The Four Wild Beasts
“In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had
a ‘Dream’ and ‘Visions’ of his head upon his bed: then he
wrote the ‘Dream,’ and told the sum of the matters.” Verse
1. |
This chapter, chronologically, should precede chapters five
and six, but chronological order has been disregarded so as
to keep the “Historical” part of the Book separate from the
“Prophetical.” We now enter upon the second, or
“Prophetical,” part of the Book. The opening words of this
chapter take us back to the first year of Belshazzar’s
reign, the date of which is uncertain. In all probability he
was not associated with his father as King of Babylon over
three years, and as he was slain in B. C. 538, the first
year of his reign would have been the year B. C. 541, at
which time Daniel would have been about eighty-five years
old. -The date then of the Visions of this chapter must have
been sixty-two years after Nebuchadnezzar had his “Dream” of
the “Golden Headed Image.” During the “Years of Silence,”
from the death of Nebuchadnezzar (B. C. 561), to the “Fall
of Babylon” (B. C. 538), a period of twenty-three years,
Daniel appears to have lived a retired life. How blessed
must have been those years of rest and communion with God.
They were largely spent in the study of the writings of
Moses, and such of the Psalms and Prophets as were then in
existence. This is clear from his reference to the “books”
in Dan. 9:2. It was during those quiet years, while Daniel
was seeking more light from the Scriptures as to the “Times
of the Gentiles,” and their relation to his own people, the
Jews, that he had this “Vision” of the “Four Wild Beasts.”
It is a noteworthy fact that the Apocalyptic writers of the
Old and New Testaments, Daniel and John, were old men when
they received their “Revelations” from God. They were also
both “greatly beloved” of the Lord, and it was because of
their faithfulness that they received these “Revelations.”
This chapter records “Three Visions” that Daniel had.
1. The Vision of the “Four Wild Beasts.”
2. The Vision of a “Judgment Scene.”
3. The Vision of the “Son of Man Receiving the Kingdom.” |
The fact that these “Visions” are interwoven implies that
they were all three seen on the same occasion.
“Daniel spake and said, I saw in my ‘Vision’ by night, and,
behold, the ‘Four Winds’ of the heaven strove upon the
‘Great Sea.’ And FOUR GREAT BEASTS came up from the sea,
diverse one from another.” Verses 2-3. |
The scene of this “Vision” was on the shore of the “Great
Sea.” This is an important statement. For in the Old
Testament the term “Great Sea” stands for the Mediterranean
Sea, and this locates the geographical position of the
Nations symbolized by the “Four Wild Beasts.” For while the
“Babylonian” and “Medo- Persian” Empires were not located on
the Mediterranean Sea, as were the “Grecian” and “Roman”
Empires, they were greatly indebted for their wealth and
power to their Mediterranean coast land which they had
conquered. And as more and more of this coast land was
absorbed as the “Grecian” and “Roman” Empires came into
existence, the “Prophetic Earth,” including “Palestine” as a
centre, became the boundary of the Mediterranean Sea, and
the “Great Sea” became little more than a “Roman Lake”
within the Roman Empire.
In the “raging waves” we have a symbol of the unrest and
tumult of the nations, for the “sea” in the Scriptures is a
type of the nations. “The waters which thou sawest ... are
peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Rev.
17:15. “Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a
noise like the NOISE OF THE SEAS, and to the rushing of
nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty
WATERS.” Isa. 17:12-13. But the sea is never thrown into a
commotion of itself. Its disturbance is caused by some
outside force, as a hurricane or an earthquake. So the
nations are never thrown into discord only from without.
These outside influences are spoken of in the “Vision” as
the “Four Winds of Heaven.” The number four points out the
direction of the winds as coming from the four points of the
Compass, and denotes their universality. These “Winds”
represent the “POWERS OF THE AIR,” the forces of the “Evil
One,” of whom the Apostle says –
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood (that is, human
.beings ), but against ‘PRINCIPALITIES,’ against ‘POWERS,’
6:12. |
We are to understand then by the “Four Winds of Heaven,” the
“Evil Powers” of the air that Satan uses to cause unrest
among the nations of the earth. And as the closing days of
this Dispensation draw near, and Palestine is repeopled by
the Jews, the nations that centre around it will be more and
more thrown into commotion, as Satan in his last great
effort to checkmate the plans of God will bring into play
all the “Evil Forces” of the air.
We are now ready to study the meaning of the “Four Beasts”
that Daniel saw in his “Vision.” As we proceed we shall find
that they correspond with the “Four Metals” of the “Image”
that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his “Dream.” Why, you ask, should
there be a repetition of the same revelation? The answer is,
that men and God see the nations from a different
standpoint. Man sees in them the concentration of wealth,
majesty, and power, as seen in the “Golden Headed Image.”
ONE ANOTHER. He sees them as bestial in character, and as
maintaining their supremacy by brute force. The Lion
devours, the Bear crushes, the Leopard springs upon its
victim and sucks its blood, and the character of the “Fourth
Wild Beast” is such that there is no beast in nature to
which it can be compared. Unconsciously the nations affirm
their beastly character by their national emblems, as the
British Lion, the Russian Bear, the American Eagle, the
Chinese Dragon, the Persian Ram, the Macedonian Goat, etc.
Then this Vision of the “Wild Beasts” was given to Daniel
that he might have additional light on the “Times of the
Gentiles.” Light that God vas not willing to give to a
heathen king like Nebuchadnezzar, nor even ready at that
time to give to his servant Daniel.
“The first was like a LION, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld
till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up
from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a
man’s heart was given to it.” Verse 4.
The “First Beast” that Daniel saw emerge from the seething
foam of the “Great Sea” was like a LION, with this
difference, it had wings like those of an Eagle. Its
appearance would recall to Daniel the colossal figures of
lions, with the wings of an eagle, and the face of a man,
that adorned the palaces of Nineveh and Babylon, and would
suggest to him that the “First Beast” was a symbol of the
Babylonian Empire, and its first king, Nebuchadnezzar, and
that it corresponded to the “Head of Gold” of the “Image.”
In this “Eagle Winged Lion” we see a combination of the
“King of Beasts” and the “King of Birds,” typical of the
“Absolute Monarchy” of Nebuchadnezzar, and his conquering
flight over the nations. But as Daniel gazed upon the
“Beast” its wings were plucked. That is, Nebuchadnezzar
satisfied with his conquests gave himself up to building
palaces, and to the pursuits of peace, and from that time
the glory of the Empire began to wane. Then Daniel saw it
lifted up and caused to walk on two feet, instead of four,
like a man, and a man’s heart was given it, ‘but otherwise
it was still a beast. That is, it no longer resorted to the
use of its teeth and claws to overcome its enemies, but to
its intellect. The plucking of the wings may also refer to
the insanity of Nebuchadnezzar, and the standing on two feet
like a man, and the receiving of a man’s heart, to his
recovery from his beastly state, and his humane conduct
“And behold another beast, a second, like a BEAR, and it
raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the
mouth of it between the teeth of it; and they (the heavenly
Watchers, verse 16) said thus unto it – ARISE, DEVOUR MUCH
FLESH,” Verse 5. |
The “Second Beast” was like a BEAR. The Bear is the
strongest beast after the Lion, and is distinguished for its
voracity, hut it has none of the agility and majesty of the
Lion, is awkward in its movements, and effects its purpose
with comparative slowness, and by brute force and sheer
strength. These were characteristics of the Medo-Persian
Empire. It was ponderous in its movements, and gained its
victories by hurling vast masses of troops upon its enemies.
