Revelation 20:1-3.
"And I saw an Angel
come down from Heaven, having the Key of the
'BOTTOMLESS PIT' and a GREAT CHAIN in his hand. And
he laid hold on the DRAGON, that OLD SERPENT, which
is the DEVIL, and SATAN, and bound him a 1000 YEARS,
and cast him into the 'BOTTOMLESS PIT,' and shut him
up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive
the nations no more, till the 1000 YEARS should be
fulfilled: and after that he shall be loosed a
little season." |
Here Satan is called by four
different names--"Dragon," "Serpent," "Devil," and "Satan."
From these and from the fact that he can be bound, we see
that he is a "PERSON," because you cannot bind an
"influence" or a "principle of evil." While Satan is the
"Prince of the Powers of the Air" (Eph. 2:2), and the "God
of this Age" (2. Cor. 4:4), and the "Ruler of the Powers of
Darkness" (Eph. 6:11-12), and whose position is so exalted
that even Michael the Archangel dare not insult him (Jude
9), and while he has great power and influence, yet he is
not omnipotent, for ONE Angel and he is not called a strong
angel, is able to seize and bind him. This Angel, who has
the "Key" of the "BOTTOMLESS PIT," is the same "STAR Angel"
that is seen by John when the "Fifth Trumpet" sounded (Rev.
9:1-2), who seems to be the custodian of the "Key" of the
"Bottomless Pit."
The objection has been raised
to the possibility of binding a "spirit" with an IRON chain.
But the word "iron" is not used, it is simply a "great
chain," and we are told in other scriptures that "Spirit"
beings can be chained. In 2. Pet. 2:4, and Jude 6, we read
of the angels who sinned and kept not their "First Estate,"
and who are now "reserved in CHAINS," in darkness, unto the
Judgment of the Great Day (The Great "White Throne"
Judgment). What interests us most is, not the character of
the chain, but the fact that Satan can and will be bound and
confined in a place where he cannot get out for a 1000
years, and while nothing is said of the binding and
confining of his angels and other evil agents, as demons and
the "evil powers of the air," the inference is that they too
will be power-less during that period.
The Binding of Satan reveals
the fact that God can stop his evil work when He is ready,
and that without sending the armies of Heaven to do so. When
the time has come, God will empower and command a single
Angel to seize, handcuff, and imprison him, just as an
officer of the law with a warrant arrests and locks up a
criminal. Satan is not cast at this time into the "Lake of
Fire," to keep company with the "Beast" and "False Prophet,"
because God has further use for him at the end of the 1000
years for which period he is bound.
Revelation 20:4-6.
"And I saw Thrones,
and they sat upon them, and Judgment was given unto
them. "And I saw the SOULS of them that were
beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word
of God, and which had not worshipped the 'Beast,'
neither his 'Image,' neither had received his 'Mark'
upon their foreheads, or in their hands. (These are
the Tribulation Saints.) And they (the 'Throne
Sitters' and 'Tribulation Saints') lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the
dead (Wicked Dead) lived not again until the
thousand years were finished. This (the resurrection
of the 'Throne Sitters,' and 'Tribulation Saints')
is the FIRST RESURRECTION. "Blessed and holy is he
that hath part in the 'FIRST RESURRECTION': on such
the 'SECOND DEATH' hath no power, but they shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with
In this passage we meet for
the first time the expression--"THE FIRST RESURRECTION." In
1. Thess. 4:16, we read that the dead IN CHRIST shall rise
FIRST, but as no wicked are mentioned it is simply a
relative statement to show that the living Christians shall
not be caught away before the "Dead in Christ" shall be
raised. This passage speaks of two separate "Companies of
Believers" who are to be raised, each in their own order, at
the "First Resurrection."
(1). The First Company is
described by the words--"I saw Thrones, and they sat upon
them, and Judgment was given unto them." Now the only
"Company of Believers" that we see sitting on Thrones are
the "Four and Twenty Elders" of chapter 4:4-5. These as we
have seen stand for the Church, and were resurrected or
caught out before "The Tribulation," and are the "Harvest"
of which Christ and those who rose at the time of His
Resurrection were the "First Fruits." See the "Chart on ."

