The Seven New Things
Revelation 21:1.
"And I saw a NEW
As the word HEAVEN is here,
and in Gen. 1:1, in the singular number, it will clarify
matters to limit this creative act to our own planet, rather
than the whole of the sidereal heavens, or the starry spaces
of the Universe. By a new heaven then we are to understand a
new atmosphere for the new earth."
Revelation 21:1.
"And I saw a new
Heaven and a NEW EARTH: for the first heaven and the
first earth were passed away; and there was no more
sea." |
The first heaven and the
first earth were created in the dateless past. The
Scriptures begin with the sublime declaration--"In the
beginning God CREATED the heaven and the earth." Gen. 1:1.
The second verse of Gen. 1, records that "the earth was
without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the
deep." That this earth was not originally created "formless
and void" is clear from Isa. 45:18 and Jer. 4:23-26. What
caused the earth to become a waste after its original
creation is not expressly stated.
Some awful catastrophe must
have befallen it. It is clear from the account of the Fall
of Adam and Eve that sin existed before man was created. The
inference is from Ezek. 28:12-19, and Isa. 14:12-14, that
when the earth was originally created that Satan was placed
in charge of it, and that he and his angels rebelled and led
astray the inhabitants of the Original Earth, and that the
Pre-Adamite race are now the demons who as they are
permitted liberty seek to re-embody themselves in human
beings that they may again dwell on the earth. It is clear
that the Original Earth was inhabited, or God would not have
blessed Adam and Eve and said--"Be fruitful and multiply and
REPLENISH the Earth." Gen. 1:28. It does not follow however
that those inhabitants were human beings like ourselves. No
human remains have been found ante-dating the creation of
Peter speaks of the Original
Earth as the--"World that then WAS, that, being OVERFLOWED
WITH WATER, perished." 2. Pet. 3:6. It is clear that Peter
does not refer here to Noah's Flood, for the world of Noah's
day did not perish, and Peter goes on to add that--"The
heavens and the earth WHICH ARE NOW (that is, have been in
existence since the restoration of the earth as described in
Gen. 1:3-31), by the same word are kept in store, RESERVED
UNTO FIRE" (2 Pet. 3:7), nevertheless he adds, "we look for
a NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH." 2. Pet. 3:13. These words of
Peter reveal the fact that this Earth is to pass through 3
stages. First the Original Earth that "perished" by WATER.
Second the Earth that is now, that is to be renovated or
cleansed by FIRE. And the New Earth that is to exist
forever. See the Chart "The Three Stages of the Earth."

The Three Stages of the Earth
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There can be no question
but what the Earth in its original formation required
millions of years. There is ample time in the statement of
Gen. 1:1 that--"In the BEGINNING God 'created' the heaven
and the earth," for all the "Geologic Ages" that science
declares were necessary for the creation of the Earth. There
is no conflict between the Bible and Science as to the time
occupied in the formation of the Earth.
How long a period elapsed
between the Creation of the Earth and its becoming "formless
and void" we do not know, neither do we know how long it
continued in that condition, but when the time came in the
purpose of God to restore it to a habitable state, and make
it fit for the abode of the human race, He did it in six
periods of longer or shorter duration. These "Periods" were
six in number, and with the seventh or Sabbatic Period, are
called the "Creative Week."
These "Six Periods" do
not describe or include the original creation. The word
"CREATE" is not mentioned after Gen. 1:1 until verse 21,
which describes the work of the Fifth Day. God did not
"create light" on the First Day. He simply said--"let there
be light," as one would say "turn on the light."
On the Second Day God
simply, divided the waters by providing clouds to hold the
moisture of the atmosphere.
The work of the Third Day
is "twofold," the emergence of the land from the sea, and
the reappearance of vegetable life. This was not a new
creation but a RESURRECTION. The earth rises up out of the
"Waters of Death," and seeds, and the roots of plants and
herbs are called upon to germinate and sprout and grow as
they did before the catastrophe that submerged the Primeval
Earth. If that catastrophe was what we know as the "Glacial
Period" the resurrection of plant life no more required a
"creative act" than vegetation does in the spring of the
year after the winter is over. That this is what really
happened is clear from Gen. 1:11-12, where it says, "Let the
earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the
fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is IN
ITSELF, UPON (in) THE EARTH." That is, the seed was already
in the earth, having been buried by the flood that swept
over the Primeval Earth, and, being indestructible, it only
needed the proper condition to spring up and cover the earth
with verdure. This reveals the fact that the Primeval Earth
was clothed with verdure, and covered with plants and trees.