Xerxes’ expedition against Greece was undertaken with
2,500,000 fighting men. It is easy to be seen that the
movements of such enormous bodies of men would “devour much
flesh.” Not merely in the shape of food, but by death by
exposure and disease, and in battle. The side of the “Bear”
which raised up, preparatory to attack, represented Persia,
which of the Dual Empire was the stronger and the most
aggressive. It corresponded to the “right shoulder and arm”
of the “Image.” The “Three Ribs” stood for the three
Kingdoms of Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt, that formed a “Triple
Alliance” to check the Medo-Persian power, but were
destroyed by it. As the “Bear” is an inferior animal to the
“Lion,” we see that the Medo-Persian Empire was inferior to
the Babylonian. Not however in power, but in wealth and
magnificence, and in its form of government. Thus the “Four
Wild Beasts” correspond with the “Metals” of the “Image,” in
that each succeeding “Beast” is inferior to the one that
preceded it.
“After this I beheld, and 10 another (Beast), like a
LEOPARD, which had upon the back of it four wings of a FOWL;
the breast had also four heads; and dominion was given to
it.” Verse 6. |
The “Third Beast” was like a LEOPARD, with this difference,
that it had “Four Heads” and “Four Wings.” The Leopard is
the most agile and graceful of wild beasts. Slight in its
frame, but strong, swift, and fierce, its characteristics
render it a fitting symbol of the rapid conquests of the
Greeks under Alexander the Great, who, followed by small but
well-equipped and splendidly brave armies, moved with great
celerity and in about ten years overthrew the unwieldy
forces of Persia, and subdued the whole civilized world.
While the “Four Wings of a Fowl” would add to the rapidity
of its progress, they were only the wings of a “fowl,” and
not those of an “Eagle,” indicating that its progress,
though swift, would not be as royally victorious as the
armies of Nebuchadnezzar. Why only four wings, when “Four
Heads” call for eight wings, we do not know, unless the
“Four Wings” were intended to devote the “four quarters” of
the earth into which Alexander sought to extend his Empire.
The “Four Heads” represent the “Four Kingdoms” into which
the Empire of Alexander was divided, namely, Thrace,
Macedonia, Syria, and Egypt. While Daniel, following out the
correspondence between the “Beasts” and the “Image,” would
see that the “Leopard” corresponded to the Abdomen and Thigh
Parts” (Hips) of the “Image,” he must have been confused by
the “Four Heads” of the Leopard, for there was no “Fourfold
Division” of the lower part of the “Brass” of the Image,
indicating that the “Grecian Empire” was to be divided into
four parts. Thus we read that the “Visions of his Head”
troubled him (verse 15), and his countenance was changed by
his “cogitations.” Verse 28. Daniel had to wait two years
longer, until his Vision of the “Ram and the He- Goat,” for
a solution of his difficulty. See the exposition of chapter
eight. .
“After this I saw in the ‘Night Visions.’ and behold a
FOURTH BEAST, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly;
and it had great IRON TEETH; it devoured and brake in
pieces, and stamped the residue (the three previous Beasts)
with the feet of it: and it was DIVERSE from all the Beasts
that were before it; and it had TEN HORNS. I considered the
‘Horns,’ and, behold, there came up among them another
‘LITTLE HORN,’ before whom there were three of the ‘First
Horns’ plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this ‘HORN’
(the Little Horn, Antichrist) were eyes like the eyes of a
man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Verses 7-8. |
The words, “After this,” do not imply that the Vision of the
“Fourth Wild Beast” was separate as to time from the Vision
of the three preceding Beasts, for the Vision of the “Third
Beast” begins with the same words. The fact is, as stated in
verse 4, that Daniel saw the “Four Beasts” emerge from the
“Sea,” not all at once, but one after the other, and that
their separate appearances constituted but one Vision. This
view seems correct. Otherwise the correspondence between the
“Four Wild Beasts,” and the “Four Metals” of the “Image”
would not harmonize, for Nebuchadnezzar did not have two
separate Visions of the “Image,” seeing only half of it, the
“Gold,” “Silver,” and “Brass” in one Vision, and the other
half, the “Iron,” in another, and later Vision.
The “Fourth Beast” was like no other beast that had ever
been seen on the earth. It was hideous to behold, and had,
what no natural beast has, teeth of iron, and nails of
brass. Verse 19. The fact that the “Fourth Beast” had IRON
TEETH and TEN HORNS would cause Daniel to see that the “Iron
Teeth” corresponded to the “Iron Legs” of the “Image,” and
the “Ten Horns” to the “Ten Toes,” and therefore the “Fourth
Beast” represented the ROMAN EMPIRE. But what mystified
Daniel was the “LITTLE HORN” that sprang up amid the “Ten
Horns,” for he had not seen a “LITTLE TOE” spring up among
the “Ten Toes” of the “Image.” Daniel at once saw that the
“LITTLE HORN,” with its “eyes of a man” and its “mouth
speaking great things,” meant some new and additional
revelation that God did not see fit to reveal on the “Image”
to Nebuchadnezzar. and that was reserved for Daniel and his
people, for we must not forget that Daniel’s own “Visions”
in the last six chapters of the Book have to do with God’s
dealings with the “Jewish People” in the “LATTER DAYS.” It
is well then to remember that Daniel’s “Fourth Wild Beast”
is descriptive of the Roman Empire in both its “First” and
“Last” Stages. Before Daniel could ask for an explanation of
the “Little Horn” he had another Vision.
“I beheld till the ‘Thrones’ were cast down, and the
‘ANCIENT OF DAYS’ did sit, whose garment was white as snow,
and the hair of His head like the pure wool: His Throne was
like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire. A
fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand
thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten
thousand stood before Him: the Judgment was set, and the
books were opened. I beheld then, because of the voice of
the great words which the ‘HORN’ (Little Horn) spake: I
beheld even till the ‘BEAST’ (the Fourth Wild Beast) was
slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning
flame. As concerning the rest of the ‘Beasts,’ they had
their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged
for a season and time.” Verses 9-12. |
The introduction here of a “Judgment Scene,” and a Vision of
Christ “Receiving the Kingdom,” was for the purpose of
revealing to Daniel the Judgment that shall fall on the
“Gentile Nations,” and the manner in which Christ shall
receive the Kingdom. This was information not imparted in
Nebuchadnezzar’s “Dream Vision” of the “Golden Headed
Image,” and helped Daniel to fill out God’s Program as to
the Gentile Nations. Thus step by step Daniel was receiving
light as to the things that should come to pass in the
“Latter Times,” or the “TIME OF THE END.” Not the “end of
time,” but the end of this present Dispensation.
This “Judgment Scene” is not the “Great White Throne
Judgment” of Rev. 20:11-15, that takes place at the close of
the Millennium. Neither is it the “Judgment Seat of Christ”
that is pictured. 2 Cor. 5:10. 1 Cor. 3:11-15, That Judgment
takes place before the Millennium, and soon after the Church
has been “caught out.” This “Judgment Scene” is that of the
“Gentile Nations” as represented by the “Four Wild Beasts,”
for as the outcome of the “ judgment” Daniel saw the
“BEAST,” the “Fourth Wild Beast,” the Roman Empire (not the
“Little Horn,” it is not called a “Beast” in Daniel), slain
and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame. This
is figurative language describing the destruction of the
Roman Empire. The “Little Horn,” called by John “THE BEAST”
(Rev. 13:1-8), is not slain, as is the “Beast” of Daniel,
but is cast ALIVE into the “Lake of Fire.” Rev. 19:20. While
the “Fourth Wild Beast,” the Roman Empire, will be destroyed
as the result of this Judgment, the other “Beasts,” the
“Lion,” the “Bear,” and the “Leopard,” representing
respectively the Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, and the
Grecian Empires, simply have their dominion taken away, but
their lives are prolonged for a season and a time. It is
worthy of note right here, that the Persian and Grecian
Kingdoms have been revived. Why not the Babylonian when
Babylon is rebuilt?
