theologische
Studien und Kritiken, 1885). The Reformation and the
Baptists did not make as great gains in Italy as in other
countries; but they did not keep themselves aloof from
agitation. The Roman Catholic writer, Cantu, says: "Although the
love for the new ideas did not carry away either the people or
the princes, and although those who were anxious about the
condition of their own belief were very few, compared with the
number of those who lived believing without analyzing their
creed, yet he who thinks that the Reformation had neither
extension nor civil or political consequences on this side of
the Alps, makes a great mistake" (Cantu, Gli eretici d'Italia.
Quoted from McCrie). Cantu further remarks that "whilst the
Reformation in Germany was associated with princes, and in
France with the nobility, in Italy it principally touched the
men of letters." This was practically true, but not exclusively
so. It to a degree extended its influence among all classes.
The sixteenth
century was essentially a selfish one. The great historian of
those times, Francesco Guicciardini wrote: "I do not know if
there be a man more disgusted than I am with the ambition,
avarice, and effeminacy of the priests nevertheless, my position
at the Court of several popes made it necessary for me, in view
of my own private interests, to love their greatness; had it not
been for that reason, I should have loved Martin Luther dearly,
not in order to be rid of the laws laid upon us by the Christian
relgion as it is commonly interpreted and understood, but in
order to see that pack of villains reduced to the point of being
either without vices, or without authority" (Guicciardini, Opere
inedite, Ricordo 28). The Baptist cause flourished only feebly
in Italy, but even there some believed the faith once for all
delivered to the saints.