The appearance of the Sun
and Moon on the Fourth Day was not a new creation. They had
existed in connection with the Primeval Earth and had not
been destroyed when it was made waste. The word translated
"made" in the 16th verse is not the same word as is
translated "created" in verse one, and does not imply a
"creative act." What is meant is that the clouds broke away
that up to this time had shrouded the earth and permitted
the Sun and Moon to be seen, and that from that time they
were appointed to measure the days, and years, and seasons
as we have them today. In other words, on the Fourth Day
"Time" in contrast with "eternity" began.
The work of the Fifth Day
was the "CREATION" of fish and fowl. Here is the first time
we come across the word "create" since we read of the
original creation of the Earth in verse one. This shows that
all "animal life" was destroyed in the catastrophe that
overtook the Primeval Earth. We have traces of this animal
life in the fossil remains of birds and animals found in the
earth. If scientists will relegate fossils and the remains
of mammoth animals, etc., to the period of the Primeval
Earth there will be no conflict between Science and the
Genesis account of Creation. The remains of man are never
found in a "fossil state," showing that man did not exist on
the Primeval Earth. Man was made for this present earth and
is a "NEW" Creation.
The creative work of the
Sixth Day was "twofold," that of land animals and man. These
land animals were probably the same that we have today. The
fact that they were created "after their kind," which
expression is six times repeated, shows that they were not
"evolved" from one common species. That man also was
"CREATED" as man, shows that he has not descended from an
"ape." Man was made in the "IMAGE OF GOD," not in the image
of an "ape," and was not formed from a brute, but of the
"Dust of the Earth." The fact is, there is an "IMPASSABLE
GULF" between the lowest order of man and the highest type
of beast that science has failed to bridge. The "Missing
Link" has never been found.
That all the different
species of animals were created "separately" is proven from
the fact that when species are crossed their offspring are
sterile. The crossing of the jackass and a mare is the mule,
and a mule is a hybrid and is sterile. That the whole human
race is of "one species" and had a common origin (Acts
17:26) is clear from the fact that, when the different races
of the earth's inhabitants marry their offspring are not
sterile but fertile. This nullifies the argument that the
white race alone is the Adamic race.
Neither was Adam created
a baby or a primitive savage, but a full grown man perfect
in intellect and knowledge, else he could not have named the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air. And the fact
that his descendants had such skill in the invention of
musical instruments and mechanical devices and could build
cities and towers and such a vessel as the Ark, proves that
the men of Antediluvian times were men of gigantic intellect
and attainments, and that instead of man having "evolved
upward" he has "degenerated downward."
While the Earth has had
its "Baptism of Water," and is to have its "Baptism of
Fire," it is worth noting that between these two Great
Events there are two Minor Events that affect the structure
of the Earth. The first was "the flood." At that time there
were great "cataclysmic" and "climatic" changes, for the
That is, there was a subsidence of the land, that resulted
in great physical changes that affected the climate of the
earth, and divested the atmosphere of some of its life
sustaining properties, so that the length of life was
reduced from 900 to 100 years, and later to three-score
years and ten.
The second "Minor Event"
will be caused by the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the
earth to set up His Millennial Kingdom. Then the Mt. of
Olives will be divided in twain, the mountains and valleys
of Palestine will be leveled, the Dead Sea will be raised,
and the whole contour of that part of the world will be
changed. Zech. 14:4-10. Ez. 47:1-12. As a result of the
"cataclysmic" and "climatic" changes thus produced, the
effects of the Flood will be reversed and the
life-sustaining power of the atmosphere will be restored,
and human life will again be prolonged, and men shall live
as long as did the people before the Flood. Isa. 65:20.
Immediately after the
destruction of Satan and his armies, John says,
"I saw a 'Great White
Throne' and Him that sat on it, from whose face the Earth
and the Heaven (atmosphere of the earth) fled away; and
there was no place for them." Rev. 20:11.
John then describes the
Judgment of the "Great White Throne," and then adds--
"I saw a New Heaven; and
a New Earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were
passed away; and there was no more sea." Rev. 21:1.
Of such a change in this
earth we are not ignorant, but John does not tell us how it
is to come to pass. But the Apostle Peter does.
"But the heavens and the
earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store,
RESERVED UNTO FIRE against the Day of Judgment and Perdition
of Ungodly Men. (The Great White Throne Judgment)--The 'Day
of the Lord' will come as a thief in the night; in the which
the Heavens Shall Pass Away With a Great Noise, and the
Elements Shall Melt With Fervent Heat, the Earth Also and
the Works That Are Therein Shall be Burned Up.