It is well to recall that there is a “Dispensation of
Judgment” between the Present Dispensation, and the
Millennium, during which there shall be three judgments. (1)
The “Judgment of Believers for their Works” at the “Judgment
Seat of Christ.” 2 Cor. 5 :10. (2) The “Judgment of the
Jews” during “The Great Tribulation.” The Jews are an
earthly people, and as all promises to them are earthly, it
follows that their Judgment must be of an earthly character,
and it is called by Jeremiah and Daniel as the time of
“JACOB’S TROUBLE.” Jer. 30:4-7. Dan. 12:1. Christ calls it
“THE GREAT TRIBULATION.” Matt. 24:21-31. The result of this
Judgment will be the conversion of the Jews. (3) The
“Judgment of Nations.” Matt. 25:31-46. This is a Judgment of
the Nations after Christ’s return to the earth. It will take
place in the “Valley of Jehoshaphat” (Joel 3:1-2), and its
purpose will be to separate the “Sheep” and “Goat” Nations,
so that the “Sheep” Nations may enter into the “Kingdom
prepared for them from the Foundation of the World,” which
is the Millennium, or “Stone Kingdom” of Christ. The “Goat”
Nations, as nations, will ‘be destroyed.*[*See the Chart of
the Judgments in the Author’s book on “Rightly Dividing the
Word.”] From this we see that the “Judgment Scene” that
Daniel saw in his “Second Vision” is a general description
covering the whole “Dispensation of Judgment” period.
The statement – “I beheld till the THRONES WERE CAST DOWN”
(verse 9) may refer to the “Thrones” of the “Ten Kings” that
shall be reigning with the “Little Horn” at the time of’
this Judgment. Or they may refer, as the writer thinks more
probable, to the “Thrones” of the “EVIL POWERS OF THE AIR.”
For we know that at the time of this Judgment, the “DRAGON”
(Satan), with all the “Principalities” of the Air, will be
cast out of the Heavenlies, and thus their “Thrones” will be
cast down. Eph. 6:12. Rev. 12:7-9.
Who is it that sits upon this “Throne of Judgment?” He is
called the “ANCIENT OF DAYS.” Who is the “ANCIENT OF DAYS?”
He can be no other than the “SON OF MAN,” “For the FATHER
judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the
SON.” John 5:22. Then the description of Him corresponds to
that of the “Son of Man” in Rev. 1:12-15, “whose Head and
Hairs were white like wool, as white as snow: and His Eyes
were as a flame of fire; and His Feet like unto fine brass,
as if they burned in a furnace; and His Voice as the sound
of many waters.” The picture of the “Son of Man” in
Revelation, chapter one, is that of Christ as JUDGE, not as
High Priest. At that time Christ will have completed His
High Priestly Office, and assumed the Office of “JUDGE,”
preparatory to His entering upon His “Kingly” duties when
the Millennial Kingdom is set up. This is seen in that He is
not girdled around the waist like a Priest, but wears a sash
over His shoulder and breast like a Judge, and His hair of
“White Wool” corresponds to the “Snow White Wig” worn by
English Judges.
“I saw in the night visions, behold, one like the ‘SON OF
MAN’ came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the
‘ANCIENT OF DAYS: and they brought him near before Him. And
there was given him dominion, and glory, and a KINGDOM, that
all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him: his
Dominion is an EVERLASTING DOMINION, which shall not pass
away, and his KINGDOM that which shall not be destroyed.”
Verses 13-14. |
We are met here with an apparent contradiction in titles. We
learned in the preceding “Vision” that the “Son of Man” was
the “ANCIENT OF DAYS,” here we are told that the FATHER is.
How can we reconcile these statements? There is but one way,
and that is that the “Title” is used interchangeably. Jesus
said-“I and my Father are ONE.” John 10:30. And Paul
says-“And without controversy great is the ‘Mystery of
Godliness:’ God was MANIFEST IN THE FLESH.” 1 Tim. 3:16. And
John tells us– “In the beginning was the WORD (Christ), and
the WORD was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD.” John 1:1. Thus
we see, that, without trying to explain the Mystery of the
Trinity, God and the Son of Man are one and the same, and
therefore their “Titles” can be used interchangeably. Now we
know from other Scripture that Christ is to receive the
Kingdom from the FATHER. Hence in this “Vision,” the
“Ancient of Days” must represent GOD THE FATHER. When Pilate
asked Jesus – “Art Thou the KING of the Jews?” He evaded the
question by saying-“ My Kingdom is not of this world.” That
is, it would be given to Him by God the Father, and
therefore would be from Heaven. John 18:33-37. In Luke
19:11-12 we read –
“Because He was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought
that the ‘Kingdom of God’ should IMMEDIATELY appear; He
spake this Parable. A certain nobleman went into a far
country to receive for himself a KINGDOM, and to return.” |
From this we see that Jesus is the “Certain Nobleman” who
has gone into a “Far Country” (Heaven) to receive THE
KINGDOM, and that, when He has received it, He will return.
That He has not as yet received it is evidenced by the fact
that He has not as yet returned. The time for receiving the
Kingdom, as shown by this Vision, is still future, and is
given by John in Rev. 11:15.
“And the Seventh Angel sounded; and there were great voices
in Heaven, saying. The Kingdoms of THIS WORLD are become the
This passage locates the time when Christ shall receive the
Kingdom as being when the “Seventh Trumpet” shall sound.
which locates it as near the Middle of Daniel’s “Seventieth
Week.” Thus Daniel and Revelation are in agreement.
The effect of these “Three Visions” on Daniel was a troubled
“I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body,
and the ‘Visions’ of my head troubled me.” Verse 15. |
Daniel knew from the “Dream Vision” of Nebuchadnezzar of the
“Golden Headed Image” that there were to be “Four Great
World-wide Empires” to succeed each other before the “Times
of the Gentiles” would end. He also knew that the first one,
the Babylonian, was still in existence, with no signs at
that time of a speedy ending, and if the three Empires to
follow should each last as long, the end of the “Times of
the Gentiles” was a long way off; which meant that the
setting up of the “Stone” or “Messianic Kingdom” was that
far away. But what troubled him the most was the character
of the “Four Wild Beasts,” and the meaning of the “Little
Horn.” So he says –
“I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him
the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the
interpretation of the things.” Verse 16. |
The “Bystander” that Daniel approached was no human being,
for Daniel was still in the “Vision State,” and no human
being could have revealed to him the meaning of the Visions.
It was some celestial messenger, like those sent to him
later, who was waiting to interpret the Visions.
“These great Beasts, which are four, are four Kings (or
Kingdoms), which shall arise out of the earth. But the
‘Saints of the Most High’ shall take the Kingdom, and
possess the Kingdom forever, even forever and ever.” Verses
The “Heavenly Bystander” informed Daniel that the “Four Wild
Beasts” represented “Four Kings,” or Kingdoms, which should
rise in the earth, thus identifying them with the Four
Kingdoms represented by the Metals of the “Image,” and that
their power would be wrested from them by the “Saints of the
Most High,” whose Kingdom should last forever. Who are these
“Saints of the Most High?” They are not the “Saints of the
Church,” for the “Saints of the Church” are “caught out”
before the “Little Horn” makes “War with the Saints.” Verse
21. And as the location of that “War” is on the earth, and
the time is during the reign of the “Little Horn,” and is
distinctly given as three and one-half years (verse 25), the
“Saints of the Most High” must be Daniel’s people the Jews.