The Resurrections
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The Resurrections and Judgments
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(2). The Second Company is
described by the words--"And I saw the SOULS of them that
were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of
God, and which had not worshipped the 'Beast,' neither his
'Image,' neither had received his 'Mark' upon their
foreheads, or in their hands." This Company is made up of
those who were slain for refusing to worship the "Beast" or
his "Image," and represent the "Tribulation Saints," or
those who perish as martyrs after the Church has been caught
out, and during the "Tribulation Period," and are the
"Gleanings" of the "Harvest."
Now we read that these Two
Companies "lived," that is, they were dead but lived again,
that is, had been raised from the dead, for John saw the
Tribulation Saints in their disembodied or SOULISH state
between death and the resurrection of the body. This clearly
teaches that both these Companies were resurrected and lived
and were to reign with Christ for a 1000 YEARS, and not that
only the Tribulation Saints lived and would reign with Him
during the 1000 Years. Thus both Companies make up the FIRST
In the next verse (5) we have
another class or Company of per-sons mentioned, called the
"REST OF THE DEAD," who are not to live again (that is,
raised from the dead) until the 1000 Years are finished. Who
these dead are we are told in verse 12, where they are
referred to as the "WICKED DEAD." It is clear then that
there are to be TWO Resurrections of the dead, the first of
the "RIGHTEOUS," and the second of the "WICKED," and that
these two Resurrections are to be 1000 YEARS APART.
But some object to the
statement that there are to be Two Resurrections, and say
that we are not justified in basing such a doctrine on a
single statement in a symbolical book. But if we are to
reject the statements of the Word of God simply because they
are mentioned only once, then we must reject the doctrine of
the "Virgin Birth," for that was only mentioned once in the
Old Testament before it was fulfilled, but of the
resurrection of the "Righteous" a 1000 years before the
"Wicked" we are told in this Book of Revelation three times.
But we do not have to depend
on this passage to prove that the "Righteous" shall rise
before the "Wicked," its value lies in the fact that it
gives us the LENGTH OF TIME (1000 years) between the Two
Resurrections. The Scriptures, while they speak of the
Resurrection of the "JUST" and the "UNJUST" (the Justified
and the Unjustified), Acts 24:15, and a Resurrection of
"LIFE," and a Resurrection of "DAMNATION" (John 5:28-29),
also speak of an "OUT" Resurrection "FROM AMONG" the dead,
called in Luke 14:13-14, the Resurrection of the "JUST." In
Luke 20:35-36 a Resurrection is spoken of called a
Resurrection "FROM (out from) THE DEAD," and is an "OUT"
Resurrection, because those who rise are called the
"CHILDREN OF GOD," being the children of "THE (First or "out
from") RESURRECTION." Again in Heb. 11:35, we read of a
"BETTER RESURRECTION," and all these references to a
"SPECIAL" Resurrection are made clear, and the "time
element" and its "length" (1000 years) between the
Resurrection of the "JUST" and "UNJUST" revealed in the
passage we are considering.
There could be no statement
"Unrighteous Dead" will not be raised until the end of the
Millennium. This at one stroke does away with the argument
of those who claim that all the dead will be raised at the
beginning of the Millennium, and shall have another chance
to accept the Gospel and be saved.
We read--"Blessed and holy is
he that hath part in the 'FIRST Resurrection'; on such the
'SECOND DEATH' hath no power." What is the "SECOND DEATH"?
First, what is DEATH? It is the separation of the "soul" and
"spirit" from the "body." That is the "FIRST DEATH." At the
Resurrection the "soul" and "spirit" are reunited to the
"body." This is true of both the Righteous and the Wicked.
But the Wicked after they have been raised are to be Judged
at the Great White Throne Judgment, and because their names
are not found written in the "Book of Life," they are
sentenced to die again, that is, their "soul" and "spirit"
are again separated from their "body," and they go to the
"LAKE OF FIRE" without a material body, and as "soul" and
"spirit" are incombustible they can remain in the flames of
a literal fire for all eternity without being consumed.
This is the doom of the
Wicked dead. The Rich Man in Hell (Luke 16:19-31) was
conscious and tormented in the flame after his death, and he
shall remain so until his body shall be raised from the dead
at the Resurrection of the Wicked, and when he shall be
Judged and condemned at the Great White Throne Judgment, and
sentenced to die again, his "soul" and "spirit" will descend
to the "Lake of Fire" (the Final Hell), where they will
exist in a conscious state and in torment for all eternity.
But the "Second Death" has no terror for the Righteous, for
the promise is that it shall have no power over them.