"Nevertheless we,
according to His Promise (Isa. 65:17; 66:22), look for a New
Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." 2.
Pet. 3:7-13.
It is clear that Peter is
referring to the same event as John, for he says it is to be
at the "Day of Judgment and Perdition of Ungodly Men," and
that is the "Great White Throne Judgment" of the Wicked
A surface reading of the
above passage would lead one to believe that the earth as a
planet, and the sidereal heavens, are to be destroyed by
fire and pass away. But a careful study of the Scriptures
will show us that this is not so, that what is to happen is,
that this present earth, and the atmosphere surrounding it,
is to be Renovated by Fire, so that its exterior surface
shall be completely changed, and all that sin has brought
into existence, such as thorns and thistles, disease germs,
insect pests, etc., shall be destroyed, and the atmosphere
purified and forever freed from evil spirits and destructive
That this is the correct
view of the passage is clear from Peter's words in verses 5
and 6.
"By the word of God the
heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water
and in the water; whereby the world that then was, being
overflowed with water, PERISHED."
As we have seen the
Apostle Peter was referring here not to the Flood, but to
the Primeval Earth, which was made "formless and void" by a
"Baptism of Water" that completely submerged it and
destroyed all animal life.
Now as the Framework of
the "Primeval Earth" was not destroyed by its "Watery Bath,"
so the Framework of the "Present Earth" is not to be
destroyed by its "Baptism of Fire."
This is confirmed by the
Apostle's use of the Greek word "Cosmos," which means the
"land surface," the inhabitableness of the earth and not the
earth as a planet. It is the exterior surface of the earth
then that is to "Melt With Fervent Heat" and the "Works
Therein Burnt Up." The intense heat will cause the gases in
the atmosphere to explode, which the Apostle describes as
the "heavens (the atmosphere) passing away with a great
noise." The result will be the destruction of all animal and
vegetable life, and the alteration of the earth's surface.
The Greek word
"Parerchomai," translated "pass away," does not mean
"termination of existence" or "annihilation," but means to
pass from "one condition of existence to another." The
Apostle Paul in his letter to Titus (Titus 3:5), speaking of
the "Regeneration" of men, uses the same word that Jesus
used when, in Matt. 19:28, He promised His Disciples that in
the "Regeneration," that is in the "New Earth," they should
sit on "Twelve Thrones" judging the "Twelve Tribes" of
Israel. Now no one supposes that the "Regeneration of a man
is his Annihilation." It is simply a Renewing Process by
which he is brought back to the condition of man spiritually
as before the Fall. The word "Restitution" in Acts 3:21,
means the same thing. The "Dissolving" of which Peter speaks
(2 Pet. 3:11), is the same word Jesus used when He said of
the colt--"Loose him and let him go." The teaching of the
Scriptures is, that "Creation" is at present in a "State of
Captivity," waiting to be Loosed from the Bondage that sin
has caused. Rom. 8:19-23.
As to the "Departing as a
Scroll" of the heavens, and the "Flying Away" of the earth
and heavens, of which John speaks, (Rev. 6:14; 20:11), a
total disappearance of all the material worlds is not at all
the idea, for he tells us that afterwards he saw--the New
Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven, and nations living and
walking in the Light of it on the earth, and the Kings of
the Earth bringing their Glory and Honor Into It." Rev.
21:2, 24.
The Holy Spirit by
Solomon said, "One generation passeth away, and another
generation cometh, but the Earth Abideth Forever." Ecc. 1:4.
It is specifically
promised that "the Meek shall Inherit the Earth," (Matt.
5:5), and that the Children of Israel shall dwell in it
forever, (Isa. 60:21; 66:22), and if God's people are to
inhabit it forever, it must EXIST FOREVER. It is clear then
that this earth as a planet is not to be annihilated, but
that it is to be Cleansed and Purified by Fire and made fit
for the home of those peoples and nations that are to occupy
it after its renovation.
This earth that has been
consecrated by the Presence of the Son of God, where the
costliest sacrifice that the Universe could furnish was
offered up on Calvary to redeem a race, for which God has a
great future, is too sacred a place to ever be blotted out
or cease to exist, for it is the most cherished orb in the
mind of God of all His great creation.
With the "Renovation of
the Earth by Fire," Time does not end and Eternity begin,
for we read in the New Testament of a
"Perfect Kingdom"
that Christ shall
surrender to the Father, so that God may be "All in All." 1
Cor. 15:24-28. A Kingdom in which –
"At the name of
Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, and
things in Earth, and things Under the Earth, and
that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ IS
LORD." Phil. 2:9-11. |
This describes a Kingdom
in which all things Celestial, Terrestrial and Infernal are
to be subject to the SON OF MAN.