For the “Most High” is the “Son of Man,” the Messiah of the
Jews, and they therefore are His Saints of the “End Time,”
who shall with Him take the Kingdom. Verse 22. This is
further confirmed in verse 27, where it says –
“And the Kingdom, and Dominion, and the greatness of the
Kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the People
of the ‘Saints of the Most High,’ Whose (the Most High)
Kingdom is an ‘Everlasting Kingdom,’ and all ‘Dominions’
shall serve and obey Him.” |
Now the “People” of the “Saints of the Most High” are the
Jews, for they are to be. the “Head” of the Nations during
the Millennium (Deu. 28:13), and the “Saints of the Most
High” are the “God-fearing Jews” that shall escape
destruction by the “Little Horn” during the “Great
The reply of the “Heavenly Bystander” was not full enough
for Daniel. It did not explain the meaning of the “Fourth
Wild Beast,” and of the “Little Horn” who was to make war on
the “Saints of the Most High,” Daniel’s people. It was the
conduct of the “Little Horn” that perplexed and troubled
“Then I would know the truth of the ‘Fourth Beast,’ which
was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose
teeth were of IRON, and his nails of BRASS; which devoured,
brake 111 pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; and
of the TEN HORNS that were in his head, and of the other
(Horn) which came up, and before whom three fell; even of
that ‘HORN’ that had EYES, and a MOUTH that spake very great
things, and whose LOOK was more stout than his fellows.”
Verses 19-20. |
Here Daniel records what he did not mention in his first
description of the “Fourth Wild Beast:”
“I beheld, and the same HORN (the Little Horn) made war with
the Saints, and prevailed against them; until the ‘Ancient
of Days’ came, and judgment was given to the ‘Saints of the
Most High;’ and the time came that the Saints possessed the
Kingdom.” Verses 21-22. |
This additional description of his Vision of the “Fourth
Wild Beast” helps the explanation of the “Heavenly
“The ‘Fourth Beast’ shall be the ‘Fourth Kingdom’ upon
earth, which shall be diverse from all Kingdoms, and shall
devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break
it in pieces. And the ‘Ten Horns’ out of this Kingdom are
‘Ten Kings’ that shall arise: and another (King) shall rise
after them: and HE shall be diverse from the first (Kings),
and HE shall subdue Three Kings. And HE shall speak great
words against the ‘MOST HIGH,’ and shall wear out the
‘Saints of the Most High,’ and think to change ‘Times’ and
‘Laws:’ and they shall be given into his hand until a ‘Time
and Times and the Dividing of Time’ (three and one-half
years). But the Judgment (verses 9-12) shall sit, and they
shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it
unto the end. And the Kingdom and Dominion. and the
greatness of the Kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be
given to the PEOPLE of the ‘Saints of the Most High,’ whose
(the Most High) Kingdom is an ‘Everlasting Kingdom,’ and all
Dominions shall serve and obey HIM.” Verses 23-27. |
There are two “Figures” in this Interpretation that demand
our attention. The first is the “Beast,” and the second is
the “Little Horn.” We must distinguish between them.
The “Little Horn” of Dan. 7 shall “think to change Times and
Laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a ‘Time’
and ‘Times’ and the ‘Dividing of Time’ ” (or three and
one-half years). Dan. 7:25. The Rabbis understood by “Times”
and “Laws,” the Hebrew Sabbaths and Festivals, and the Law
(Levitical) which regulated them. Now as these “Times” and
“Laws” will be re-established when the Jews return to their
own land and rebuild the Temple, they will be in force when
the Antichrist (the Little Horn) shall make a Covenant with
them for “One Week,” or “Seven Years.” But in the “Middle of
the Week” the Antichrist will break the Covenant (Dan.
9:27), and substitute the worship of himself for the worship
of Jehovah, thus causing the Jewish “sacrifices and
oblations to cease,” and in his desire to annihilate all
Jewish institutions he will think to change all Jewish
“Times” and “Laws,” and this he will do for the remainder of
the “Week,” or for three and one-half years.
The “iron teeth” of this “Fourth Beast” identifies it with
the “Iron Legs” of the “Image,” or as we have seen, with the
Roman Empire in its past stage. The “Ten Horns” correspond
to the “Ten Toes” of the “Image,” or the last stage of the
Roman Empire. So we see that this “NONDESCRIPT BEAST”
represents the Roman Empire in its first and last stages,
but does not reveal what happens between the two stages. Now
as the Book of Revelation gives us, in chapters 6 to 19
inclusive, the details of what is to happen during Daniel’s
“Seventieth Week,” the period covered by the “Toes” of the
“Image,” and that is represented on Daniel’s “Fourth Wild
Beast” by the “Ten Horns,” we must turn to the Book of
Revelation to get further light as to the “Beast,” and the
“Little Horn.” Let us compare “Daniel’s Beast,” and “John’s
“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a FOURTH
BEAST, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it
had great iron teeth; it devoured and brake in pieces, and
stamped the residue (the 3 preceding Beasts) with the feet
of it; and it was diverse from all the Beasts that were
before it; and it had TEN HORNS. I considered the HORNS,
and, behold, there came up among them another LITTLE HORN,
before whom there were THREE of the FIRST HORNS plucked up
by the roots; and, behold, in THIS HORN were eyes like the
eyes of a MAN, and a mouth speaking great things.” Dan.
“Thus he said, the FOURTH BEAST shall be the FOURTH KINGDOM
upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and
shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and
break it in pieces. And the TEN HORNS out of this Kingdom
are TEN KINGS that shall arise; and another (King) shall
rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and
he shall subdue THREE KINGS. And he shall speak great words
against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the
Most High, and think to change times and laws; and they
shall be given into his hand until a TIME and TIMES and the
DIVIDING OF TIME.” Dan. 7:23-25. |
“I saw a BEAST rise up out of the SEA, having SEVEN HEADS
and TEN HORNS, and upon his horns TEN CROWNS, and upon his
heads the NAMES OF BLASPHEMY. And the BEAST which I saw was
like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a
BEAR, and his mouth as the mouth of a LION; and the Dragon
gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I
saw one of his HEADS as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed; and all the world wondered after
the BEAST.... And there was given unto him a mouth speaking
great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him
to continue FORTY AND TWO MONTHS. And he opened his mouth in
blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name, and His
Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given
unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them;
and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and
nations.” Rev. 13:1-7. |
In comparing these two “BEASTS” we find that they both come
up out of the “Sea.” As “Daniel’s Beast” came up out of the
“Great Sea” (the Mediterranean) (Dan. 7:2), and John was a
prisoner on the Isle of Patmos when he had his Vision, an
island of the same sea, both “Beasts” came from the same
locality. Both of these “Beasts” were utterly unlike any
beasts we have ever heard of. “Daniel’s Beast” was dreadful
and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great IRON
teeth, and nails of BRASS; while “John’s Beast” was like a
LEOPARD, with the feet of a BEAR, and the mouth of a LION.
As “Daniel’s Beast” represented the “Fourth Kingdom,” the
Roman Empire, it is evident that its characteristics, as
given above, describe the Old Roman Empire, while the
characteristics of “John’s Beast” describe the Future Roman
Empire. We know that the Old Roman Empire was “strong
exceedingly” and its grip and power were like a beast with
“great iron teeth” and “claws of brass;” and from the
description of “John’s Beast” we learn that the Future Roman
Empire shall embody all the characteristics of the “Four
World Empires,” as seen in its LEOPARD-like body, its feet
of a BEAR, and its mouth of a LION. And as the body of an
animal is the largest part of it, the “Leopard,” or Grecian
character of the “Beast,” will probably preponderate. That
both “Beasts” have “TEN HORNS” reveals the fact that they
will both be in existence at the time indicated by the “TEN
TOES” of the “Image,” which will be just before the setting
up of the “Stone,” or “Millennial Kingdom of Christ.” We are
told that the “Ten Horns” of “Daniel’s Beast” stand for “TEN
KINGS,” and the “Ten Horns” of “John’s Beast” stand for the
same. Rev. 17:12. From this we see that both Daniel and John
foresaw that the Roman Empire was to be eventually divided
into “Ten Federated Kingdoms.”
While both “Beasts” have “Ten Horns,” they differ in that
John’s has “SEVEN HEADS,” while Daniel’s had but “ONE,” and
among the “Ten Horns” on “Daniel’s Beast” there came up a
“LITTLE HORN,” which is not seen amid the “Ten Horns” of
“John’s Beast.” These, as we shall see, are features that
refer to the “Last Stage” of the “Beast,” and show that we
cannot understand the “Last Stage” of the Beast without
carefully comparing Daniel’s and John’s “Beasts,” for the
“LITTLE HORN” of “Daniel’s Beast” plucks up three of the
“Ten Horns” and destroys them, or takes their Kingdom away,
a thing that John omits to tell us. Again the
“Antichristian” character of “Daniel’s Beast” is seen in its
“LITTLE HORN,” whose conduct corresponds with not a part,
but the whole of “John’s Beast,” and that for the same
length of time, for Daniel’s “TIME and TIMES and the
DIVIDING OF TIME” (Dan. 7:25) is equal to John’s “FORTY AND
TWO MONTHS” (Rev. 13:5), or three and one-half years. And
both Beasts make “War” on the “Saints of the Most High,” and
blaspheme His Name. From this comparison we see the
similarity of the two Beasts, and that they must be studied
together to fill out the picture.
In our study of Prophecy we lay much stress on the “Second
Coming of Christ,” forgetting that there are two other
comings of “Persons” that are just as momentous as Christ’s
Coming. The first is that of “ANTICHRIST,” and the other is
that of “SATAN.” In both the Old and New Testaments we are
told of a – “MYSTERIOUS AND TERRIBLE PERSONAGE” who shall be
revealed in the “LAST TIMES,” or the closing days of this
Dispensation. He is called by various names.
“The Assyrian.” Isa. 10:5-6; 14:24-25; 30:27-33.
“The Wicked.” Isa. 11:4.
“King of Babylon.” Isa. 14:4.
“Lucifer.” Isa. 14:12.
“King of Tyrus.” Ezek. 28:11-19.
“The Little Horn.” Dan. 7:8; 8:9-12.
“A King of Fierce Countenance.” Dan. 8:23.
“The Prince That Shall Come.” Dan. 9:26.
“The Wilful King.” Dan. 11:36. |
“The Man of Sin.” 2 Thess. 2:3-8.
“Son of Perdition.” 2 Thess. 2:3-8.
“That Wicked.” 2 Thess. 2:3-8.
“Antichrist.” 1 John 2:18.
“The Beast.” Rev. 13:1-8. |
The Prophet Isaiah sees the “Antichrist” as the “ASSYRIAN.”
Isa. 10:5-6:30:27-33. In Isa. 11:4, a chapter which is
evidently Messianic, we read that, among other things which
the Messiah will do, “He small smite the earth with the ‘rod
of His mouth,’ and with the ‘breath of His lips’ shall. He
slay ‘THE WICKED.’ ” The word translated “THE WICKED” is in
the singular number, and cannot refer to wicked persons in
general, but to some one person who is conspicuously wicked.
The expression is strikingly like that of Paul in 2 Thess.
2:8. “Then shall that ‘WICKED’ he revealed, whom the Lord
shall consume with the ‘Spirit of His Mouth,’ and shall
destroy with the ‘Brightness of His Coming.’” It is evident
that Isaiah and Paul refer to the same individual, who can
be no other than the “ANTICHRIST.” In Isa. 14:4-17 there is
a description of a “King of Babylon” who shall smite the
people in his wrath, and rule the nations in anger. He is
called “LUCIFER, Son of the Morning,” and his fall is
described. There has never as yet been such a King of
Babylon. It must therefore refer to some future King of
Babylon, when Babylon shall be rebuilt, as we have seen it
is to be. Verses 12 to 14 evidently refer to “Satan,” here
called “LUCIFER,” and are descriptive of him before his
fall, but as he is to incarnate himself in the “Antichrist”
(Rev. 13:1-2), who will be a future King of Babylon, they
explain the source of the pride and presumption of
Antichrist which will lead to his downfall, as it did to
Satan’s. The Prophet Ezekiel has a similar view of the
“Antichrist,” under the name of the “King of Tyrus.” Ezek.
28:11-19. And as the Future Roman Empire will include both
Tyrus (Tyre) and Babylon, the “Antichrist” will be both King
of Babylon and King of Tyrus.
We now come to the “LITTLE HORN” of Daniel, and as Daniel
had three Visions of him, we will have to anticipate in part
the description given of him in chapters eight and eleven.
We have already considered him in this chapter. In Dan.
8:3-12, 20-25, in the Vision of the “Ram and He-Goat,”
Daniel saw a “Great Horn” between the eyes of the “He-Goat”
broken off, and four “Notable Horns” came up in its place,
and upon one of these there appeared a “LITTLE HORN.”
“And out of one of them came forth a ‘LITTLE HORN,’ which
waxed exceeding great, toward the South (Egypt), and toward
the East (Babylonia), and toward the ‘Pleasant Land’
(Palestine) [Note From The Editor: We do not refer to
Canaan-land, or Israel, as Palestine] . And it waxed great,
even to the ‘Host of Heaven;’ and it cast down some of the
‘Host’ and of ‘Stars’ (angels) to the ground, and stamped
upon them. Yea, HE magnified himself even to the ‘Prince of
the Host,’ and by HIM (the Little Horn) the daily sacrifice
was taken away, and the place of His (the Prince of the
Host) Sanctuary was cast down.” Dan. 8:9-11. |
In his interpretation of the “LITTLE HORN,” the Angel
Gabriel said –
“In the ‘LATTER TIME’ of their Kingdom, when the
transgressors are come to the full, a King of ‘Fierce
Countenance,’ and understanding ‘Dark Sentences,’ shall
stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own
power (it shall be Satanic): and he shall destroy
wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall
destroy the mighty, and the ‘Holy People’ (the Jews). And
through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in
his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by
peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the
‘Prince of princes;’ but he shall be BROKEN WITHOUT HAND.”
Dan. 8:23-25. |
Quite a few Bible scholars claim that this “LITTLE HORN” is
not the same as the “LITTLE HORN” that arose amid the “Ten
Horns” of the “Fourth Wild Beast,” but that it represents
Antiochus Epiphanes, who, in B. C. 166, desecrated the
Temple Altar at Jerusalem by erecting an “idol altar” upon
it, and offering “swine flesh” thereon. But the description
of this “LITTLE HORN” and his conduct does not accord with
that of Antiochus Epiphanes, but does with the “LITTLE HORN”
of the “Fourth Wild Beast.” Antiochus Epiphanes never cast
down any of the “Host of Heaven,” or magnified himself
against the “Prince of the Host.” Neither did he stand up
against the “Prince of Princes” (Christ), nor was he “broken
without hand,” for he died a natural death at Tabae in B. C.
165. The Angel Gabriel distinctly states that the Vision
belongs not to the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, but to the
“TIME OF THE END.” Dan. 8:17. That is, to the end of the
“Times of the Gentiles” which is still future. And Gabriel
also added that his mission was to make known to Daniel what
shall come to pass in the “Last End of the Indignation”
(Dan. 8:19), or the “GREAT TRIBULATION.” So we see that as
the “Little Horn” of Dan. 8:9-12, 23-25, synchronizes as to
TIME (the “Time of the End”) with the “Little Horn” of the
“Fourth Wild Beast” of Dan. 7:7-8, that they both refer to
the same person – THE ANTICHRIST.