Now this "Perfect
Kingdom" cannot be the "Millennial Kingdom," for that, as we
have seen, ends in Apostasy and Rebellion. It must therefore
mean another Kingdom on the Other Side of the "Millennial
Kingdom," and as there is to be no other Kingdom between the
"Millennial Kingdom" and the "Renovation of the Earth by
Fire," it must mean a Kingdom that is to follow the
"Renovation of the Earth by Fire," and that Kingdom is the
Kingdom of the "New Heaven and the New Earth," which we call
on the "Rightly Dividing the Word" Chart, the "Perfect
If, as some hold, the
"Seventh Day" of the "Creative Week" corresponds to the
Millennium, then we have a prophecy of the Dispensation that
follows the "Renovation of the Earth" in the "Morrow After
the Sabbath." Lev. 23:36.
The Seventh day of
Genesis had to do with the "Old Creation," which was
imperfect, but the "Eighth Day" has to do with the "New
Creation," which is perfect, for it was on the "Eighth Day,"
or the "First Day of the week," that our Lord arose from the
dead, and 50 days later, on the "Eighth Day," that the Holy
Spirit was given at Pentecost. The "Eighth Day" cannot point
to the Millennium, for that is represented by the "Seventh
Day," neither can it point to Eternity, for a day is a
Period of Time, while Eternity is Timeless. The "Eighth Day"
must then point to a "period of time" between the
"Renovation of the Earth" and Eternity, or what we are
pleased to call the "Perfect Age."
It is also a
Dispensation, called in Eph. 1:10–
"The Dispensation of the
Fulness of Times."
That is, a "Full-Time
Dispensation." The intimation is, that all the previous
Dispensations were not "Full-Time" Dispensations, that God
had to cut them short on account of sin.
As to the duration of
this Dispensation of the "Fulness of Times" we are not in
the dark. Israel is to have a large place in that
"For as the New
Heavens and the New Earth, which I will make shall
remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your
(Israel's) Seed and your Name REMAIN." Isa. 66:22. |
And as the duration of
God's Covenant with Israel was extended in Deu. 7:9 to a
"Thousand Generations" or 33,000 years, we have an
intimation that the "Dispensation of the Fulness of Times"
will last for at least that length of time.
Let us look at some of
the characteristics of that Age or Dispensation.
There Will Be No Sin.
All the powers of Evil
will have been expelled from the earth and imprisoned in the
"Lake of Fire" forever.
The atmosphere of the New
Earth will afford no lurking place for disease germs, for
there shall be no more sickness or death, and health will be
preserved by the use of the leaves of the "Tree of Life."
The heavens shall not robe themselves in angry tempests and
sombre blackness, nor flash with the thunderbolts of Divine
wrath, nor cast plagues of hail on the earth, nor cause
devouring floods of water or destructive wind storms. It may
be that in that day "a Mist shall go up from the earth and
water the whole face of the ground" as in Eden, for we read
that there shall be--"No More Sea," not that there shall not
be large bodies of water, for the river that flows through
the street of the New City must have an outlet, but that
there shall be no great oceans.
The earth shall also put
on its Edenic beauty and glory. There shall no longer be
thorns and thistles, no parasites or destructive insects,
and labor shall be a delight. No serpents shall hiss among
its flowers, nor savage beasts lie in ambush to destroy and
devour. Its sod shall not be heaped over newly made graves,
nor its soil moistened with tears of sorrow and shame, or
saturated with human blood in fratricidal strife. The meek
shall inherit the earth, and from north to south, and from
east to west, it shall blossom like the rose and be clothed
with the verdure of Paradise Restored.
Revelation 21:2-8.
I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down
from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of
Heaven saying: Behold the 'Tabernacle of God' is
with men, and He will dwell with them, and they
shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with
them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all
tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall
there be any more pain; for the FORMER THINGS ARE
PASSED AWAY. And He that sat upon the Throne said,
Behold, I make all things NEW. And He said unto me,
Write: for these words are true and faithful.
And He said unto
me, IT IS DONE. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning
and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of
the Fountain of the 'Water of Life' freely. He that
overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be
his God and he shall be My son. But the fearful, and
unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolators, and all
liars, shall have their part in the LAKE OF FIRE
which burneth with FIRE and BRIMSTONE: which is the