Daniel also had another “Foreview” of the “Little Horn” in
his Vision of ,the “Wilful King,” but we will not stop here
to consider it, as it will be explained in the Exposition of
chapter eleven. We now turn to –
“Let no man deceive you by any means; for ‘THAT DAY’ (the
‘Day of the Lord’) shall not come except there come a
falling away first, and that ‘MAN OF SIN’ be revealed, the
‘SON OF PERDITION,’ who opposeth and exalteth himself above
all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he AS
GOD sitteth in the Temple of God (the rebuilt Temple of
Jerusalem), showing himself that he IS GOD .... For the
‘MYSTERY OF INIQUITY’ cloth already work (in Paul’s day);
only He (the Holy Spirit) who now letteth will let
(restrain), until He be taken out of the way. And then shall
‘THAT WICKED’ be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with
the spirit (breath) of His Mouth, and shall destroy with the
brightness of His Corning. Even him, whose coming is after
the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in
them that perish; because they received not the love of the
Truth (Christ) that they might be saved. And for this cause
God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe
a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the
truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thess.
2:3-12. |
Here Paul calls the “Little Horn” of Daniel by three
different names,
The name “SON OF PERDITION” is not without significance. It
may help us to locate the origin of the “Little Horn” or
“Antichrist.” The name is used but twice in Scripture. It is
first used by Christ of “Judas” (John 17:12), and here of
“Antichrist.” In Gen. 3:15, God said to the “Serpent”
(Satan), “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between ‘THY SEED’ and ‘HER SEED.’ ” Now the Woman’s SEED
was CHRIST, then the Serpent’s SEED must be ANTICHRIST. And
as Christ was born of a “virgin” by the Holy Spirit, so
Antichrist will be born of a “woman” (not necessarily a
virgin) by Satan. This is no new view, for it has been held
by many of God’s spiritually minded children since the days
of the Apostle John, who have been looking for a man to lie
born among men who should be a “Demon Man,” upon whose
mother Satan would descend, and fill her totally, and
surround her totally, and possess her totally within and
without, so that the creature born of her would be totally
depraved. If the “Sons of God” (Angels) could take on them
the form of men, and cohabit with the “Daughters of Men” in
the days just before the Flood, and the offspring of that
union were “mighty men,” men of Satanic character, whose
wickedness brought on the Flood (Gen. 6:1-8), then-why
cannot Satan assume the form of a man and be the father, by
some woman, of the Antichrist? And could not such a person
be properly called the “SON OF PERDITION,” or of Satan? For
while “Perdition” is a PLACE (Rev. 17:8, 11), Judas and
Antichrist are the “SONS OF PERDITION” in a special sense,
for they are the SONS of the author of “Perdition”– SATAN.
In John 6:70-71, we read that Jesus said-“Have not I chosen
you Twelve, and one of you is a DEVIL? He spake of ‘Judas
Iscariot’ the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray
Him, being ope of the Twelve.” In no other passage than this
is the word “Devil” applied to anyone but to Satan himself.
Here the word is “diabolus.” The definite article is
employed, and it should read-“and one of you is THE DEVIL.”
This would make Judas the Devil incarnate, and explains why
Jesus called him the “SON OF PERDITION.” It will not do to
say that in the text he is called “the son of Simon,” for
the words “the son” are in italics, showing that they are
not in the original, and the name “Simon” is given because
he was the reputed father of Judas, while Judas might have
been the son of someone else.
The next question that arises is, “If Judas and the
Antichrist are both called the ‘SON OF PERDITION,’ are they
one and the same, or are there two ‘Sons of Perdition?’”
Here we must anticipate. Turning to Rev. 11:7, we read that
the “Beast” that slays the “Two Witnesses” ascends out of
the “Bottomless Pit” (ABYSS), and that “Beast” is the
ANTICHRIST. Now how did he get into the “ABYSS?” Well, if
there is only one “SON OF PERDITION,” and Judas and
Antichrist are one and the same, then he got in the ABYSS
when Judas went to his “Own Place” (the ABYSS). Acts 1:25.
Of no other person is it said anywhere in the Scriptures
that he went “to his own place.” Again in Rev. 17:8 it is
said – “The ‘Beast” that thou sawest was, and is not: and
shall ascend out of the ‘Bottomless Pit’ (Abyss), and go
into PERDITION.” As this “Beast” is the same that slays the
“Two Witnesses” he is the ANTICHRIST. Now there are four
things said of him. First, he “WAS.” Second, he “IS NOT.”
Third, he shall “ASCEND OUT OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT.” Fourth,
he shall “GO INTO PERDITION.” From this we learn that in
John’s day the “Beast” “Was Not,” but that he had been
before on the earth, and was to come again, that he was to
ASCEND FROM THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. This is positive proof that
the ANTICHRIST has been on the earth before, and that when
he comes in the future he will come from the “ABYSS.”
The question then arises, when was “Antichrist” on the earth
before? If Judas and Antichrist are one and the same the
enigma is solved. When Judas was on the earth, he WAS; when
Judas went to his “Own Place” he “WAS NOT;” when Judas comes
back from the “Abyss” he will be-THE ANTICHRIST. The Author
does not insist on this view of Judas and Antichrist being
correct, but with open mind he accepts it, because it seems
to be the only logical solution of both Judas and Antichrist
being called the “SON OF PERDITION.”
The Apostle Paul also calls the Antichrist the “MAN OF SIN.”
That is, all “SIN” will head up in him. The “Apostasy” will
be not merely a corruption of Christianity, but a
renunciation of it. It will be a denial of the Father and
the Son. It will be the embodiment of all “Lawlessness.” The
“Mystery of Iniquity” (Lawlessness) was secretly working in
Paul’s day. The Antichrist will not be the “cause” of
“Lawlessness,” he will be the “fruit” of it. He will arise
out of the seething cauldron of “Lawlessness” that is now
becoming so pronounced and manifest in the world, and in him
will be the consummation of all “Lawlessness.”
It now remains in tracing the “LITTLE HORN,” or Antichrist,
to compare the “Two Visions” that John had of the “BEAST.”

Rev. 13:1-7 |

Rev. 17:3, 7-17 |
“I saw a BEAST rise up out of the SEA having SEVEN HEADS and
TEN HORNS, and upon his horns TEN CROWNS, and upon his heads
the NAMES OF BLASPHEMY. And the BEAST which I saw was like
unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR, and
his mouth a. the mouth of a LION; and the Dragon gave him
his power, and his seat, arid great authority. And I saw one
of his HEADS as it were wounded to death; and his deadly
wound was healed; and all the world wondered after the
BEAST... And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great
things and blasphemies ; and power was given unto him to
continue FORTY AND TWO, MONTHS. And he opened his mouth in
blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name, and His
Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given
unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them;
and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and
“I saw a Woman sit upon a scarlet colored BEAST, full of
name. of blasphemy, having SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS... I
will tell thee the mystery of the Woman, and of the BEAST
that carried her, which hath the SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS.
The BEAST that thou sawest WAS, and IS NOT; and shall ascend
out of the BOTTOMLESS PIT, and go into perdition. .. The
SEVEN HEADS are SEVEN MOUNTAINS, on which the Woman sitteth.
And they are SEVEN KINGS; FIVE are fallen, and ONE is, and
the OTHER is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must
continue a short space. And the BEAST that WAS, and IS NOT,
even he is the EIGHTH, and is of the SEVEN, and goeth into
perdition. And the TEN HORNS which thou sawest are TEN
KINGS, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive
power as kings one hour with the BEAST. These have one mind,
and shall give their power and strength unto the BEAST. . .
. And the TEN HORNS which thou sawest upon the BEAST, these
shall hate the WHORE, and shall make her desolate and naked,
and shall eat her 8esh, and bum her with fire. For God hath
put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and
give their kingdom unto the BEAST, until the words of God
shall be fulfilled.” |
In the two descriptions given above it is very important to
see that the “Beast” has a “Dual” meaning. It represents
both the Revived Roman Empire, and its “Imperial Head,” the
Antichrist. As the Revived Roman Empire it is seen coming up
out of the “sea of the nations” (Rev. 13:1), as the
Antichrist it comes up out of the “ABYSS.” Rev. 11:7; 17:8.
For instance, it cannot be said of the Roman Empire of
John’s day, that it “WAS,” and “IS NOT,” for it was at the
height of its power in John’s day. Neither can it be said of
it that it shall “ascend out of the pit (ABYSS) and go into
PERDITION,” that could only be said of a person. Again we
must distinguish between the “Body” of the Beast and its
“Heads” and “Horns.” The “Body” being that of a LEOPARD,
with the feet of a BEAR, and the mouth of a LION is to show
that the Revived Roman Empire in its “Last Stage” will
include the characteristics of the first “Three Wild Beasts”
of Daniel. That is, of the LION (Babylon), the BEAR
(Medo-Persia), and the LEOPARD (Greece), and as the largest
part of the Beast, the body, is represented by the LEOPARD,
the prevailing characteristic of the Revived Roman Empire
will be GRECIAN.
The Beast that comes up out of the Sea (Rev. 13) has SEVEN
HEADS and TEN HORNS, and the “Horns” are CROWNED. This
represents the Beast, or Empire, at the height of its power,
when it will have all its “Heads,” and when the TEN KINGS,
the heads of the TEN KINGDOMS into which the Empire shall be
divided, will have been crowned. The Beast that comes up out
of the “ABYSS” also has SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS, but they
are not crowned, for the Ten Kings represented by the “Ten
Horns” have not as yet received their kingdom (Rev. 17:12).
This implies that the Beast of Rev. 17 represents the Empire
at the beginning of the “Week.” As confirmation of this view
the “WOMAN” is seen at this stage RIDING THE BEAST. For
while the “Scarlet Clothed Woman” is not seen until chapter
17, it is clear that she rides the Beast from the beginning
of the “Week,” for she represents the “PAPAL CHURCH” that
comes into power after the “Church” has been caught out.
During the wars preceding the rise of Antichrist the nations
that will then be found in the geographical limits of the
Old Roman Empire will form an “Alliance” for mutual
protection. Those nations will be ten in number, represented
by the “Ten Horns” of the Beast. No doubt the “Papal Church”
will play a prominent part in those proceedings. She will be
rewarded by restoration to Political Power, and this union
of Church and State,· in which the Church will have control,
is shown by the WOMAN RIDING THE BEAST, thus dominating it.
But when the “Ten Kings” shall receive their Kingdoms and be
Crowned, which shall be in the “Middle of the Week,” they
“shall HATE THE WHORE, and shall make her desolate and
naked, and shall eat her flesh (confiscate her wealth), and
burn her with fire.” That is, burn her churches and
cathedrals. Rev. 17:16.
While we are told in” Rev. 17:9 that the “Seven Heads” of
the Beast represent “SEVEN MOUNTAINS” (this is to identify
it with the Roman Empire), we are told in the next verse
that they (the “Seven Heads”) also represent “SEVEN KINGS”
of whom “FIVE are fallen, and ONE is, and the OTHER is not
yet come; and when he cometh he must continue a short
space.” That is, in John’s day “Five” of these Kings had
fallen, “One” was the then ruling Emperor, and the “Seventh”
was yet to come. Who are meant by the first “Five Kings”
that had fallen we do not know. They were doubtless Kings of
the Nero type. The King that was on the throne in John’s day
was Domitian, who had banished John to the Isle of Patmos.
The last, or “SEVENTH KING,” who is yet to come is
undoubtedly the ANTICHRIST. We are told in Rev. 13:3, that
one of the “Seven Heads,” or “Kings,” received a deadly
wound. Which one is not stated. The inference is that it is
the last. for the Beast has ALL of his “Heads” before one of
them is wounded. In Rev. 17:11 he is called “the Beast that
WAS, and IS NOT, even he is the ‘EIGHTH’ (Head), and is of
the ‘SEVENTH’ (Head), and goeth into PERDITION.” The only
clear explanation is that the “Seventh Head” – THE
ANTICHRIST, is the one who receives the “deadly wound,”
probably at the hand of an assassin, and who actually dies
or simulates death, and as his body is lying in state, he
rises from the dead, and thus becomes the “EIGHTH” (Head),
though he is of the “SEVENTH” (Head) revived. By this
apparent resurrection from the dead, the Antichrist imitates
the Resurrection of Christ and makes the world “WONDER AFTER
THE BEAST” (Rev. 13:3), and this will add to his prestige
and power. If this happens at the “Middle of the Week,” at
the time the Dragon is cast out of Heaven (Rev. 12:7-9), it
will account for the great change that takes place in the
Antichrist, for before receiving his “deadly wound” he was
sweet and lovable, but after his resurrection, or recovery,
he becomes “Satanic,” the result of the “Dragon” (Satan)
incarnating himself in him. It is at this time that he
breaks the “Covenant” with the Jews (Dan. 9:27), and
desecrates the rebuilt Temple at Jerusalem by setting up the
“Abomination of Desolation” (Matt. 24:15), which is an “Idol
Image” of himself – THE DESOLATOR. Rev. 13:13-15. As the
“Little Horn” of Daniel’s “Fourth Wild Beast” he will
destroy three of the “Ten Kings” and firmly establish
himself in the place of power, and as he as the “LITTLE
HORN” does not appear until after the “TEN HORNS,” or “Ten
Federated Kingdoms,” come into existence, it is clear that
the Antichrist does not form the “Federation,” but is the
outgrowth of it.
When we compare these “Foreviews,” and note the similarity
of conduct of Daniel’s “LITTLE HORN,” Paul’s “MAN OF SIN,”
and John’s “BEAST,” and that Daniel’s “LITTLE HORN” and
John’s “BEAST” are to continue for the same length of time –
“Forty and Two Months,” or three and one-h-If years, and
that Daniel’s “LITTLE HORN,” Paul’s “MAN OF SIN,” and John’s
“BEAST,” are all to be destroyed in the same manner at
Christ’s “Second Coming,” we see that they all prefigure the
same “Evil Power” which is after the “Working of Satan,” and
which John in 1 John 2:18 calls THE ANTICHRIST. In other
words, when we find in prophecy “Three Symbolic Personages”
that come upon the stage of action at the same time, occupy
the same territory, exhibit the same character, do the same
work, exist the same length of time, and meet the same fate,
they must symbolize the SAME THING.
The Antichrist, or last “Gentile Ruler,” will be a
“COMPOSITE MAN,” as seen from the description of the
“Leopard Like Beast” with its feet like a “Bear,” and its
“Lion” mouth. Rev. 13:2. He will have the combined abilities
and powers, augmented by the power that the Dragon will
confer upon him (Rev. 13:2), of Nebuchadnezzar, Xerxes,
Alexander the Great, and Caesar Augustus. He will have the
marvellous gift of attracting unregenerate men, and the
irresistible fascination of his personality, his versatile
attainments, superhuman wisdom, great administrative and
executive ability, along with his powers as a consummate
flatterer, a brilliant diplomatist, a superb strategist,
will make him the most conspicuous and prominent of men. All
these gifts will be conferred on him by Satan, whose
“Masterpiece” and TOOL he will be, thus making him
He will intoxicate men with a strong delusion and his
never-varying success. And when he shall be slain and rise
again he will have lost none of these powers, , but will be
in addition the embodiment of all kinds of wickedness and
blasphemy. There has never as yet appeared on this earth a
person who answers the description of the “Little Horn.”
Such a character is almost inconceivable. No writer would
have invented such a character. Yet the Scriptures clearly
foretell the coming of such a “Person.” The world that today
is rejecting Christ for “Eternal Salvation” will readily
accept the Antichrist unto “ETERNAL DAMNATION.” Refusing the
“Lamb,” they will receive the “BEAST.”
While Daniel did not see the “Little Horn’s” companion– THE
FALSE PROPHET, that being an additional revelation given to
John, and therefore does not belong to the Book of Daniel,
yet because many confuse the “Two Beasts” of Rev. 13,
calling the “First Beast” that comes up out of the sea the
“Political Head” of the Revived Roman Empire, and the
“Second Beast” that comes up out of the earth the
“Ecclesiastical Head” or THE ANTICHRIST, it seems necessary
that we should at this point distinguish between the two.
John thus describes the “Second Beast:”
“And I beheld another Beast coming up out of the EARTH; and
he had ‘Two Horns’ like a LAMB, and he spake as a DRAGON.
And he exerciseth all the power of the First Beast before
him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to
worship the First Beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And
he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down
from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth
them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles
which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast; saying
to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an
IMAGE TO THE BEAST, which had the wound by a sword, and did
live. And he had power to give LIFE unto the ‘Image of the
Beast,’ that the ‘Image of the Beast’ should both SPEAK, and
cause that as THE FOUR WILD BEASTS many as would not worship
the ‘Image of the Beast’ should be KILLED. And he causeth
all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a ‘MARK’ in their,’ right hand, or in their
foreheads; and that no man might BUY or SELL, save he that
had the ‘MARK,’ or the ‘NAME OF THE BEAST,’ or the ‘NUMBER
OF HIS NAME.’ Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the ‘NUMBER OF THE BEAST ;’ for it is
the ‘NUMBER OF MAN;’ and his number is SIX HUNDRED
THREESCORE AND SIX.” Rev. 13; 11-18. |
This “Second Beast,” while John does not say it was a Lamb,
had “Two Horns” like a lamb, that is, it was LAMB-LIKE, but
it spake as a DRAGON. It had a name. It is called the “FALSE
PROPHET” three times. Rev. 16; 13; 19; 20; 20; 10. Twice it
is associated with the “First Beast” (Antichrist), and once
with the “Dragon” (Satan) and the “First Beast,” and as they
are PERSONS so. must it be. The fact that the “Second Beast”
is called the “False Prophet” is proof that he is not the
Antichrist. Jesus had a foreview of him when He said-“There
shall arise ‘FALSE CHRISTS’ and ‘FALSE PROPHETS,’ and shall
show GREAT SIGNS AND WONDERS; insomuch that, if it were
possible they shall deceive the very elect.” Matt. 24:24.
Here Jesus differentiates between “False Christs” and “False
Prophets,” therefore ANTICHRIST and the FALSE PROPHET cannot
be the same.
That the “Second Beast” comes up out of the EARTH may
signify that he will be a resurrected person. If, as we have
hinted, Antichrist was Judas resurrected, why should not the
“False Prophet” also be a resurrected person? There will be
two persons , who shall come back from Heaven in those days,
the “Two Witnesses,” Moses and Elijah. Rev. 11:3-7. Why not
two persons come up from “The Underworld,” brought up by
Satan to counteract the work of the “Two Witnesses?” The
fact that both Beasts are cast ALIVE into the “Lake of Fire”
(Rev. 19:20) is further proof that they are more than
ordinary mortals, and that the “First Beast” is more than
the last Emperor of the Revived Roman Empire, he is the
ANTICHRIST. Again, the Antichrist is to be a KING, and rule
over a KINGDOM. He will accept the “Kingdoms of this World”
that Satan offered Christ, and that Christ refused. Luke
4:5-8. He will also EXALT himself, and claim to be God. 2
Thess. 2:4. But the “False Prophet” is not a King. He does
not exalt himself, he exalts the “First Beast” (Antichrist).
His relation to the “First Beast” is the same as the Holy
Spirit’s relation to Christ, which is to glorify Christ and
not himself. John 16:13-15. He causeth the earth and them
which dwell therein to worship the “First Beast.” Rev.
13:12. And as the followers of Christ are “sealed” by the
Holy Spirit until the “Day of Redemption” (Eph. 4:30), so
the followers of the “First Beast” shall be . sealed by the
“Second Beast” (the “False Prophet”) until the “Day of
Perdition.” Rev. 13; 16-17. 2 Pet. 3:7.
The “False Prophet” will be a “Miracle Worker.” While Jesus
was a “Miracle Worker,” He did all His “Mighty Works” in the
power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 10; 38. One of the miracles
that the “False Prophet” will perform will be to bring down
FIRE FROM HEAVEN. Rev. 13:13. As Moses and Elijah will be
back on the earth at that time (Rev. 11:3-12), there will
probably be a “FIRE-TEST” between Elijah and the” False
Prophet,” and the test of Mt. Carmel as to who is God,
Jehovah or Baal, will be repeated. But the test this time
will be as to whether Jehovah or Antichrist is God, and as
both Elijah and the “False Prophet” shall bring down fire,
the test will not be conclusive. The “False Prophet” will be
able to do this because he will be energized by Satan. For
Satan can bring down fire from heaven, as we know from the
Book of Job. Job 1; 16. As further proof that the “First
Beast” is the Antichrist, the “False Prophet” commands the
people to make an “IMAGE OF THE BEAST,” and worship it,
which he would not do if the “First Beast” were not the
Antichrist. The “False Prophet” will also cause all who buy
or sell to receive a “Mark,” the “BRAND OF HELL.” This
“BRAND” will be either upon the “Right Hand,” or the
“Forehead,” and will be of three kinds, the “Mark” (some
peculiar mark), or the “NAME OF THE BEAST,” or the “NUMBER
OF HIS NAME,” which is 666, the “NUMBER OF MAN.” Rev.
13:16-18. Now these several distinctions between the “First”
and “Second Beast,” and that they both come up from “The
Underworld” (Rev. 17:8; 13:11), hence cannot be slain as
mortals, but must be cast ALIVE into the “Lake of Fire”
(Rev. 19:20), differentiates them, and clearly shows that
the “False Prophet” is not the Antichrist, but that the
“First Beast” is. In other words the “False Prophet” is
introduced, without any preliminary explanation, as an
ecclesiastical companion and ‘subordinate of the “First
Beast,” having no power of his own, but only that which is
delegated to him (Rev. 13:12), and he claims no worship for
himself, but causeth all to worship the “First Beast,” and
those who will not he punishes as heretics, emphasizing his
authority by miracles and “lying wonders” so as to get the
people to accept “THE LIE.” 2 Thess. 2:8-12.
In the “Dragon,” the “Beast,” and the “False Prophet,” we
have the “SATANIC TRINITY,” Satan’s imitation of the “Divine
Trinity.” In the unseen and invisible “Dragon” we have the
FATHER (the ANTI-GOD). In the “Beast” we have the “SON OF
PERDITION” (the ANTI-CHRIST), begotten of the Dragon, who
appears on the earth, dies, and is resurrected, and to whom
is given a “Throne” by his Father the Dragon. Rev. 13:2. In
the “False Prophet” we have the “ANTI-SPIRIT,” who proceeds
from the “Dragon Father” and the “Dragon Son,” and whose
speech is like the DRAGON’S. The “Dragon” then will be the
“ANTI-GOD,” the “Beast” the “ANTI-CHRIST,” and the “False
Prophet” the “ANTI-SPIRIT,” and the fact that all three are
cast ALIVE into the “Lake of Fire” (Rev. 20:10) is proof
that they together form a “Triumvirate” which we may well